00:55:48 who is managing the official Monero Twitter account? 01:48:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gets asked once a week 03:55:28 it’s a 1/16 multisig 03:56:17 every tweet is signed by one of 16 ppl but we don’t know who 03:56:34 all we know is that they are usually excited to be tweeting 03:57:04 sometimes very excited 03:58:41 oh and the group of 16 changes for every tweet 04:01:13 I can relay a message. What’s up? 08:44:03 found this about twitter guy https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/Monero/comments/z0wpiw/if_monero_loses_to_this_garbage_this_community/ 08:52:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ` u/Mongoose7760 Nov 21 '22 08:52:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The Monero account posted a tweet at the same time and that was identical to a tweet that the CakeWallet account posted, it's obvious that one of the Cake people is now in charge of the Monero account, and I don't like it. 08:52:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ` 08:52:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> pwnd 08:54:06 @[Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup] how is Braxman Tomsparks? 08:55:44 you asked this question before 09:07:46 That would be very unfortunate. They already squat monero.com. 09:09:02 >[23:04] Note that although I have partial access to the Monero Twitter account, I am not the primary owner or maintainer of it, and the tweet I created was an exception for the circumstances 09:10:06 Is someone controlling a twitter account able to lock out others ? ie, is it a shared password or similar ? 09:10:45 Prob shared pw 09:11:37 i think any one if the users could go rogue 09:11:42 Erc also controls it? 😱 09:12:05 What? Lmao. No way? 09:12:39 He was mad about revuo being tweeted. I don't think he has login(?) 09:13:31 was just guessing 09:13:49 Prob seth, sgp, debryune, who knows. 09:13:51 another guess: scott 09:13:58 seth too 09:15:02 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/413 09:16:23 i want the password 09:16:31 metoo 09:16:58 I don't expect any privacy on facebook (nor do I use it but unfortunately my family does) but god damn... EVERY SINGLE ADULT PHOTO OF AN AUSTRALIAN FOR AI TRAINING... 09:17:12 I did not get a clear answer then 09:17:25 thank you 09:17:40 u did 09:17:50 thanks to you we can generate top tier porn at home /s 09:17:51 offtopic 09:18:36 Still wtf... 09:19:02 I mean if it's Australia its probably other countries too... 09:19:18 How can they collect every single adult photo?? I mean bruh... Exobytes of data... 09:19:23 binaryF 09:19:28 How can they collect every single adult photo?? I mean bruh... Exobytes of data... 09:20:23 wonder who are other twitter holders https://github.com/MoneroSpace/monero-space-projects/issues/9 09:20:25 How can they collect every single adult photo for AI training?? I mean bruh... Exobytes of data... 09:23:09 am i missing context on irc or is pawism totally offtopic 10:13:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Password1234 10:14:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> #metoo 10:21:44 Password "2024keepofrnbanned4evr" 17:01:02 no cake wallet person has access to the Twitter acct atm. although this was the case at the time of that tweet 17:02:02 the account also promoted MyMonero for a few years 17:42:58 what is the expiry time for a transaction to be removed from mempool if not confirmed for lack of fees ? if there is any such thing ? 17:43:24 24 hours if never mined, 7 days if mined. 17:43:25 some have said it to be 72hrs but need to confirm 17:44:01 why will it be in mempool if its verified in a block 17:44:14 Oh, 3 days, sorry. So you're right. 17:44:16 I just looked. 17:44:25 If that block got popped. 17:44:33 (orphan) 17:44:41 a reorganise ? 17:44:44 yes 17:45:59 Ah, it got bumped from original 1 day to 3 days, I'd forgot. 17:46:21 i see 17:46:29 interesting 17:47:04 though in monero most wallets won't allow manual fee selection for privacy reasons , so you never underpay the fees i guess 17:59:17 Auto fee selection should get most tx mined within 3 days. 18:01:59 Blocks grow to ~3mb with 3 days of auto fee on full blocks. so from 140k tx/day to 1.4m tx/dayx stressnet was doing sonething like to 3.5m tx/day at one point 18:57:54 https://node.sethforprivacy.com is extremely slow to respond 19:02:09 yea. dont use it 19:02:19 run a node 19:04:30 Should never rely on one of the most popular/well known nodes, mainly for centralization, but also because of resource starvation 19:15:38 pat: Hey pat. Good to see that the Monero wallet & atomic swaps project is getting progress. Have you considered changing the name of Monujo? Search engines think I am asking for Monerujo when I search for it. And there is already an iOS/Android app with the name. 19:29:22 Hey, if it makes troubles, I can rename. Do you have a better name? 19:30:04 silly that "search engines" can not differentiate between distinct products though 19:41:08 pat: I don't have a better name now, but maybe Diego Salazar , a designer, can think of one. 19:42:15 I can only think of an NSFW one 19:42:45 there's also at least a Monujo on Google Play 19:43:15 put it fumo -- fuck you money 19:43:29 What's this? Where's the repository? Link me up. 19:43:39 App Store doesn't have a Monujo tho: https://www.fnd.io/#/us/search?mediaType=all&term=Monujo 19:47:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Marketing sucess 19:48:00 rottenwheel: https://github.com/mainnet-pat/monujo-quasar 19:49:23 Rucknium: Thanks. pat no license yet? Careful with that! 19:50:16 sneurlax: Isn't this in the App Store? https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/monujo/id1615183809 19:50:39 ah, could be, rucknium. I'm not on my macOS in order to check that link right now 19:51:19 rottenwheel, it might not be necessary if the critical monero-ts patch at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mainnet-pat/monujo-quasar/refs/heads/main/patches/monero-ts%2B0.10.3.patch is minified. not sure that it has been obfuscated really but it looks like it at a quick glance 19:51:56 What does a code change have to do with the licensing of it? 🤔 19:52:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Region based 19:52:12 lol i just mean, licensing restricts usage, but so does obfuscation 19:52:24 can't use what you can't read. it's not a cogent point. 19:53:06 i was just being a silly goober... it should be licensed, you're not wrong 19:53:46 The license I see for Monujo is MIT, with woodser being the copyright holder. 19:54:05 sneurlax ah, so you're claiming Monujo's code is unnecessarily obfuscated? 19:54:13 What does pat have to say about that? 19:55:03 > if the critical monero-ts patch ... is minified. not sure that it has been obfuscated really but it looks like it at a quick glance 19:55:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How can you have a copyright on a MIT licence? 19:55:17 even if the patch is obfuscated, if it applies, the final state is not obfuscated. 19:55:48 When sneurlax PR! 19:55:49 lol 19:56:13 Ah, yeah. I see it now. Cool, I guess. 19:56:59 As far as I know, that field is populated by whoever launched the repository first, indicating Monujo is using some woodser's prior work? A fork of some library? 19:58:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> But MIT just needs you to credit the OG 20:01:59 pat: Consider discussing default remote nodes with tobthot in #feather:monero.social 20:03:22 he may need web wallet compatible nodes , which reduces the pool of available nodes dramatically 20:05:05 If you are concerned about small patch I had published just a little while ago, you should not be worried, I was in contact with ditatompel to fix the issues 20:05:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://brackish.io/2024/09/24/what-are-default-credentials-a-penetration-testers-best-friend/ 20:06:09 otherwise if you are concerned about the licence, it must be as permissive as all libs I rely on, such as monero-ts 20:06:15 @m​ainnet_pat:monero.social: not really concerned, was just curious, opened it, and saw a 3 MB wall of text. to be concerned i would have to apply the patch and see what it does to monero-ts, which i didn't, so don't mind me. 20:06:44 without having reviewed anything but the app at https://monujo-quasar.vercel.app/ , i have to say this is Very Cool and Nice To See 20:06:54 what's this about integrating swaps? that'd be Very Very Interesting 20:07:07 I can add the licence file, which is mit 20:09:24 cool to see https://github.com/mainnet-pat/xmr-sample-react as well 20:10:00 oh, i hadn't seen the original from woodser, sorry 20:10:42 but still cool to see you submitting PRs to monero-ts and all those examples 20:11:58 sneurlax: The project is to complete https://atomic-flip.pat.mn/ 20:12:58 https://pub.dev/packages/blockchain_utils this can do some of Monero basic math around wallets, seeds etc btw 20:13:17 @s​neurlax I understand your worries, the patch had a lifetime of less than a day, I have basically unwound it with help of ditatompel 20:14:04 are the finger on the pulsers keeping track of this, interesting stuff 20:14:43 again, uninformed and unresearched concerns, equated to the severity of being "unlicensed". don't mind me, i should stop spamming 20:14:56 If you guys will look up my activity - I have spent more than a month helping woodser with monero-ts to bring his projects to better state and mine to be delivered soon 20:15:24 don't pause your cool for me. and yeah it was really cool to open your github page and see all the activity done relatively quietly 20:15:42 if you want to motivate me and speed up the dev, I do accept the donations 20:16:01 I’m remaking a site for fun plowsoff https://moneroecosystem.com 20:16:19 Once existed but the disappeared 20:16:25 where's your donation address? 20:16:44 wow kewbit, looks nice 20:16:55 dope registration, kewbit. glad a contributor got the domain! 20:16:58 I don’t have a donation address lol 20:17:13 kewbit, add a donation address somewhere, but i was asking pat :) 20:17:59 I was thinking of scraping Monero project contributors automatically loading them in, and they can upload they own donations addresses 20:18:23 Or just anything related to Monero or that hooks into Monero will pull into the site 20:19:23 Looks better on desktop tho, need to fiddle with responsiveness 20:19:26 +1 that is/was the initiative started at monerodevs but as with many things, the maintenance slowly stops, crawls... gasps for water.. 20:21:02 I actually run a side project for someone with about 100 servers scraping the entire internet using selenium chrome driver lol, but github has a pretty decent API 20:21:30 sneurlax all the intial dev funds were raised purely from the BCH community, if any XMR boys want to support me I do accept donations towards finishing the product at 433CGJkA3gnh8JXCCB9ZbdVcGZsRPbWqEb72D5QFZomKKXV5i6jQfgjGwxXU9h64uHTAfVKCZDLMMdAhkS2UiYGX1UJuNhw 20:22:25 a monero bounty started by Rucknium certainly helped to kickstart things 20:23:05 thank you for working with woodser 🙏 20:23:07 Deep down I do this for fun but I’ve got two kids and an Asian wife so I’ll probably put out a donation address for haveno app maintenance a bit later 20:23:10 To add: The basic research needed for the XMR<>BCH atomic swap proof-of-concept was mostly raised in XMR: https://bounties.monero.social/posts/37/bch-xmr-atomic-swaps 20:23:50 More info: https://bitcoincashresearch.org/t/monero-bch-atomic-swaps/545 20:24:06 glad you highlight all my efforts spent to accelerate the monero web dev branch 20:24:18 What about USDC atomic swap or some stable coin? 20:24:35 Idk what the favourite is at the moment 20:24:55 BTC BCH is all the same 20:25:11 Diversify utility 20:25:28 usdc-like coins have central authorities who can lock account.. effecticely banning atomic swaps over amount xyz if they wish right? 20:25:44 this is entirely possible if BCH would have USDC coin 20:25:47 What about Dai 20:25:59 any token 20:26:17 I’m sure there is some stablecoin mechanism that is working we can jump on the bandwagon 20:27:19 plowsof, there is a distinct difference between censorable USDC(T, whatever) ERC20 tokens on their platforms and a counterparty on BCH network, which must not be censorable, freezable, etc 20:27:22 Perhaps not one with arbitrage 20:27:42 An ETH<>XMR atomic swap CLI already exists, but has almost no use AFAIK. It supports ERC-20 tokens like stablecoins. 20:27:57 plowsof, there is a distinct difference between censorable USDC(T, whatever) ERC20 tokens on their platforms and a counterparty on BCH network, which must not necerally be censorable, freezable, etc 20:29:06 https://github.com/AthanorLabs/atomic-swap Chat room: #ethxmrswap:matrix.org 20:29:28 ^ This was funded by the CCS and the MAGIC Monero Fund. 20:29:30 Yes, it went to first claimer, who delivered a cli swap 20:29:43 Is there not yet an app that utilitizes all of these atomic swaps under one umbrella? 20:29:45 Yes, it went to first claimer, who delivered a cli swap. 20:29:47 My solution aims for a web apps 20:29:49 Yes, it went to first claimer, who delivered a cli swap. 20:29:51 My solution aims for a web app experience 20:29:53 Plowsof, this is the same pat that were waiting for bounty with 🤐 20:30:42 ofrnxmr: I am the same pat of all pats 20:30:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Question when a repo is archived, does licence still a pply? 20:30:47 Sorry for delay, pat. Logistics 🤷‍♂️ 20:30:58 will chase that up 20:31:08 Yes 20:31:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> K 20:31:19 pats on the back for pat 20:31:36 the patestest of pats 20:32:06 ofrnpat 20:32:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just wanting for the bank to release the funds 20:32:45 IMHO, the webapp experience is good to get the users who don't want to install something on desktop. But how is its privacy? 20:32:49 MoneBit 20:33:00 I am spending my time to pursue BCH-centric atomic swaps, ofrnxmr gone missing in our DMs 20:33:21 Im right here 20:33:41 Waiting just like you 😅 20:34:29 this is exactly my goal, web first, then everything else 20:36:20 Everything in my work is based on libp2p, and I will be exploring the onion transport layer for security enhancement 20:37:47 That looks pretty cool actually, just searched it 20:39:03 pub sub is nice too, and distributed hash tables link onion links 20:39:32 orderbooks are gossipsub-type of pubsub 20:39:48 But no dart implementation :( 20:41:38 uh oh, only typescript atm 20:42:58 But if it can be done in rust it can be implemented into dart with ffi stuff 20:44:08 in my project only the core crypto stuff wrt adaptor signatures is implemented in rust, everything else is node.js and typescript 20:44:21 debating whether to register pub.dev package link for libp2p fun after Christmas. 20:47:16 Yeah I just handle tor in rust through ffi thanks to @sneurlax for the app I’m making it use Arti (rust implementation of tor) but tor are still actively working on it day by day it’s not really super stable yet, I’m the meantime I was going to make a wrapper for i2pd 20:48:00 pub.dev/packages/tor is more thanks to Foundation Devices and Cypher Stack than me, I just maintain it most actively these days 20:48:02 Tunneling is so much less hassle then adapting proxies at packet level through socks, gives me a headache 20:48:31 here's a shameless plug for pub.dev/packages/arti, almost the same thing (but different rust) but commandline-compatible (just a dart package, doesn't require flutter) 20:49:00 Yeah and those guys too but sneurlax practices a bit of false modesty I’ve realised 20:49:14 I would appreciate such a campaign to support my ongoing work towards the finishing the cli and webapp for bch-xmr swaps. My past work was sponsored purely by BCH community and I will be happy to receive support from XMR community too. I am not tech-confident enough to create such a fundraising campaign myself, so I would appreciate greatly the help from your or community. 20:50:12 I encourage you to check out https://ccs.getmonero.org/how-to-ccs/ 20:51:24 this is something we should support imo. 20:51:39 I can help you setup a bounty or structure a CCS. You might start on https://bounties.monero.social 20:53:02 There might even be something related you can work on 20:53:27 https://bounties.monero.social/posts/154/7-000m-wallet-plugin-for-xmr-bch-atomic-swaps 20:53:56 7 XMR 20:54:01 the monero bounties system is nice because anyone can fund the bounty in a sort of choose-your-own-bounty-to-support adventure. it's a way for people to vote for your bounty submission with their moneroj but allows anyone to attempt to claim the bounty. as kewbit said, there could be something there you could claim already. if kewbit's willing 20:54:01 to help, i'd take him up on that offer, he recently has been funded so has been thru the process. 20:54:40 on the other hand, ccs proposals are funded by a shared pool of funds which don't require individuals to donate to each bounty they want to fund. you can request a certain amount of funding vs. just accepting what's available via the bounty system 20:55:32 Interesting, I am new to this system. I am grateful for all the info 20:56:25 amirite that css is a better approach here for a targeted fundraiser? 20:56:33 am I right that css is a better approach here for a targeted fundraiser? 20:56:58 yes 20:57:07 a bounty doesn't necessarily allow you to request a certain amount. a ccs allows you to request arbitrary funding amounts but they won't be approved if they aren't justified/realistic 20:57:17 a ccs proposal* 20:57:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or monero related 20:57:45 plz correct me if im off base anywhere, anyone ... you should submit a ccs proposal and/or a bounty and/or claim some related bounties, if you can 20:57:51 highly highly encourage you to participate... 20:59:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs/ 20:59:18 this sounds encouraging. I'd go drafting a css right away. 21:00:20 sidenote: the link at the top of https://ccs.getmonero.org/how-to-ccs/ "What is the CCS and What Are Its Rules and Expectations" links to `https://ccs.getmonero.org:8080/what-is-ccs/` 21:00:35 notice the :8080. repo link? 21:00:38 are you expert guys available to review my draft soonish? 21:00:56 ASAP 21:01:49 immediately 21:07:59 why I can't download the web page locally and use it? I like the UI but I can't trust a web server everytie I need to access my wallet 21:08:41 everytime* 21:11:30 you can host it yourself with a local webserver afaict 21:11:49 this is because monero-ts needs to instantiate a webworker, so no way you can do fully ofline at this moment at least. 21:12:02 a local webserver would suffice 21:12:26 oh it is a fully functional wallet that you can send transactions etc? 21:12:32 so you could clone https://github.com/mainnet-pat/monujo-quasar and run it locally, I'm not sure you can expect saving webapps as a local file to work for every webapp 21:13:03 oh yes it is 21:13:19 very cool, great work 21:13:36 thx s​neurlax 21:13:52 also it is compatible with hosting on ipfs, just figured this recently 21:14:11 thought it was like https://web.getmonero.org/generator/ 21:15:13 no, it is not, it does make use of your normal monero node, just in browser. I do not see your seed, lol 21:15:29 no, it is not, it does make use of a normal monero node, just in browser. I do not see your seed, lol 21:16:32 I wish to figure out the attestation protocol which would assert that any assets built on any platform are the same that are hosted on web 21:17:08 this would reduce the trust 21:17:23 this is apples to oranges but you also can't just save youtube.com ... more vanilla js will usually work saving it to a file and even typescript can work just saving the file. but I think for local files web browsers don't allow web workers at least 21:17:30 like see https://stackoverflow.com/a/23206866 21:18:06 i'm not actually sure it's feasible to make it file->save as compatible, but that woooould be really cool... 21:18:49 but you might be able to file->save as then run eg httpd or another local webserver and it might work that way? 21:18:50 I am detached from these issues, but monero-ts webworkers are loaded well in all browsers (thanks to my contibutions too) 21:19:34 pat: What does the Flipstarter not cover that a CCS could cover? Doesn't the Flipstarter cover a functional XMR<>BCH atomic swap web app? Further maintenance could be funded through the CCS, of course. 21:20:23 https://rot256.dev/post/browser-crypto/ wish fullfilled but not a great solution either 21:21:42 My main problem with my flipstarter is that I have underestimated the difficulty of the task by a lot. Otherwise it would have been delivered sooner. 21:22:47 It is fully functioning in node or server-side environment. But user-proof implementation has all kinds of caveats 21:22:57 It is fully functioning in node or server-side environment. But web-based user-proof implementation has all kinds of caveats 21:27:58 ha! is it not enough for a file to be attested by the sha256 of a ipfs resource? 21:28:31 not sure tbh 21:28:57 issue is to attest that source scripts which user sees at e.g. github are transpiled to the files a user downloads on their end 21:30:12 there is a solutions for some cases - deterministic builds, but it might not be applicable to all projects 21:30:19 there is a solution for some cases - deterministic builds, but it might not be applicable to all projects 21:31:25 RINO wallet has an 'integrity checker' https://github.com/rino-wallet/integrity-checker 21:32:04 non deterministic: source "a" upon two builds can produce "x" or "y" output. deterministic: source "a" upon two builds can produce only "x" and "x" output 21:36:57 tobtoht of feather wallet is drilling the deterministic build process into our brains / the monero project. via GUIX , not sure how that plays into your project though. i spent a few days just trying to get a deterministic build environment going, more effort than i expected 21:44:15 I can not fork the css repo. Appears grayed out to me 21:46:48 what is the account name pat? i can manually approve 21:50:19 this might save time https://plowsof.github.io/chatgpt-ccs-proposal-form.html 21:50:39 lol 21:50:46 Nooooo 21:51:21 pat: you should be able to fork now 21:54:35 forked, thanks