10:11:18 iirc pharmakon in greek means "poison" 10:11:20 appropriate name 10:12:41 It has "Harm" right in the middle 10:14:41 It has also "topha" in the middle, which in italian is spelled like "topa", or female rat. So the name contains "harm poison rat"... 10:16:25 I think it just means that you can find mako sharks at monero-kon when it's phar away. 13:12:43 Any Japanese native/speaker here? Dm pls :-) 14:42:06 vostoemisio:matrix.org: Yes? 14:42:35 Great, can you email me or find me through any of my contacts at https://vostoemisio.com ? 14:43:55 Depends on what you need me for, and how good the pay is. 14:44:42 <\x> maybe he will ask you to play septette for the dead princess 14:45:11 Don't spoil the surprise 18:11:36 sneurlax, what do you mean? 18:12:09 I have the exact same question for you 18:12:39 sneurlax, well, it would be your duty to prove that the technology works, not mine. I know it doesn't 18:12:52 that's not how that works ... that's not how any of that works 18:13:01 sneurlax, please explain how it's not 100% based on trust 18:13:04 if you know it doesn't work, it would be your duty to prove that the technology doesn't 18:13:28 trust in math does not equate to trust in general, you're wasting time here, sorry but this will be the last response from me 18:13:32 sneurlax, why would I prove to you that it doesn't work? It makes much more sense to keep you uninformed and exploit it 18:13:50 sneurlax, blockchains are not based on math. It's a common misconception that they are 18:14:10 🤯 18:14:22 I can't read that hyroglyph 18:15:04 🫨🫨🫨 18:15:34 I still can't read that 18:54:00 Julia: Can you please exploit Monero? I mean this dead serious. If there is an exploit, we have to learn about it. As soon as possible. Please start soon. 18:54:10 Juliu of course ... 18:54:54 But yeah, that's it from me as well about this. 18:55:52 rbrunner, wouldn't it be easier and more lucrative to exploit bitcoin? 18:56:30 rbrunner, the exploit is not an exploit as you think. It's a fundamental flaw in all of crypto 19:27:41 Julian Assange going live for the first time since he got back his freedom: https://www.youtube.com/live/Mq85IZMeigc 19:28:18 I'm still not sure Assange isn't an asset like Snowdan maybe is 19:29:46 The pertinent point is that both Assange and Snowden are stark reminders of that the all-so-holier-than-thou West doesn't have press freedom. 19:30:22 Dude, the West mass murdered their own citizens from 2021 on 19:30:26 pretty sure he is not allowed to publish any more leaks nor wikileaks 19:30:46 on pootube? 19:31:42 Doesn't mean they're not CIA assets 19:32:01 that's a different discussion Juliu 19:32:13 offtopic 19:32:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Waste of an asset being locked up in a embassy for years and then jail. 19:32:40 @b​asses:matrix.org: yes. Just wanted to share the video link, not wanted to discuss american deep state. 19:33:39 Dude, get off my cock. Why can't I ever say what I want without some moron criticizing that it's not the right place, time, season, weather, or whatever 19:36:29 Kuno to help @Battery__LB escape the war zone in Lebanon: 19:36:31 https://kuno.anne.media/donate/bzx3/ 19:38:08 @p​aranoia_machinery:monero.social how's he going to escape lebanon using XMR? I would appreciate some details. Other than that, I am mostly skeptical towards such crowdfunding requests: help me escape communism in venezuela, or, help me escape war in lebanon. 19:38:20 Maybe because it's not the right place, time, season, weather, or whatever 19:38:45 israel bombs are indeed changing the weather 19:38:46 * moneromooo pats occam's razor. 19:38:59 moneromooo, it never is, so who cares 19:39:42 We're in an ice age since over 100k years. Stop worrying about the weather. Warmer is better 19:39:56 warm gud 19:40:06 bob happy 19:40:29 I would still not want to live in Arizona. No clue why people build houses in a fucking desert 19:40:48 "Go west young man" 19:41:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pet shop boys 19:41:59 Good song 19:42:44 Then again, the 2 largest deserts on this planet are ice. So when the mainstream news incorrectly talks about desertification, what do they mean? 19:42:56 make your own room? 19:44:46 how about that new rebecca black song? something about monday 19:46:08 rebecca black? ofrnxmr: man you are giving away your age, old man 19:47:46 That was my favorite song when it came out lolz. 19:47:48 rebecca black isn't that old...... right? 19:47:53 ^ ?? 19:47:58 right, people? friday terrorism was just yesterday, right? 19:48:05 * Juliu does not know who Rebecca Black is 19:48:09 2010 was last year 19:48:21 juliu consider yourself lucky 19:48:25 +1 19:48:28 Juliu: found the zoomer 19:48:45 * Juliu considers himself lucky 19:49:09 k4r4b3y, I'm too old to know any music after 2000 19:49:23 Juliu: you lost your hearing in 1999? 19:49:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 19:49:27 Now you know 19:49:35 k4r4b3y, no, I kept my taste after 2000 19:49:45 Y2k bug 19:53:18 i'm technically a zoomer but i don't get the zoomer culture at all 19:53:27 i feel more like a millenial in spirit 19:53:38 do you have the broccoli head? 19:54:19 * Juliu does not even know what the broccoli head is 19:59:33 he needs money to pay for boat passage for him, his parents and siblings, he'll be converting XMR to USD which is the only currency the boat captain will accept: 19:59:35 https://x.com/Battery__LB/status/1840717901185024171 20:01:02 @p​aranoia_machinery:monero.social does he have a means of exchanging XMR into his local currency? 20:01:15 I would assume it would be difficult to manage in a state of crisis. 20:08:00 He has a way to convert to dollars p2p, which he needs for the boat