00:03:09 syntheticbird:monero.social: "Fun fact: Calcium is a metal." And also a nutrient. 00:03:39 One of the over 15 nutrients not found in any plants. 00:19:22 Kale shows similar calcium absorbability to that of milk 00:19:25 Vegetables tend to have a lot more calcium than meat. Meat has relatively little. Excessive calcium intake for adults is a bad thing 00:25:22 Kale has so many anti-nutrients in them, that so-called calcium absorbtion gets blocked, if it even is human absorbable calcium at all. 00:26:05 Green leafs in general also cause kidney stones. 00:26:54 If aten too much of it at least. 4 kg of spinache is enough to kill an adult human. 00:28:04 Who has died eating kale lol 00:28:58 I hope nobody is retarded enough to eat enough kale needed to kill you. 00:30:30 Spinach and similar blocking calcium absorption is way overblown 00:31:47 Great, we now have 3 off-topic channels :D 00:32:31 What we do know is that if you eat oysters (which are packed with nutrients), and then eat almonds (which have many anti-nutrients) within 2 hours, iron absorbtion gets halved. Eat both together, and iron absorbtion is almost nothing. 00:32:39 Is there a 3rd? 00:34:09 Community earlier today 00:34:24 And other days 00:44:50 Today only just started for me, because it's morning on my end. 00:54:33 wow so much science here 00:57:25 nutrition science is the best science ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 01:18:48 anyone have advice on top few DEXes to swap to XMR? 02:39:06 Basicswap 02:39:07 Unstoppable swap (or something like that) 02:39:49 I do have experience with unstoppable. 02:39:51 I like it and it work fine assuming your net is reliable 03:07:53 unstoppable came up as positive in other reading too 04:39:53 I used trocador.app recently and it worked fine 05:01:55 hey bros 05:02:05 will fcmp solve everything? 05:02:14 or will chainalysis still rape ppl 05:03:39 chainalysis will still rape peoples... that are using surveillance coins 08:50:00 A combination of Seraphis, Carrot and FCMP++ will solve many things. 08:50:01 Just out my blow for simplified versions: 08:50:03 https://kewbit.org/ 08:51:01 is seraphis still in play? 08:53:30 The white paper is completed 08:53:48 So is the implementation proposal 08:54:19 they may be completed but since seraphis, there have been a few new monero protocol upgrade proposals 08:54:47 afaik, we won't have the jamtis addresses that was slated to be introduced with seraphis 08:54:58 we won't have ringsigs that seraphis was going to increase the size of 08:55:21 what parts of seraphis are we going to have with fcmp++ + carrot is more apt to ask I guess 09:00:01 I’ll request updates from the research lab a post something 09:00:42 @k​ewbit:matrix.org yeah that would be nice 09:01:11 Probably as most of monero users I got lost about the monero protocol upgrade roadmap. 09:01:31 Which features, wen, what breaking changes, rust or no rust.. etc. 09:01:56 Also important, which previously planned upgrade proposals got shelved and why 10:48:06 hello all 10:48:45 I am new to this, I downloaded the Monero gui last night and created a wallet and let it download and setup the local node 10:49:00 today i tried telling it to mine, and it says connected + mining 10:49:17 but my cpu utilization is only 3% and it doesn't look like it's doing anything 10:49:32 how can i check, or get some better output? 10:50:32 Do you have a whole lot of cores ? It might thave started mining on just one thread. 10:51:08 32 cores 10:51:13 it's a amd 9950x 10:52:13 "0 blocks / 0 MB queued 0 spans, 0 MB " looking in the log the jobs say this 10:52:14 Sounds likely then, 3*32 is about 100. Check the settings for number of threads. If theres no such thinf, you can start mining in the daemon: starst_mining N (N is the number of threads). 10:52:34 That is unrelated to mining. 10:52:55 ok 10:53:04 There's an "autodetect" mode for the best number of threads, check "help start_mining" it should mention it. 10:53:53 i had it set to use 28 cores 10:56:52 Yes, I’m actually making it my goal to try to simplify these things, not just with the Monero spec but the apps and ecosystem it’s clearly very complex, a lot of the math takes me a long time to get my head around but it’s important the benefits are clear so that people know what they are donating XMR for 11:00:38 moneromooo https://i.imgur.com/mWIdmLk.png 11:00:46 shouldn't i see a hash rate somewhere? 11:01:01 or some indication that it's actually doing something 11:10:32 Run "mining_status" in monerod. IIRC you can use the gui to send monerod commands, in settings somewhere. 11:10:44 This shold tell you the hash rate it's mining with. 11:19:05 thanks moneromooo 11:19:15 i hit stop mining, then start mining again and now it's working 11:19:24 displays a hash rate and like 70% cpu utilisation 14:09:39 K4r4b3y, read MRL 14:09:45 It was discussed the other day 14:10:48 Sounds like fcmp++ is feature complete, and faster than squashed seraphis as well. I'm not sure what unsquashed vs squashed means though. 14:12:22 ofrnxmr: "read MRL" <--- taking a look now. 14:15:15 "Carrot and Jamtis-RCT are for FCMP++" <--- Does Jamtis-RCT mean Jamtis-RingCT? If so, how is RCT relevant to FCMP++? I thought we were ditching the rings with FCMP++. 14:17:32 yes rct stamds for ringct. aiui, fcmp++ still uses ringct, but with a much larger ring. 14:17:38 reuben's comment, "Is there actually a compelling reasons for Seraphis after fcmp++" is probably shared by many monero users (me included). 16:20:24 kewbit: I wouldn't say that's the "combination" being discussed. Cryptographically, FCMP++ and Carrot achieve the security properties we want. Further wallet development and JAMTIS-RCT would achieve the rest of the UX. That leaves the Seraphis codebase as internal cleanup once it's moved over to the FCMP++ cryptography. 16:22:32 k4r4b3y: Honestly, I'd love to stop calling Monero RingCT and start calling it FCMP++ once it's deployed (just as we'd call it Seraphis). FCMP++ does replace rings. The thing is FCMP++ is backwards compatible with RingCT and was pitched as part of the RingCT composition (taking the place of the ring signature, not touching the balance nor range proofs). So despite defining a new c 16:22:33 omposition, and despite replacing rings, it's still kinda the RingCT system. 16:23:29 The intention for it to be compatible with RingCT even caused my own work to initially be called FCMP RingCT, and now when discussing JAMTIS yet for FCMP++, tevador named it JAMTIS-RCT (sorry if I'm not styling that properly) despite it being incompatible with the current RingCT system. 16:24:55 So that's a mess which may never sort itself out. The legacy RingCT composition being upgraded with FCMP++ into a new composition may still be referred to as RingCT. 17:16:50 Hi guys 17:28:37 Nohello.net 17:29:17 ? 18:07:52 dave.jp: it's arguably production ready now. Refactoring the I/o to be asynchronous will take some time, probably a few months to complete 18:59:53 "Honestly, I'd love to stop calling Monero RingCT and start calling it FCMP++ once it's deployed" <--- agreed. 19:08:04 people keep getting confused between Ring CT & Ring Signature 19:08:42 The "Ring" is the problem word here. 19:09:08 Everyone starts thinking in terms of "decoys" and then "the decoy amounts" whenever the word "ring" comes up. 19:09:14 This should be abandoned. 19:09:30 Monero, with FCMP++, shouldn't use the word decoy anywhere. 19:09:45 We should just say, all is encrypted (not obfuscated). 19:10:03 obfuscation == you can discern if you look hard enough 19:10:10 encryption == you cannot discern shit 20:34:11 holy cow. my fail2ban got a lot of activity today from my monero cnxn 21:17:09 just change the name to rabbit as it fits with carrot 21:18:06 FCMP tries to be descriptive but that doesn't seem to be working