05:07:08 Mandarin, Spanish, French or Japaneser native speaker online now and available to help with a small task? Paid in xmr 05:07:30 Mandarin, Spanish, French or Japanese native speaker online now and available to help with a small task? Paid in xmr 05:43:57 Mandarin, Spanish or Japanese native speaker online now and available to help with a small task? Paid in xmr 10:40:27 so im getting what I think is a standard nefarious actor behavior (e.g., multiple IPs with the same first 3 parts of the ip address) using this fail2ban filter: failregex = \[:\d+ INC\] simple_http_connection_handler::handle_char_out: Error state 10:40:52 i don't see a reason why a user would have 12 ips trying to do this at the same time 11:37:40 theyre mad at u for taking down node.moneroworld 11:37:57 why u dont share the ips? 11:38:53 and 12 ips is like 12$. why not use more ips 11:39:25 linkinglion uses over 1000 11:40:39 <0​xfffc:monero.social> This ^ 11:41:40 This ^ (I am starting a linked list) 14:16:26 i was watching some video and it said to anoymise your xmr futher you should create a secondary wallet and move your xmr from your mining wallet to it 14:16:50 how does this help with anything, doesn't the blockchain keep a record of it moving from Wallet A to Wallet B ? 14:16:56 it seems like a pointless step 14:26:30 it does keep a record, but the true sender and recipient are hidden by Monero's privacy features 14:27:46 when you transact using a wallet that has many small outputs (which may happen when mining) to a third party, the transaction might be deanonymized because of the big number of tx inputs with the same age 14:28:21 making a "consolidation" transaction in the middle (which happens when transferring from A to B) mitigates this issue 14:34:22 ahh, thank you very much 17:00:53 Serious question: what is Monero’s EOL date? IE when will the blockchain “restart”? Because the blockchain can only grow so large before it becomes more sensical to start again rather than letting it continue to grow 17:01:22 I’m assuming there isn’t such a date, but I’m making sure 17:01:59 (A certain number of transactions or a given size before a reset would be needed would also count) 17:05:00 you can't reset monero's blockchain 17:05:01 you don't know which outputs are spent and which aren't 17:05:24 at the current growth rate, I'd say we're still several decades away before the blockchain size becomes remotely problematic 17:08:20 It might be possible to fork to a chain that does allow restarting the chain if that type of update to support that ever occurs 17:13:21 It wouldn’t be a literal reset, the entire chain would have to restart, and people would basically “redeem” a given amount by proving how much they had on the last chain 17:14:25 (Hint: the blockchain should probably be made such that a “reset” wouldn’t be required, not in a few decades, not in a few centuries, not even in a few millennia) 17:15:21 Lol 17:16:11 yeah just make it eternal 17:49:19 Hi guys 18:37:40 Was browsing Reddit when I saw this: https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1fvplhe/could_anyone_explain_simply_the_advantages_of_fcmp/lqosq9t/ 18:38:05 That's really awkward because I wrote that paragraph 18:38:09 https://github.com/jeffro256/carrot/blob/master/carrot.md#12-fcmp 18:38:14 Womp womp 18:38:49 Time to go back to English class I guess 18:50:45 I see more something like an "audience mismatch". Laypeople on Reddit were searching for some explanations in simple terms what FCMP++ is 18:51:34 and somebody found your Carrot text, which is more something like a cryptography "paper" that does not address a broad general public 18:52:08 and indeed uses a lot of "jargon", like OP wrote at the end of their post. 18:52:47 On purpose, to be exact, addressing people that already know something about that "stuff". Thus no problem per so, if you ask me. 18:53:25 *no problem per se 18:54:09 jeffroGPT 18:56:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> FCMP++ for dummies book 18:56:49 "ai generated" @rbrunner7! 18:57:32 kayabanerve: ! Lmao 18:57:47 Jeffro will never recover 18:58:13 Guilty as charched. It did look somehow like an AI abstract from kayabynerve's GetMonero.org post, being short, and well, dense on "jargon" :) 18:58:29 nasty gaffe lol 18:59:32 no fighting amongst the devs until we have fcmp++ pls 19:00:07 jeffro256 🫂 :( 19:00:30 Well, at least now you know what people say behind your back /s 😂😂😂💀 19:00:39 pffttt lmao 19:00:45 rbrunner7: You did have a point, though. This passage was supposed to be in an introduction section for Carrot, so I could probably drop a lot of details about the inner workings of it and leave the summary at a higher level. I do a more proper description of the FCMP++ rerandomizable abstraction later in the paper anyways, so the details aren't even needed here 19:01:30 I'm joking, but 🤣🤣 i'm died when i read this 19:01:40 Jeffro, you garbage tool, you 19:01:54 chatgpt0.11.4 19:03:01 For what it's worth, I could not place it, reading the post on Reddit I didn't make the connection to the Carrot paper 19:03:18 Shitgpt v4o 19:03:28 You need to type like me, make a lot of typos so that peopke wont accuse you of being AI. Rather, they can accuse you of being another ofrnalt 19:03:43 Har har 19:03:49 so that they can accuse you of poor comms skills @ofrn 19:04:44 rbunner: It's okay, I didn't take offense, I know writing isn't my strong suite (unless it's C++) ;). I just thought it was funny that I was peacefully scrolling Reddit and then caught a couple strays 19:04:57 frenship wins 19:05:17 It's the most honest feedback I've gotten on Carrot to date 19:05:19 I see :) So I guess ofrnxmr is wrong, you *will* recover :) 19:09:45 Actually, this was the last straw. I will tell all the Carrot auditor candidates "thanks for sticking with me for 2 months but people dunked on my writing skills on Reddit so I think we will need to cancel" 19:21:46 just don't write something too long. I hear that young people, including those in college, can't read books as they are too long. 0_o 19:23:22 The internet has damaged most peoples attention span 19:23:22 * nioCat glances to the right at the complete works of Balzac 19:25:00 nioCat, doubt that. If you can't read a book, you get kicked on the first exam. 19:25:40 I guess it depends where 19:27:35 Maybe in some expensive unis where rich children go to socialize it isn't the case, idk. 19:31:58 a random volume opened to a random page yields "The convicts' prison, its language and customs, its subtle sharp transitions from the humorous to the horrible, its appalling grandeur, its triviality and its dark depths, were all revealed in turn by the speaker's discourse; he seemed to be no longer a man, but the type and mouthpiece of a degenerate race, a brutal, supple, clear-headed race of savages." 19:33:29 translation ofc, copyright 1901 19:34:08 1901? it's probably public domain by now :) 19:34:37 I believe this book I am holding is actually from 1901 19:37:03 "> so that they can accuse you of poor comms skills @ofrn" better thsn being called a garbage tool 20:44:45 higher education is a scam 20:50:27 in the blob, are these 0's just padding or sumtin... 20:54:04 Which blob? 23:42:32 jeffro256 or ChatGPT, place your bets 23:43:35 :p It's fine. It wasn't inaccurate AFAICR. Just verbose and unhelpful for users *who weren't targeted by it*. 23:44:06 the blob in the block data 23:44:51 when you use get_block(height), there's a blob of the block data 23:57:58 I've been using the Gui client to mine with p2pool for around 48 hours now, and not got any xmr 23:58:16 getting like 9000H/s average 23:58:28 should i be using the mini chain instead of the main chain? 23:58:56 or when can i expect to get anything using the main chain with p2pool?