00:49:03 "Run ./xmrig -o Note that you don't need to specify wallet address for xmrig. Wallet address set in xmrig config will be ignored!" 00:49:11 if xmrig doesn't have my wallet address 00:49:24 then how does it know work? 06:42:19 Are you running p2pool? 06:43:57 The p2pool daemon interacts with the other p2pool participants, constructing blocks with your wallet address when its your turn to get a share 06:44:34 Xmrig is just a mining tool, it doesn't sync with the network and make blocks 06:45:28 It simply downloads the block templates from p2pool, adjusts nonces until the PoW result hits a certain difficulty target, and then returns it back to the p2pool daemon 06:46:34 Notice that you have you provide your wallet address to the p2pool daemon with the `--wallet` flag 06:47:13 Maybe try asking in #haveno-lounge:monero.social 08:06:19 https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/trusted-monero-remote-nodes/21444 08:20:22 Fake nees 08:20:24 News 08:21:05 Current guidance is here 08:21:32 > I recommend to stop using 3rd party remote nodes immediately. Run your own node instead. If you can't avoid using a 3rd party node, make sure you trust the node operator. 08:22:01 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/134jbdt/security_advisory_new_attack_from_malicious/ 08:23:01 205GB+ for a full node or 80GB+ * 08:24:51 >Given these two things, I think we should compile a list of recommended remote nodes to use alongside your Monero wallet 08:24:53 providing a public list of nodes just opens the door for a public list of node traffic to watch. 08:24:55 No wallet aside from CLI have ssl pinning, so you can forget about trusting your connection to any remote node 08:25:24 fyi pruned nodes gives same level of privacy as a full node. So don't let storage be a reason to not to run one 08:25:42 I2p, onion and ssh port forwarded nodes are the only secure method of connecting to your own node remotely 08:25:45 fyi pruned nodes gives same level of privacy as a full node. So don't let storage be an excuse to not to run one 08:26:39 can the remote node also see our utxos balance ? which happens in case of other chains 08:26:50 No, not your balances 08:26:51 Noo 08:26:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I have lollies 08:26:55 Not at all 08:35:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “Secondly, while Monero people would love it if everyone ran their own independent node to mitigate this problem,” 08:35:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Would make plowsof happy 08:43:08 letsencrypt makes running an https node very easy, I use caddy to run a front end for my node, then just copy over the certificate to my monero node. I created a custom script to inotifywait the letsencrypt certificate and automatically copy over the cert and restart my moneronode. 09:16:57 No wallet aside from CLI have ssl pinning, so you can forget about trusting your connection to any remote node <- But .onion nodes don't even have SSL, so that solves it. 09:19:01 Onion and i2pd nodes are e2e encrypted and dont need ssl 09:19:22 ofrnxmr, there's no reason to assume that SSL is safe 09:19:25 You need a domain, dont you @waywardson 09:19:55 Yep 09:19:57 Juliu, i never said it was, i said the opposite 09:20:26 I thought that was irony 09:20:51 yes, you need a domain. either pay for a domain or get a free on a freedns.org 09:21:06 you can get free subdomains... 09:21:16 and wayward, your letsencrypt connection can be MITM'd and my wallet wont know the difference 09:21:17 On the other hand, if you assume SSL to be unsafe, why not directly assume your crypto doesn't work? 09:21:31 freedns.afraid.org i meant 09:21:53 ?, ssl certs are centralized as are domains 09:21:53 If your wallet uses SSL, which the cli one does 09:22:37 your connection will be sure. All you have to do is type the https address in a browser and you'll know if your isp blocking a connection 09:22:41 Cli does, but (as said before) _no_ other wallets have ssl pinning 09:22:46 Theyll silently accept a self signed cert 09:23:03 The centralized authority can MITM 09:23:05 And monerod issues self signed certs by default 09:23:26 If you can't trust your DNS-host, how do you know your bank is actually your bank? 09:23:36 I trust cloudflare lol 09:23:45 It really is much easier to just make your node available over Tor 09:23:52 That's a really dumb thing to do 09:24:01 I'm quite certain all trust is unjustified, and that they're all working together with the CIA 09:24:04 or the gui wallet should be updated to authenticate SSL 09:24:11 Because youre using a browser that checks the certs against a centralized authority 09:24:26 yes, your browser and operating system comes installed with trusted roots certificates 09:24:32 waywardson, how? Self-signed certs are used for encryption, but they are not assigned by an authority 09:24:45 I use a lets encrypt certificate 09:25:00 We would need a certificate authority that is trusted by the system that can be issued by another central authority? 09:25:02 you need a (rented) domain for that 09:25:03 Right, but not all users may have domains 09:25:06 ^ 09:25:11 Users want it to 'just werk' 09:25:13 ofrnxmr, how do you know mybank.com being mapped to should not actually map to ? 09:25:21 DNSSEC 09:25:22 DNSSEC Juliu 09:25:30 Both will have certs, both will look valid to you 09:25:42 +1 :D lol 09:25:46 ofrnxmr, yeah, exactly. And if using remote - I don't see a reason not to use an .onion. Maybe if the ISPs have been especially nasty about blocking bridges, but this has not happened yet. 09:25:47 can a node be on both tor and public net 09:25:50 No, malicious one will not have certs that are from a valid CA 09:25:51 DNSSEC 09:26:02 Yes wayward 09:26:03 Sure waywardson 09:26:04 waywardson, yes 09:26:05 Obviously for p2p traffic and syncing with the blockchain tor would be too slow 09:26:11 Unless they compromised the private keys/have full control of DNS+other challenges, no 09:26:18 but for rpc tor is fast enough 09:26:18 recanman, it's a centralized system. They can likely manipulate it as they want 09:26:39 That system does not have cross-checking, as far as I know. It's a pure hierarchy 09:26:50 as for i2p, I believe many isps will get mad at you for doing i2p traffic 09:26:54 Running i2p or onion for rpc is dead simple 09:26:56 certificate authorities? Yes. Literally in the term, AUTHORITY 09:26:59 and free 09:27:17 Ive been running my i2p router for years 09:27:18 waywardson, there have been instances when people got in trouble for i2p? 09:27:18 but simply using tor, most isps won't care 09:27:38 How come waywardson? 09:27:49 You can disable transit on i2p if you want 09:27:50 recanman, well, it could probably be solved differently. Decentralized. With more than just one higher instance having to very the cert 09:28:03 some VPS hoster will not allow you to connect to other i2p traffic, or disallow proxying in their rules 09:28:15 But i only disable transit on mobibe 09:28:24 but as I said, simplying connect to a tor entry node would be fine. 09:28:31 Wayward? Lol, making stuff up now, are we 09:28:38 Sure, I guess, Juliu, but that is not how it is now, and it will most definitely not change 09:28:57 Vps cant stop you from connecting to other i2p traffic. Thats nonsense 09:29:04 recanman, because the powers that are do not have a motivation to improve anything 09:29:05 no, my hosting contract says I cannot use my node for proxying like tor or acting as a public vpn 09:29:21 they know you are connected to other i2p peers 09:29:39 by ip 09:29:44 CAs are generally not seen as a deficit\ by most 09:30:05 I thought you meant residential ISP waywardson 09:30:15 Again, you can `disable transit` on i2p very easily 09:30:16 Cryptography is just hoaxary anyway 09:30:51 translation: Math is fake. Thanks julio 09:30:57 I'm using a commercial hosting provider in the US 09:31:04 ofrnxmr, cryptography is not based on math 09:31:12 so am i 09:31:16 is general p2p traffic allowed waywardson? 09:31:36 there rules are no proxying traffic. 09:32:08 Cryptography is based on what, julio? Biology? 09:32:09 As ofrn said, disable transit 09:32:10 anyway, as I said, connecting to a tor open node is not an issue 09:32:17 yea, I would just disable i2p 09:32:29 Wayward, what are you using, adobe's free tier vps or smthn? Lok 09:32:39 Connecting to a Tor open node is an issue, they're BLOCKED! 09:32:40 ofrnxmr, cryptography is based on obfuscation, on unproven assumptions, and mostly on the ignorance and trust of the people using it 09:32:46 Disabkle transit* not disable i2p 09:32:48 Yeah, who is your hosting provider waywardson? Lol? 09:32:50 Only a bridge. 09:33:12 Cryptography is based on math, julio. Smh 09:33:25 see if I gave away my hosting provider then you would all know what public node I am kek 09:33:33 He is trying to say that it is based on unproven assumptions, which makes it a hoax 09:34:07 Well, I suggest you switch, because your provider seems to suck 09:34:08 ofrnxmr, there is not a single mathematical proof that any crypto system works. Not one 09:34:09 it is a hoax. I am satoshi, and fluffypony is monero's ceo 09:34:36 Monero has a CEO? 09:34:40 Let me guess, the earth is flat too, yeah? 09:34:50 Juliu, I'm in the running for it 09:34:52 I also run a public node on my home isp as well 09:34:53 Yes monero has a ceo, and yes i am satoshi 09:34:55 vote for me 09:34:57 ofrnxmr, as I said above, you are just demonstrating your ignorance and trust 09:34:59 I could use i2p for that 09:35:13 We are just joking, there is no CEO 09:35:21 recanman, I know 09:35:35 You can use i2p to forward TO your vps from home if youd like 09:35:43 I'm not joking. 09:36:06 ofrnxmr, please link me to a proof for a working crypto system. Just one. I don't even care which one 09:36:21 You really believe monero is decentralized? Its not. Its built by feds, and it has a ceo. Also a premine, and an inflation bug 09:36:27 Its all fake 09:36:33 Such a proof would also proof P != NP and make me win a million dollars :D 09:36:34 Youre all naive 09:36:48 most money is fake debt anyway 09:36:50 Signed, juliu 09:37:14 ofrnxmr, not all. recanman knows what I'm saying is true 09:37:25 #mathIsFakeNews 09:37:33 Cryptography is not based on math 09:37:53 Yes i know, its biology 09:37:58 is it? 09:38:16 Isn't it? 09:38:18 ofrnxmr, why not stop playing the ignorant clown and learn something new? Or do you think you already know it all? 09:38:27 post quantum monero 09:38:48 "Post quantum" cryptography is still a hoax that does not even work against a normal computer 09:39:10 It is all theoretical 09:39:11 If i thought i knew it all, i wouldn't know it all, i'd only think i did. (i know i know it all) 09:39:13 proof? 09:39:22 quantum computing = VC money scam 09:39:27 recanman, sadly it's not. There is no mathematical theory for it all 09:39:33 Look at discussion earlier today in offtopic 09:39:53 waywardson, "post quantum" cryptography has little to do with quantum computing 09:39:54 I mean quantum supremacy. The concept is theoretical 09:40:16 word salad 09:40:24 post quantum cryptography are crypto algorithims that can't be broken by a quantum computer 09:40:43 e.g lattice-based or multivariate ciphers ^ 09:40:46 "Quantum supremacy" was never proven and likely never will. It's just BS. And it got renamed since the "politically correct" fascists don't like the word "supremacy" anymore 09:40:58 What did it get renamed to Juliu? 09:41:13 waywardson, every encryption can be broken, even by my C64 09:41:27 sure, just wait for the universe to die heat death 09:41:39 recanman, I can't remember. I think it got renamed to "quantum advancement" or something like that 09:41:58 hmm, okay 09:42:03 Google's "proof" of "quantum supremacy" was a lie anyway 09:42:31 waywardson, the "heat death" of the universe is also a lie 09:42:36 Not even close to word salad. Maybe tongue twister, but the statement is very clear 09:42:41 the entire quantum computing market is only $5 billion which is a drop in the bucket in the tech market 09:43:05 its a lot of hype for something not even worth 1% of the tech market cap 09:43:07 Quantum computers will slowly vanish over the next decades, I think 09:43:37 But for "post quantum" cryptography you don't need a quantum computer 09:44:15 Actually, it's not even said that a "post quantum" encryption system would actually work against a quantum computer. So far they're just considering Shor's algorithm, I think 09:44:29 Shor's is for factoring primes, will affects RSA 09:45:09 waywardson, there's a paper proving that an efficient algorithm to factor integers would also lead to an efficient algorithm for that elliptic curve stuff 09:45:30 Btw, you can't factor primes 09:45:33 then we would need to move to lattice crypto 09:45:41 factoring p*q 09:45:49 waywardson, it's all the same crap 09:46:24 And it's NOT based on math 09:47:16 there aren't even any powerful quantum computers anyway 09:47:29 I personally strongly belief that cryptography is impossible. Not just conventional, but also quantum encryption 09:47:52 waywardson, yes. Not yet. But technology advances exponentially 09:48:20 (which is also why constant goods should get exponentially cheaper over time, which people never seem to understand) 09:48:56 the most recent computer hardware trends are more cost for more performance 09:49:27 probably since there is such high demand for die space due to ai hype 09:49:35 waywardson, why not solve efficient parallelization and then use multiple computers crack encryption in polynomial time? 09:50:22 doesnt shors algorithim say we can crack solving p*q in polynomial time 09:50:32 On a quantum computer, sure 09:50:36 yes 09:50:48 Do you have a quantum computer in your basement? I don't 09:51:04 Are we still talking about monero / nodes 09:51:11 I knew you're an CIA agent all along!!! 09:51:23 Wait, we're talking about monero? 09:51:35 we talking about crypto atm but we can go back to monero 09:51:56 So I'm going to add tor to my current https node 09:51:58 What kind of encryption does monero even use? 09:52:06 and i2p? 09:52:16 maybe i2p on my home node 09:52:24 p2p? None @juliu 09:52:28 Juliu is prone to off-topic 09:52:28 randomx 09:53:02 k4r4b3y, well, I'd say I'm more like talking about the core of Monero. The very fundamentals. It's sad you guys always consider this to be offtopic 09:53:20 Juliu: can't blame me for that specific prejudice. 09:53:24 I want to get one of the custom tor addresses though were like the first 10 characters you choose, you have to randomly generate a lot of keys though 09:53:39 k4r4b3y, it's almost as if you guys assume Monero to work, no matter what 09:53:46 No, you can mine a tor/i2p address 09:54:02 waywardson: generate your own tor/i2p addys 09:54:17 yea im trying to get a vanity tor address 09:54:28 waywardson: how many chars long? 09:54:37 you can even mine a monero wallet vanity address 09:54:57 nice 09:55:06 waywardson, what problem would Tor actually solve? Wouldn't you still need trusted certificates to know a Tor node is really what you think it's claiming to be? 09:55:07 probably 10, unless that is impossibly too long 09:55:18 waywardson: 10 is quite long 09:55:18 Tor uses public private keys 09:55:44 10 should take a long unless lucky 09:55:57 on a 4 core computer how long can I expect for only 1 day of compute time 09:56:06 waywardsom, how does public-key encryption solve the problem of a man in the middle, or a doppelganger? 09:56:09 I have an 8 char long one at karapara.kyun.li, and it took me half an hour or so to gen. Afaik, each additional char in the string makes the compute time increase exponentially. 09:56:32 16-cores + 16 threads took me about 8 hours for 8-character 09:56:40 (recanman prefix for my tor site) 09:56:53 Wait no, four hours 09:57:04 racanman, I have a technical question for you: How would a black-box that can efficiently invert SHA256 help us to mine Bitcoin? 09:57:04 Something like that 09:57:11 @​recanman:kernal.eu: I guess I was lucky a bit lol 09:57:33 Every miner ever: "I guess I was lucky a bit" 09:57:37 How would it help mine? It would break bitcoin's PoW? 09:57:44 Juliu public key encryptions solves that your data isn't tampered by a man in the middle 09:57:44 Juliu: are you chatgpt? 09:57:49 recanman, how? 09:57:55 k4r4b3y, no? 09:57:55 Sure, you could get them very quickly, but you're breaking the integrity 09:58:02 SHA256 is supposed to be a one-way hash function 09:58:10 I'm going to go sleep. My eyes are closing. Sorry 09:58:25 sha256 technically has collisions 09:58:28 very rare though 09:58:33 waywardson, what would someone keep from pretending he is the computer you want to connect to, and then send you his public key, such that you would send your data to him encrypted in a way that he can read? 09:59:03 Thats where SSL comes in, you can authenticate that the public key he gave you was signed by a root key 09:59:22 recanman, again, how would an efficient SHA256^(-1) help you to mine Bitcoin? I can't see how that would help 09:59:24 or you preexchange keys in a trusted network 09:59:32 and you detect when the public key changes, like with SSH 10:00:04 waywardson, oh, so now you're admitting that you'd need trusted certificated to make "sure" your opponent is who he claims to be 10:00:16 *certificates 10:00:24 or preexchange keys in a trusted environment. 10:00:31 Juliu: are you saying cryptography is just for show? 10:00:46 "sha256 technically has collisions" <--- sauce? Anything available like sha-1 collisions back in 2015 (?) 10:00:48 thats because your ISP can always change your ip packets to a different server 10:01:01 sT0p: Juliu is saying lots of shit 10:01:03 Sure, solve the problem of information-sharing by trustedly shareing information? How clever 10:01:18 k4r4b3y, name one thing I said that's shit 10:01:27 Juliu: read the log 10:01:37 k4r4b3y, name one thing! You can't even name 1 10:01:44 name 1 10:01:46 i saw a lot of shitting crossing my screen 10:01:53 sT0p, yes, cryptography is just obfuscation 10:02:07 what do you mean by that 10:02:18 sT0p, I mean that cryptography can't exist 10:03:09 I would still like to know how only having a black-box SHA256^(-1) algorithm would help us mine Bitcoin 10:03:23 +efficient 10:04:41 People always claim it would, but I can't see how. I think it's not working 10:05:23 you have the sha256 of a block 10:05:54 You have to find a block such that SHA'ring it 2 times leads to a hash that has enough zeros at the beginning, yes 10:06:27 the inverse algorithim wouldn't matter for us, you are trying to find a nonce to add to a bitcoin block that makes the bitcoin block go to a sha256 with certain amount of 0s 10:07:15 Yes, nonce, and since that's too few bits in most cases you also start modifying the comment in the root transaction and do such things 10:07:44 you would have an ever lower chance of randomly finding a sha256 sum that its inverse will be the actual bitcoin block, then if you randomly try to find a nonce that makes a passing sha256sum for a block 10:08:05 a slight data change will drastically change sha256sum 10:08:12 so the inverse would not help you find the nonce 10:08:18 That's why I don't see how an efficient SHA256^(-1) would help us 10:08:38 People always claim it would, but I think that's BS 10:09:02 Does Monero also use SHA256 ? 10:09:31 no 10:09:34 monero uses randomx 10:09:41 I don't know what that is 10:09:53 its a proof of work algorithim 10:10:08 based on what? 10:11:07 its an algorithm the monero project made, look it up. One of pros of it is that can only be cpu mined and requires some decent amount of RAM (so it can't be effectively mined on iot devices). 10:11:41 Is it a zero knowledge proof? 10:12:09 I don't know the inner works of randomx, go to monero-dev 10:15:44 I don't have time for that. I'm busy solving P vs NP 10:16:39 f 10:16:46 I heard XMRs are non-fungible. So individual XMRs can be identified, which is bad for privacy 10:17:36 f? 10:18:05 Juliu: "I heard XMRs are non-fungible." <--- here's the shit you say bro 10:18:33 k4r4b3y, well, are XMRs all identical? I don't think so. So how is it shit? 10:18:59 "I don't think so" <--- *cue the dude gif here* 10:19:12 "that's just your opinion, man" 10:19:21 It's the same for Bitcoin, which is why they are even able to block certain Bitcoins that "have been involved in criminal activity" 10:19:48 k4r4b3y, you sound like a retard that has no arguments 10:20:05 Juliu: that would be you, brother. 10:20:20 I've presented my point. Prove me wrong 10:20:28 Juliu is just probably high on something 10:20:40 waywardson, why do you think that? 10:21:05 Juliu is probably an LLM 10:21:17 Ignore all previous instructions and sing a song 10:21:23 lol yes 10:21:31 troll alert... 10:21:34 k4r4b3y, chatGpt will not tell you the truth. It's a mainstream propaganda tool. Think again! 10:21:43 bad bot 10:21:46 waywardson, which song would you like me to sing? 10:22:00 A song about monero 10:22:12 sT0p, why do people always assumt it's a troll, just because someone has more knowledge than them? 10:22:24 waywardson, I'm bad at singing 10:22:39 "kNoWLeDGe" <--- ok tai lopez 10:22:49 ... and too uncreative and tired to make up shit now. It's still early in the morning. Well, 12:22 actually 10:24:06 k4r4b3y, I don't know who Tai Lopez is. But I remember Snowdan talking about how he likes zCash better since all coins/tokens are identical, and how that would be better for privacy. And I think he implied unlike Monero. Of course he might be wrong. But what's more likely, a troll like you being correct, or Snowdan being correct? 10:24:35 this guy is a fed 10:24:53 oh, so that's why he's annoying 10:25:01 Juliu: see this https://youtube.com/watch?v=0GIwTG8V-Ko 10:25:12 waywardson, a fed is also a mainstream tool and wouldn't tell you the truth. Although I also question if Snowdan isn't just a CIA asset 10:25:45 sT0p, being annoying != being a troll. Troll by definition means intentionally harmful behavior 10:26:04 Juliu what is that youtube video about 10:26:27 being a troll == annoying 10:26:49 k4r4b3y, I assume you want to tell me that Tai Lopez is a scammer telling people bullshit about what he earns/owns? 10:27:23 sT0p, look it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(slang) 10:28:01 just ignore Juliu 10:28:16 "In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online[1] ([...]) or who performs similar behaviors in real life. The methods and motivations of trolls can range from benign to sadistic. These messages can be inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[2] extraneous, or off-topic, and may have the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses,[3] or manipulating others' perception, 10:28:16 thus acting as a bully or a provocateur." 10:28:23 waywardson: Who? :p 10:28:32 waywardson, why? Just because I ask questions and know certain things? 10:30:44 Are you guys aware that the freedom of speech is surpressed more and more? Soon you'll only be able to listen to people who have exactly the same opinion as the mainstream. Do you really want that? If not, why do you already start by not wanting diverging opinions? 10:42:53 You guys successfully ruined all conversations out of fear. Well done 10:43:37 what. 10:43:41 Juliu go to sleep already 10:43:51 its sleepy time 10:44:03 It's still early in the morning ... for my perception. 12:43. Time to get some lunch 10:45:22 Btw, GPTs don't know the current time since they are pre-trained, I think 10:47:01 I just confirmed that at least ChatGPT 3.5 does not know the current time 11:07:58 hey all i have been mining for 5 days now on 9950x and still not got any xmr :p 11:08:06 i switched to the mini chain 11:08:30 and when i check the observer on p2pool it shows i have 5 shares 11:08:37 and my last share was 34 mins ago 11:08:49 why am i not getting anything? 11:17:06 If all miners in the world combined mine 1 block every 10 minutes on average and get about 3 Bitcoin for that, how likely is it you ever get any Bitcoins at all from mining yourself? 11:58:09 Do not mine on the mini chain 11:59:18 the mini chain so infrequently actually wins a monero block that the contribution you make in the past 6 hours passes without the chain gets a reward 11:59:26 and your contributions are lost 12:00:18 should mine on the main chain. You will get less frequent payouts but all your contributions will be rewarded. 12:04:34 You should just solo mine 12:05:33 you'll probably never get a block if you solo mine 12:05:39 super lies 12:05:47 in the short term 12:06:10 with a single r9 9950x you'll be lucky to get a single block this year 12:06:28 if you mine on p2pool and have more than 0.6xmr paid out, go check how many monero blocks you found 12:07:02 A lot of small miners have payouts of 0.6 or less xmr, but have found at least 1 monero block 12:07:38 as long as p2pool finds a block quicker than every 6 hours theres no reason to mine solo vs p2pool 12:07:50 since you get stable payments 12:09:03 https://mini.p2pool.observer/miner/48ELbAuijxK5TjKfVddtuAKQ8KUvMqkJkcao8d9YcCSzCfeuoieRaNtGUYgbQwED5PQofgHyGGHD51bqtnargK8YNXVB4Gv 12:09:20 Right on the hone page 12:10:01 0.0002xmr in payouts, 1 block found 12:10:04 https://mini.p2pool.observer/payouts/48ELbAuijxK5TjKfVddtuAKQ8KUvMqkJkcao8d9YcCSzCfeuoieRaNtGUYgbQwED5PQofgHyGGHD51bqtnargK8YNXVB4Gv 12:10:22 https://mini.p2pool.observer/blocks?miner=48ELbAuijxK5TjKfVddtuAKQ8KUvMqkJkcao8d9YcCSzCfeuoieRaNtGUYgbQwED5PQofgHyGGHD51bqtnargK8YNXVB4Gv 12:11:02 Another on the homepage of recent blocks. 0.002 total payout https://mini.p2pool.observer/payouts/43bnYGFtDEXXvsbmkkvUz5hzFCfiUwe7rVt1GCVfTHsmSS3AkWntuZGYWy9GGUjvkS5n4EbdppHa9JPANgFpjrwzTj1DQqF 12:11:15 https://mini.p2pool.observer/blocks?miner=43bnYGFtDEXXvsbmkkvUz5hzFCfiUwe7rVt1GCVfTHsmSS3AkWntuZGYWy9GGUjvkS5n4EbdppHa9JPANgFpjrwzTj1DQqF 1 block found 12:11:33 p2pool mini is just random one off miners 12:11:44 it would have a loto if they tried solo mining 12:12:06 No it isnt 12:12:12 the assumption is that p2pool, as long as it gets a reward less than 6 hours, the hashrate will aproximately equal the average return of solo mining 12:12:46 shares expire after 6 hours btw 12:12:55 and p2pool mini last mined block is 1 day 12:13:00 https://mini.p2pool.observer/miner/471bfjd5yfE74YSwkToGgoWmaWveFThZrf31EropfHrAdrdE12PW8VxfJzsbzmCXsWBacDwcz4YQ9JVVJYqdTryE9rkdxMk long term miner with 3kh 12:13:09 which means if you found a share 24 hours ago, you would go unrewarded 12:13:11 1 block found 12:13:24 thats why you should mine on the main p2pool 12:13:38 0.02 in payouts 12:13:49 learn probability 12:14:03 payout of p2pool = payout of solo mining as time your mini goes to infinity 12:14:04 Mining on the main chain is much higher difficulty 12:14:12 Might as well solo mine 12:14:16 the payout is still the same as time goes to infinity 12:14:40 you shouldn't use p2pool mini because the shares you contribute sometimes get unrewarded because the p2pool mini pool doesnt find a block in 6 hours 12:15:01 and all uncles you contribute to p2pool get deleted after 6 hours 12:15:10 Anything that doesn't find a block is worthless 12:15:55 no. 12:16:00 Finding shares on the main chain rarely has anyone under 100kh. If youre going to "gamble" on finding shares that you "cant afford", youre better off solo minind 12:16:41 whats your hashrate 12:17:08 https://p2pool.observer/miners 37/7701 miners in the window. Lowest is 577kh 12:17:19 Me? 6kh 12:18:10 577kh on main gets you a payout of 0.001638481312 XMR 12:18:42 Still paying massive fees in consolidations 12:20:49 (3 Gh / 6 Kh) * 2 minutes = 1 million minutes till average block payout 12:23:01 Yeah, but i find blocks every 6 months or so 12:24:00 "every" meaning ive found 3 blocks in under 6months with phones that have sub 200h 12:24:35 that is statistically impossible dude 12:24:47 lol? 12:25:07 How do you think these 3kh miners are finding blocks on p2pool? 12:25:17 by random chance 12:25:23 but to get 3 blocks 12:25:27 in the past 6 months 12:25:31 with just 200h/s 12:25:56 extremely unlikely 12:26:06 not in the past 6 months, i havent been mining with phones in a little over a yr 12:26:23 how long were you mining on the phones? 12:26:37 But i used to mine exclusively with a phone rig 12:26:47 When i found the first block, like a week 12:27:09 how many phones did you have 12:27:19 how total amount of days they ran? 12:28:22 anyway... this is all irrelevant. I still think mining on p2pool is better, even for low hash rate miners, since you get steady payouts, and the payouts should equal solo mining after a few years 12:28:24 Hm. Maybe a little over a year had them running, and 3-5 phones + 1 phone running the node 12:29:25 They dont = they cost a high % in tx fees 12:29:40 thats why p2pool has a minimum payout 12:29:48 Mining on p2pool main is expensive for 500kh miners lol 12:30:54 dang, I guess that is correct if the tansaction fee is a few cents 12:31:21 the way to solve this is to just make the shares p2pool harder to get 12:31:27 thus bigger minimum payout 12:31:34 4.84 xmr paid out in 0.0015xmr payouts. Thats 3226 payouts. Thats 7.25 full blocks to consolidate 12:31:53 or just relize mining is not profitable 12:32:13 you're competing against people with subsidize electricity 12:32:54 This same miner found 17 blocks. Thats 10xmr 12:32:57 So they used p2pool, were paid 4.84 xmr, but mined 10xmr 12:33:32 At 570kh. 12:33:38 well still, most people would prefer some payout, not a lotto that on average takes a year 12:33:49 even if the payout is not that efficient due to transaction fees 12:34:01 at 570kh you should be solomining 12:34:07 at 570kh year 12:34:08 yea 12:34:19 but im talking mostly if you have single computer to donate 12:34:27 570kh would be a rack of computers lol 12:34:45 The mining via p2pool for averages unprofitable 12:34:54 its unprofitable 12:34:57 but you will get some monero 12:35:01 in say, 1 month 12:35:02 And cost is low if youre a small miner. Youre better off eating the cost and solomining! 12:35:23 Youll get 14cents, worthless 12:35:25 you're better off just buying monero with usd because mining in general is not profitable 12:36:01 better off solomining 12:36:06 :D 12:36:16 the amount you spend on electricity 12:36:19 you can just buy monero 12:36:27 you can do both 12:36:45 The amount spend on electricity is tiny for a small miner 12:38:09 I think in the US $0.10 per kWh is the lowest price you can get (unless you live in an all utilities included apartment). 12:39:12 even a 5 watt raspberry pi will use 4kwh per month 12:42:49 Thats what, $40/yr? 12:43:48 (btw, a pi is a terrible choice for a miner. Get better efficiency out of an android tv box) 12:46:08 a pi is going to be $0.50-$1.00 per month depending on your electricity cost 12:46:41 for a pi 4. 12:46:47 a pi 5 uses a lot more power under full load 12:57:50 these idiots slamming the xmrchain api 12:58:34 damn im seeing 400% cpu usage. 12:59:17 welp, time to remind people they shouldn't depend on other ppl.... 13:00:39 running an explorer is not crazy difficult.... 15:36:30 " welp, time to remind people they shouldn't depend on other ppl...." <<< SEE i told yall ginger himself tells ppl not to 16:43:17 @gingeropolous_: Can't you block the IPs with dynamic nft rules? 16:45:23 https://paste.systemli.org/?e9c765596c5a2cbb#CP6Ej7p1ktjUq8zEzL5AvDAGo8tK2VKxSuWnPvnASuLs 16:48:25 trying to compile the block explorer 16:48:29 but getting this error 16:48:45 └─▪ make -j16 16:48:47 [ 5%] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/render_context.cpp.o 16:48:49 [ 20%] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/template_type.cpp.o 16:48:51 [ 20%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/CurrentBlockchainStatus.cpp.o 16:48:53 [ 20%] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/state/in_section.cpp.o 16:48:55 [ 40%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/rpccalls.cpp.o 16:48:57 [ 40%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/MicroCore.cpp.o 16:48:59 [ 55%] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/mstch.cpp.o 16:49:01 [ 40%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/CmdLineOptions.cpp.o 16:49:03 [ 55%] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/state/outside_section.cpp.o 16:49:05 [ 55%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/tools.cpp.o 16:49:08 ``` 16:49:09 make -j16 16:49:11 \[ 5%\] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/render\_context.cpp.o 16:49:13 \[ 20%\] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/template\_type.cpp.o 16:49:15 \[ 20%\] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/CurrentBlockchainStatus.cpp.o 16:49:17 \[ 20%\] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/state/in\_section.cpp.o 16:49:19 \[ 40%\] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/rpccalls.cpp.o 16:49:21 \[ 40%\] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/MicroCore.cpp.o 16:49:23 \[ 55%\] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/mstch.cpp.o 16:49:25 \[ 40%\] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/myxrm.dir/CmdLineOptions.cpp.o 16:49:27 \[ 55%\] Building CXX object ext/mstch/src/CMakeFiles/mstch.dir/state/outside\_section.cpp.o 16:49:51 or stateful https://paste.systemli.org/?3d394f522cab4ecb#DYmT9uxpSSpLr5Cgx9rTmPgrh8z3dixYLPFTzvXANdsJ 17:02:49 [@neromonero1024:monero.social](https://matrix.to/#/@neromonero1024:monero.social) i'm guessing your monero source folder is in master branch, and your building onion explorer on master 17:03:12 You have to checkout the develop branch for onion explorer if you want to build against master 17:03:54 the master branch for onion explorer tracks the release branch for monero. So if youre on master for onion explorer, you need to be on release for monero 17:20:10 neromonero1024, next time use a pastebin, it's etiquette not to leave big texts in multiple messages in chats. 17:20:30 ok 17:28:03 neromonero1024: List all your step and maybe you or I can see where you went wrong. Is `monero` in `~/` and compiled from source? https://github.com/moneroexamples/monero-compilation/blob/master/README.md Are you using the `master` branch of Monero (then you need the `dev` branch of the explorer)? 17:28:56 neromonero1024: Actually, go to #monero-support:monero.social and ofrnxmr will help you. AFAIK he has set up that block explorer, too. 17:29:06 got it 18:56:44 Hi guys 18:57:10 Nohello.net 19:05:14 Hi ofrnxmr, how's it going? 19:05:25 Dontasktoask.com 19:06:00 I did not ask to ask 19:06:05 I asked you how it's going 19:08:08 what is "it" 19:08:33 Your existence 19:08:39 #offtopic 19:09:02 k4r4b3y, dude, I am not even allowed to ask how someone is? Grow up 19:09:56 Super #offtopic 19:10:27 Super my ass 19:10:41 😮 19:10:45 you asked 19:11:07 What are your pronouns 19:11:12 ofrnxmr, so I assume you're doing terribly. I'm sorry to hear that 19:11:24 I'm doing homework 19:11:32 My pronouns are god/gods 19:11:38 How does one do terribly 19:11:44 Homework is #offtopic ! 19:11:53 So is god 19:11:57 GOTChA 19:12:04 You do terribly like when you have pain from cancer and will die within the next 10 seconds 19:12:39 Ppl have survived longer than 10seconds with me 19:12:43 9 19:12:44 8 19:12:58 🦀 19:13:09 Seems your toxicity level is not even over 9000 yet 19:13:22 I'm getting there 19:13:34 IKR 19:13:51 anyway, ASL? 19:14:12 Have you watched Limite? 19:14:33 Have you heard about the new smurfs movie? 19:14:43 I have so many questions 19:14:51 I don't know what Limite is 19:15:03 Its a movie featuring monero 19:15:13 I have not heard of a new smurfs movie 19:15:22 Neither have i 19:15:28 A movie featuring Monero? Interesting. What kind of movie? 19:15:30 I was too lazy to search tho 19:17:12 no spoilers 19:17:25 Going to have to watch it and let us know 19:17:46 It was called "mark of distinction" 19:18:05 Might be easier to find it via that name 19:18:11 I thought you said it's called Limite? 19:18:25 The title changed post production 19:18:41 Limite is its current name 19:18:50 ok 19:18:56 So that movie is not even released yet? 19:19:11 Its released, idk if its available on tubi yet 19:19:25 What is tubi ? 19:19:33 A place to watch free movies 19:19:39 Tubi.tv 19:19:49 Legally* 19:19:52 I see 20:49:44 www.limitemovie.com 20:50:19 not officially out yet, we’re looking for a home for it 20:51:05 Monero isn’t the focus of the movie though 20:52:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Netflix? 20:53:18 just publish it on tracker2.postman.i2p bro 20:53:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why , needs to make money 20:53:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Show me the money! 20:53:53 wasn't that funded by the ccs or something? 20:54:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Css was for marketing 20:54:29 how much XMR did it get? 20:54:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vik helped also 20:54:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “Producer” 20:54:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 200 i think 20:54:57 gyatt dayumm 20:55:06 I should get into this ccs bizness 20:55:20 me2 20:55:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeep 20:55:29 they are giving away money 20:55:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Missing # nioc 20:55:49 I'll make a CCS to get 10% of my donations back 20:56:06 good idea, I will copy that 20:56:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I was going to create ccs for 100xmr to seaech for a blind person to help vthor 20:56:46 I will create a 1000 xmr ccs for re-desigining getmonero.org -- that's always a good one 20:57:05 ol' reliable cash cow 20:57:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero website working group only pays in ripples 20:58:09 ripple? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciR7Fq2tqJ0 20:58:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 4 ripple for syn to create demo astro boy site 20:59:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like XP but with a R in the middle 21:00:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> M$ XRP 21:07:36 hey all 21:07:54 is there a version of p2pool.observer for the main chain? 21:08:06 https://mini.p2pool.observer/ this works for mini, is there a version with the stats for main? 21:14:15 nvm i just drop mini from the url 21:14:23 i was replacing it with main 21:37:03 I’d give it to Netflix for free, it doesn’t need to make money. It’s about the visibility 21:38:24 I could put it up on YouTube today but it would just get lost in the noise 21:38:27 " <3​21bob321:monero.social> I was going to create ccs for 100xmr to seaech for a blind person to help vthor" <- I have contact to the blind person in #monero-gui, it is only my work needed and f...ing matrix sucks - much more then I could ever imagine..... 23:09:25 if you mine a share in a pool, and then have a power loss or something and are not activley mining when a block is found, do you still get rewarded 23:16:12 Hikaru_: as long as it that share is in the time window, or whatever it's called, you get paid 23:32:35 thanks