04:36:25 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> Hey guys! How is it going? Whats on the Monero agenda this week?
06:22:50 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> is there a blockchain explorer i can run locally on my monerod ?
06:23:04 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> preferably having a nice UI
07:05:31 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer
07:08:11 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> however, compiling it requires `git checkout 59cddbb9ca8e9fe7f966bdb52da4bdd374c65c26` as some of the latest commits have fked things up
07:08:11 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> devs know about it, so hopefully will get fixed sooner or later
07:08:13 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> for the time being, this is the workaround
08:28:09 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> aah never mind
08:29:18 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> not looking to host it , but it seems too much work
12:02:00 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> You csn try moneroblock
12:02:44 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> https://docs.getmonero.org/infrastructure/networks/#block-explorers-self-hosted
13:01:05 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> https://simplex.chat/blog/20241014-simplex-network-v6-1-security-review-better-calls-user-experience.html
13:02:33 <Mochi101> I'm the second most affordability-constrained person in Mexico.
13:15:29 <Mochi101> @btc
13:26:24 <ofrnxmr> `btc usd` price result doesnt show on google
13:26:28 <ofrnxmr> `xmr usd` does
13:27:01 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> you can trace btc transactions by using google
13:27:03 <moneromooo> Bitcoin more private than monero :o
13:28:26 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/IFtZTYZewlPnYiAXlYcPxjBU
13:28:30 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> lmao
14:04:22 <nioCat> how convenient 
14:15:38 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/YRXaOPTnBPxyxEkBzCVPNcND
15:07:25 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> https://www.youtube.com/@Anti_Moonboy
15:07:27 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> https://odysee.com/@anti_moonboy:7
15:07:29 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> https://rumble.com/user/AntiMoonboy
15:07:31 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> I am attemping to reboot Breaking Monero. Check out the videos at the links posted. i have three episodes uploaded so far and I will be uploading videos every other day (next video will be wednesday)
15:22:51 <geonic> very cool. just watched the first video. one nitpick, monero was used on DNM before Breaking Monero. AlphaBay started accepting it September 2016 (when we still didn’t have a minimum ringsize :D)
15:24:25 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> it was added but it wasn't really used
15:24:58 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> monero usage on dnms snowballed with white house, and we know that based on tx data.
15:25:34 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> ty for watching though!
15:26:10 <m-relay> <r​afael_xmr:monero.social> epic, plan on posting on nostr too? you can use flare.pub and it can be shared via mostard.org etc
15:26:40 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> i am not on nostr
15:27:10 <m-relay> <r​afael_xmr:monero.social> ok I can share just the link
15:32:14 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> ty
15:39:59 <m-relay> <r​afael_xmr:monero.social> I will add your dono address when sharing so mostard can parse it instead of using mine
15:40:42 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> thank you
15:55:41 <geonic> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/76sdo2/a_new_monero_only_dark_net_market_has_just/
15:57:07 <plowsof> thankfully i can't reach the clearnet link. my ISP has protected me from this illegal content 
15:58:34 <as2333> which isp is that?
16:00:06 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> what happened to https://www.monero.com/ ? this website design is completelty broken
16:00:30 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> what happened to https://www.monero.com/ ? the website design is completely broken
16:01:55 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Looks like an XSS injection attack
16:02:50 <geonic> the deepdotweb link? doesn’t work for me either
16:03:42 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> dead domain
16:04:29 <geonic> yea
16:09:15 <m-relay> <k​i9:gf4.pw> Just a reminder: I am still looking for the operator of haveno.markets.  See my note on xmrprice.fyi.
16:14:03 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> vik (Cake)
16:14:18 <geonic> I just pinged Vik
16:14:30 <ofrnxmr> I pinged him first
16:15:25 <geonic> weirdly it's showing fine on my computer
16:16:15 <geonic> I see it on mobile though. he isn't seeing it on his phone.
16:16:46 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> working fine now, I think it was a server issue
16:17:45 <geonic> alright I just watched episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_RDRGqSbyY
16:18:28 <geonic> it talks about avoiding combining outputs and then in the end recommends churning by using sweep_all, which does the same thing (combine outputs)
16:18:37 <geonic> what am I missing? I've never seen sweep_all be recommended for churning
16:20:26 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> im not understanding
16:21:07 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> sweep all is an input to sweep all of your transactions into one output
16:21:12 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> what is the misunderstanding?
16:25:02 <geonic> I think you're giving dangerous advice, that's all
16:25:08 <geonic> curious what others think
16:26:10 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> well don't trust me.
16:26:39 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> if you are veiwing mu videos don't trust me!
16:27:02 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> if you are veiwing my videos don't trust me!
16:44:34 <geonic> here's someone else who was using sweep_all to churn. maybe you can learn from that discussion. https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20220823#c140419
16:44:49 <geonic> of course it's hard to learn if you think you know it all already
16:45:24 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> the last sentence was useless geonic
16:45:38 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> well geonic is a retarud
16:45:54 <geonic> masks off (:
16:45:57 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> so it is best to ignore him
16:46:00 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> s/last sentence was//
16:46:11 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> lmao
16:46:25 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> that would read... 'the useless geonic'
16:46:27 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> Fixed that for you, you are welcome.
16:46:35 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> im just being real
16:46:45 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> for real? /s
16:47:06 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> If you want to preserve any sliver of sanity in XMR communities, you simply have to set two Internet-wide ignores up.
16:47:13 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> Easy job.
16:56:12 <geonic> https://monerofund.org/projects/eae_attack_and_churning
16:57:05 <geonic> a number of PhDs have been unable to come up with churning guidelines, but... here's this One Simple Trick! lmao
16:58:23 <geonic> anyway, obviously you don't want to discuss facts and name calling is not that interesting to me
16:58:30 <geonic> good luck with your educational series, just don't pretend you're continuing the tradition of Breaking Monero, which was actually rigorously researched and thoughtfully presented
17:00:30 <nioCat> It's recommended to first churn each individual output separately before doing a sweep_all 
17:01:52 <nioCat> But as geonic said, PhDs have tried to come up with churning guidelines and have not done so
17:02:13 <geonic> I think that makes you e retarud, nioCat :(
17:03:22 <geonic> it's ok though we have lordx3nu, he'll show those PhDs
17:03:25 <nioCat> You can just keep doing many sweep_all s until it seems properly churned  :D
17:04:13 <nioCat> As is repeatedly said, it slipped
17:04:24 <nioCat> Phonereeeeeee
17:04:47 <nioCat> It depends on your threat model
17:05:25 <nioCat> Also your type of use
17:05:51 <nioCat> I look forward to never having to have this convo
17:05:54 <nioCat> Soon
17:07:58 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> `<n​ioCat> It's recommended to first churn each individual output separately before doing a sweep_all ` this doesnt work
17:11:15 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Having all of the target outputs 1 hop away from a consolidation is statistically unlikely to happen by chance. It makes more sense to consolidate first, then split and churn
17:14:40 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> All of the churns will have a common ancestor, but statistically more likely to happen by chance (1/256 outputs being the target after 1 split 1 churn, 1/4096 after 1 split 2 churns)
17:18:06 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> consolidating them makes multiple inputs share an ancestor. Which is why you cant safely consolidate churns or change. While an output may have been private during the churns, the path would be revealed if you consolidate the change
17:19:12 <geonic> I can't see a scenario where consolidating is better than churning individual outputs, but open to being corrected
17:20:59 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> lol.
17:27:14 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> let's say a p2pool miner has bunch of dust
17:27:15 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> he does `sweep_all` once to his own wallet (the sweep is still visible on p2pool.observer)
17:27:17 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> so, he does `sweep_all` once again to his own wallet (better if it's a different wallet)
17:27:19 <m-relay> <n​eromonero1024:monero.social> isn't it enough?
17:33:18 <geonic> there's no difference in terms of blockchain analysis between sweeping to your own wallet and to a different wallet
17:33:32 <geonic> only scenario where that could matter is if your wallet gets hacked
17:34:16 <geonic> i.e. your transaction history gets exposed
17:37:00 <geonic> not an expert, but I'd say that once you've sweeped the dust, your best bet is letting time pass before you spend it instead of attracting attention to it with more churns
17:42:00 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> "<g​eonic> I can't see a scenario where consolidating is better than churning individual outputs, but open to being corrected" take an extreme case - p2pool
17:42:47 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> churning your 3000 p2pool outputs individually.. later consolidating them ruins your churn
17:44:38 <geonic> yeah I'd consolidate those. an output needs to be usable in order to be worth churning. there are certainly instances where you *need* to consolidate and that's why we have sweep_all
17:45:17 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Consolidating 140 inputs first exposes that the new output is 1/16. Splitting that output cant be determined if it was a split, a spend or a sweep. now churning it again adds 1 of 16^2  possibilities that it may be yours
17:45:55 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> "those" = no different than outputs that you received in change from your favorite online merchant
17:46:49 <geonic> is there a command that allows you to combine specific outputs but not all
17:46:53 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Consolidating first is the only way to break the link. Churning first then later consolidating _makes_ an unlikely link
17:47:03 <geonic> I imagine there is?
17:47:33 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> I dont know about cli, but coincoincontrol in feather, mysu etc allow you to
17:47:33 <geonic> or is feather the way to go for that
17:47:41 <geonic> yea
17:49:47 <nioCat> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> `<n​ioCat> It's recommended to first churn each individual output separately before doing a sweep_all ` this doesnt work  <<>> seemingly logical advice is just a guess
17:53:36 <nioCat> I don't first churn individual outputs
17:54:07 <nioCat> if needed I do a lazier way  lol
17:58:58 <geonic> https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.28666616.4056/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg
18:00:52 <geonic> that's a good name for a series
21:28:00 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> yeah in the cli you can pick certain outputs. feather is way easier though
21:31:41 <sneurlax> feather also has coin control iirc
21:32:28 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> yeah i recommend feather in my series because it is way easier to use
21:32:59 <m-relay> <l​ordx3nu:matrix.org> you can also label utxos, so you can label every kyc outputs you receive
22:09:28 <m-relay> <k​i9:gf4.pw> The owner of haveno.markets got in touch with me!  He/she stayed anon but provided simplex contact info and source code.  Said a json api was planned.  So maybe we can collab and probably xmrprice.fyi will become a mirror.
22:09:46 <m-relay> <k​i9:gf4.pw> Haveno markets source (gitea): http://gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad.onion/wireless_purple/haveno-markets
22:09:57 <m-relay> <k​i9:gf4.pw> rottenwheel