02:14:31 <geonic> so on Haveno you can buy XMR at £99.76 ($130 USD) and turn around and sell it for $176.83?
04:03:25 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/szEUfmwqmEyOLJEGnhoLnXxi
04:03:29 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> running mysu v0.5.10.4 beta by anoncontributorxmr. some of the changes include: upgrade to Monero v0.18.3.4 point release, polyseed support, removal of moneroworld and Samourai Wallet-operated XMR remote node, removal of in-app donate to developer feature, monerochan disabled by default, tx. fee selection tweaks and other miscellaneous stuff.
07:58:40 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:kernal.eu> ki9: PM.
07:59:51 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> The liquidity gap is profitable if you’re willing to take the risk
08:00:20 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> You could get fucked over and lose money
09:21:15 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i have never seen any offer at such discounted price
09:22:12 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> even a miner won't sell for that cheap
09:22:46 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> if its a crypto-crypto swap then its lot more safer
09:24:26 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Not really, who made the backend, is it decentralised?, what is that literal trash screenshot 😂
09:25:42 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Is that linked to what you’re talking about?
09:26:14 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> whom are you talking to kewbit..
09:26:33 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i didn't send the screenshot
09:26:45 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> I think to you about your crypto-crypto thing and your comment on it
09:26:54 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Ahh I thought you commenting on that
09:27:33 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> These matrix’s messages come through in whatever order they like
09:27:38 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> I swear
09:27:42 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i see
09:28:04 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i was answering this
09:28:29 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> You can sell at whatever price you want, but people only will buy at the price they want.
09:29:00 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Yeah, ok so still valid then, you can make profit there, perhaps if it’s crypto to crypto you might be safer but I wouldn’t bet on it, unless it’s and established platform tho
09:29:52 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> There was this one guy who made million from selling bitcoin to Japan because of a huge liquidity gap
09:30:04 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> I think it was that same guy who owned FTX
09:31:18 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> There was this one guy who made millions from selling bitcoin to Japan because of a huge liquidity gap
09:31:42 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> on thats awesome
09:32:01 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> What is it ^
09:33:01 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> even better
09:33:26 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> you can buy XMR with USD cash by mail at 10% discount
09:33:44 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> and then instantly sell it for 7% premium with AUD cash by mail /s
09:36:10 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> yeah i know you still trust the platform and arbitrators but its atleast much easier to prove payment in crypto than by fiat methods
09:36:39 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Are you talking about haveno?
09:36:56 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> yessir
09:37:38 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Ahhh so really you’re talking about reto, I was suspicious as first but I guess they are treating it like a real business
09:38:10 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> I don’t think there has been any reports of issues at all
09:39:30 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> Volume of  use?
09:41:34 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Most of the people who sell cash for XMR don’t scam case they usually got shit loads of it anyway makes more sense for them to keep a rep
09:41:46 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> As in how many people are using it
09:46:48 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> anonymity can be a dual side sword 😅
09:47:32 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah double edge
09:53:37 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> Hey team! Which wallets do you mostly use? Cake ofc, also saw that Cool, Stack wallet were mentioned. Did i miss any?
09:56:23 <k4r4b3y> @q​uickex:matrix.org check out feather wallet
10:04:18 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Monerujo on my phone 😎
10:11:31 <meidam> Monerujo sounds like Esperanto
10:12:07 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> tnx, are there any representatives here by chance?
10:12:15 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Why is everyone trying to push wallets
10:12:54 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> If you’re not storing in a hardware wallet or a brainwallet.io then you should avoid crypto!
10:13:03 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> 😂
10:13:14 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> Btw brain wallet is a real thing
10:13:30 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> I have have stored like 1 XMR in my brain
10:13:51 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> It exists no where else
10:16:36 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> So when the neuralink comes i can hack your brain?
10:16:37 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> There's sidekick, new hardware wallet 😎
10:17:18 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Monero is esperanto for Money and monerujo is esperanto for wallet as far as I know
10:17:33 <meidam> Sounds about right
10:17:58 <meidam> Sidekick must be where you tattoo it on a friend, right? xD
10:19:42 <BlueyHealer> kewbit, because a hardware wallet would likely cost more than its contents at a time!
10:20:12 <m-relay> <k​ewbit:matrix.org> But it’s just cool to have
10:29:56 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> sidekick is crashing for me
10:30:08 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> reminded me to submit bug report
10:30:33 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> but its a cool project
10:31:00 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i think its one of the first in-production air-gapped "app" for monero
10:31:41 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> that would be anon nero
10:31:49 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> "in-production"
10:32:09 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> you mean in-production as in not done yet? lol
10:32:16 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> anenoro was buggy , and now dev working on rewrite
10:32:18 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Can we trust it to safe our savings?
10:32:29 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> yeah it was kinda beta
10:32:31 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> feather works too
10:32:38 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> i think you could
10:32:43 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> they out in good work
10:33:19 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> maybe use a seprate phone with graphene preferably , disconnect internet
10:33:43 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> I will try with some amount When I get a New Phone
10:41:45 <BlueyHealer> Cool to have - but I don't really see a point unless you have big amounts.
11:39:26 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> its a diy thing , and air gapped so it won't any downsides
11:41:32 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> ofcourse you always backup your seeds , so it should be safe
11:43:21 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> If there is a point with big amounts, there is also a point with lesser amounts
11:45:14 <BlueyHealer> What do you mean? Hardware wallets are expensive!
12:05:50 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Well sidekick is free
12:06:10 <BlueyHealer> What sidekick? Missed logs from earlier?
12:06:17 <BlueyHealer> s/?/.
12:07:10 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Provided you have an old phone
12:08:20 <BlueyHealer> If the phone got a status of "old", it must be running really outdated Android, but okay. Also wouldn't allow any Monero on a non-degoogled phone, because those I'd treat as public spaces.
12:15:21 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> It's an app from the monerujo team which allows you to turn your Phone Into a Hardware wallet. I haven't tested it yet
12:16:58 <BlueyHealer> Would you really want to trust your Monero to not just a spyware phone, but one that stopped receiving security updates years ago?
12:19:00 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> Is there a big risk if it isnt connected to internet?
12:19:01 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> And I would only use it as a hardware wallet. Nobody would be interested in hacking it because it looks old and useless
12:20:07 <BlueyHealer> You mean you could transfer money in and out without ever connecting it to the internet?
12:20:27 <BlueyHealer> Yeah, then Google or manufacturer are not a concern.
12:21:41 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> You Don't Really Transfer Money but Yeah it is meant to only be connected by Bluetooth with the actual Phone wich sends the monero transactions
12:22:55 <BlueyHealer> Ah, okay. I would not be using this, but that's pretty cool.
12:37:31 <m-relay> <a​nhdres:matrix.org> Here's sidekick page if you're interested: https://sidekick.monerujo.app/
13:20:57 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> I See it as actually a very big improvement to Monero overall
13:32:09 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> fam, new giveaway, this time we distribute private stable coin, personally reckon it matches with monero philosophy so hope u would love it and support us!
13:32:11 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> Not gonna share the link since its not fully related to xmr, but all info on our X account.
13:33:22 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Nope
13:33:30 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Dont want it 😂
13:33:55 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> monero is my stablecoin
13:34:28 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> I assume youre talking about haven or zephyr, in which case 🚮
13:34:30 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> garbage
13:34:31 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> xmr/uusd - most private exchange pair, i bet
13:34:44 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> (those blockchains and their stables are trash)
13:34:53 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> nope
13:35:20 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Uusd? What blockchain is that
13:35:36 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> (regardless, i only accept payout in xmr)
13:39:55 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> Respect monero, so not gonna write about other projects here
13:40:08 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> thats correct
13:41:25 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Should have said "running a giveaway for some other coin, but i can payout to you guys in xmr no problem" :D
13:42:22 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Or even better "winners can select uusd or xmr as their payout method" then post the results of what ppl selected
13:42:36 <remiliascarlet> Monero is my savings account, not much else I can do with it over here.
13:42:51 <remiliascarlet> Apart from shopping at Amazon or Rakuten.
13:42:58 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> I am _definitely_ not making a uusd wallet
13:43:25 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> remilia, cakepay Mastercard dont work?
13:43:42 <remiliascarlet> Only in the US, which is where I'm not located.
13:44:04 <remiliascarlet> And probably smartphone-only, so don't care.
13:44:25 <BlueyHealer> remiliascarlet, and for me it turned from "nice to have" (when I used it for my IRC bouncer, website and other services I wanted for fun) to "can't live without" (when more and more services started getting blocked and the VPS became outright vital).
13:44:50 <BlueyHealer> remiliascarlet, I've seen such cards offered on Trocador, which is a website available on desktop.
13:45:25 <BlueyHealer> Wait, Cakepay wouldn't sell the cards without a US IP? Or how exactly this is enforced?
13:46:33 <remiliascarlet> More like it being a US-only service last time I checked.
13:47:00 <remiliascarlet> They do have virtual debit cards, but virtual cards are very rarely accepted over here, let alone international ones.
13:47:18 <remiliascarlet> International virtual cards will guaranteed not work over here.
13:48:53 <remiliascarlet> Also, good luck convincing smaller merchents to accept Mastercard, most of them are cash-only, and if they accept cards, it's only VISA and JCB, and sometimes AMEX.
13:48:54 <BlueyHealer> Ah, okay.
13:49:14 <BlueyHealer> Cash-only? So what's your problem? That's very much ideal for the physical world!
13:50:12 <remiliascarlet> The problem is that it's a pain in the ass to get Monero to Yen or vice versa alone.
13:50:27 <k4r4b3y> That's a common problem.
13:50:29 <BlueyHealer> I don't see the point of pushing Monero into the realm where it doesn't work as well, aside from it being a gimmick on some conferences) It can work, just like cash by mail... But not the ideal tool for the job.
13:50:35 <k4r4b3y> We are working on decentralizing the liquidity.
13:50:47 <remiliascarlet> One Japanese exchange banned me for converting Litecoin to Monero and Monero to Litecoin on TradeOgre.
13:51:11 <k4r4b3y> remiliascarlet: did you use mimblewimble on LTC before converting it to XMR?
13:52:07 <remiliascarlet> No, I bought LTC on that exchange, and then sent it as LTC to TradeOgre. That was before I was aware of converters like ChangeNOW, which is what I use nowadays.
13:52:43 <k4r4b3y> Understood.
13:53:32 <k4r4b3y> Perhaps it won't matter much now that you already got banned from the exchange, the next time, try and use the mimblewimble extension of LTC.  It's supposed to break the on-chain trail of your Litecoin that goes from the exchange to the swappers.
13:53:41 <k4r4b3y> I think cakewallet is supporting mimblewimble on LTC.
13:53:59 <k4r4b3y> Stack wallet is going to support it as well.
13:55:59 <m-relay> <a​mmortel:monero.social> "Monero is my stablecoin" is a good narrative imo
13:57:18 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> monero is my stability
13:57:33 <k4r4b3y> monero is my politics.
13:57:58 <remiliascarlet> Monero is my boyfriend.
13:59:31 <BlueyHealer> Monero is the reason why I can use the internet normally now.
13:59:50 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> I created next promo for quickex: continue the phrase "Monero is..."
13:59:51 <m-relay> <q​uickex:matrix.org> Anology to Love is chewing gum))
14:00:37 <k4r4b3y> "Love is chewing gum" <--- hey I know about that
14:00:44 <k4r4b3y> childhood memories
14:02:02 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Monero is my bitcoin
14:02:18 <k4r4b3y> eww
14:02:27 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Remilia, cakepay cards explicitly work online, they arent "smartphone only"
14:02:58 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> they have a visa that does _not_ work for google wallet/applypay etc (only works online)
14:03:28 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> I the mastercard works for both google wallet and online, which is why i mentioned it
14:03:59 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> And its not US only, though i'm not sure what other countries are supported
14:04:35 <BlueyHealer> Thanks for clarification! They did not say it needed any mobile functionality indeed. But wonder what does it look like? You just get a card's credentials?
14:04:58 <BlueyHealer> I was under the impression that it's not the matter of a country, but a company.
14:06:08 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Yeah, they share the card # expiry and cvv with you
14:07:21 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> When signing up, you enter a billing address that you should remember, because online merchants compare the  billing address on the merchant to the card
14:08:46 <BlueyHealer> Ah, they themselves ask for such addresses? Haven't used cards in quite a while since the last time, and last time the merchant didn't.
14:10:45 <ofrnxmr> The visa and mastercard ask for you to provide a name and address. When using credit online, merchants ask for a billing address - this is to compare to the card
14:11:23 <ofrnxmr> The billing address doesnt have to match your real address.. just has to match the card <> merchant
14:11:29 <k4r4b3y> there was a command line tool that was generating random name and address info.. Now what was its name?
14:13:20 <k4r4b3y> sudo apt install rig
14:13:50 <BlueyHealer> Thanks for explanations! I wanted to donate to some software projects but couldn't do so in a lot of cases, as they didn't accept Monero. I wonder: how likely such cards are to be accepted by individuals setting up donations? Is rejection of such cards up to these people or, say, Stripe?
14:18:07 <ofrnxmr> i'd assume stripe, but not likely to reject unless they dont accept the csrd type at all
14:18:52 <BlueyHealer> I just was told that prepaids specifically are not accepted in a lot of places.
16:03:50 <m-relay> <n​ihilist:nowhere.moe> every road leads to monero
17:15:25 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> BlueyHealer: in the case of Stripe, it can be configured to reject some cards automatically based on risk. Stripe blames the merchant when these settings are too lax and if transactions to you trigger their algorithm.
17:17:26 <m-relay> <s​iren:kernal.eu> And yeah Stripe checkout doesn't require billing information like addresses, only payment information (card details)
18:43:13 <m-relay> <d​etherminal:monero.social> My two cents about the Monero twitter handle: Initially we have laughed at how everything starts with "We are excited to ..." but now it looks like an active community project. Thanks to whoever manages that account.
18:51:21 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> yeah im thankful he does its job. tho he could change a little its sentence for real.
18:51:50 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> bt it will never happen
18:51:55 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> too much pride
19:30:27 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> they should block spam accounts in the replies
19:42:28 <m-relay> <d​etherminal:monero.social> Is Polyseed planned to be adopted in Monero GUI?
19:43:36 <k4r4b3y> eventually yes, afaik
19:44:04 <k4r4b3y> as far as I remember, polyseed was going to get in the official wallets with the seraphis + jamtis upgrade.
19:44:19 <k4r4b3y> But with FCMP++ now, I don't know the current state of this.
19:44:50 <k4r4b3y> I am a fan of polyseed.  Much less hassle than the current seed scheme.
21:36:28 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I've added a webhook with URL zmq, but I never see any transaction from the mempool, only json-full-payment_hook when tx is mined. Is there a specific config that needs to be set in either monerod or monero-lws, or maybe  the topic is not the json-full-payment_hook?
21:53:19 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I've also tried registering the webhook with the undocumented `confirmations` parameter set to 0 but to no avail.
21:55:33 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> @hbs you also need to use the --sub parameter so that LWS gets the real-time feed from monerod.
21:55:39 <moneromooo> You might need to start monerod with... err.... --zmq-pub tcp://
21:56:45 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> Yes moo is also correct, you must do that on the daemon side too. I believe this to be working because at least two different teams close to be using this, and they haven't bothered me recently
21:56:59 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> *close=> claim
21:57:34 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> is ---sub a monero-lws option? It doesn't seem to recognise it
21:58:37 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> my bad
21:59:22 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I had hit return too fast, with an incorrect tcp:// url after --sub
22:21:13 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I seem to get the consumption of messages from monerod working but monero-lws shows this error:
22:21:15 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> 2024-10-15 22:19:02.388	E Unable to lookup webhook on tx in pool: MDB_BAD_RSLOT: Invalid reuse of reader locktable slot
22:21:17 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> 2024-10-15 22:19:02.388	W Output not added, duplicate public key encountered
22:21:46 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I have two webhooks for the same primary address, one with confirmations set to 0 the other set to 1
22:26:33 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> Yikes that error is from lmdb. Not sure how that one happened. Did LWS continue or quit?
22:26:47 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> it continued
22:26:54 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> OOF
22:29:01 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> it continues (sorry if that's a duplicate message, I did not know if you could see the normal messages or just the replies)
22:30:57 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> The output not added error should just be the result of the prior lmdb error. The lmdb error looks like an attempt to create another active lmdb reader somewhere, let me inspect a bit
22:31:50 <m-relay> <h​bs:matrix.org> I'm signing off for tonight, I'll check later this week, let me know if there are things you would like me to test
22:37:19 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> @hbs did you enable subaddresses? There's definitely a double reader bug - I don't think the other teams were using subaddresses so it never came up
22:37:39 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> I'll ping you again later this week, or just bug me again