05:29:34 lmaoooo 05:31:33 basically, whenever 2 miners on the p2pool find a share at almost the same time, one gets accepted, the other is orphaned 05:31:35 however, the orphaned one isn't completely disregarded 05:31:37 instead, the miner is paid a fraction 05:31:39 this is orphaned one is an uncle 06:21:28 Hello 06:21:51 vcavallo: Hi 06:22:30 Any idea why the matrix room would say "you are not invited" when I try to join? 06:29:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Invite only 06:30:14 That's a pretty straightforward solution :) 06:31:48 Ah! Simple enough. The matrix rooms are listed on the main site so I assumed they are open 06:31:55 (right next to this one) 07:09:24 That may be due to some spam situation. 07:09:43 There was some matrix spam round some months ago 08:01:21 Hi all, i am currently reading the second edition of Zero to Monero, and it is really interesting. I want to understand the multisig features of monero, especially in the monero cli wallet, as there is an implementation to it. I have some questions about this. Do you now, wwhere is the best place to ask those? 08:02:24 Here is a good place to start. 08:03:29 Okay, then i will like to ask the following things: 08:03:29 1. Regarding key creation, in "zero to monero" it says there in the footnote "Robust key aggregation has not yet been implemented in Monero". Is this still not implemented, or am I missing some informations? 08:03:29 2. As for signing, in "zero to monero" MLSTAG is explained, but as far as I know, in a transaction without multisig, MLSAG is not used anymore, so is MLSTAG still the thing used in monero multisig? 08:03:29 3. As I really try to understand multisig in detail, do someone of you know any detailled and current source for informations in this topic. I also try to understand the sourcecode (at https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/multisig/ ) but it is a bit complicated to make a link from the crypto theory to the implementation. 08:03:34 Perhaps, you can help me with those questions :) 08:11:37 AFAIK zero to monero is the best technical resource to read. 08:12:08 And AFAIK MLSAG is still used. Maybe I missed an update though. 08:16:06 bs_: CLSAG is used for all current transactions, multisig or not 08:20:54 IIRC, MLSTAG is a method to construct MLSAGs between multisig participants , it isn't a distinct proving system 08:22:33 Also, Monero's current multisig implementation is highly modified from the ZtM paper, as it was found to be insecure 08:45:26 okay, thanks, is there like a documentation of the current implementation, so that I can understand the code and the crypto used in it 08:49:58 Or can you explain me a bit more in detail about current implementation, so that i can understand it better? 08:55:30 Mostly all multisig code is here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/tree/master/src/multisig 08:56:15 The code comments are actually pretty decent in this folder 08:59:31 Okay thanks! Do you have any further knowledge about what part of the implementation was "highly modified from the ZtM paper". This would help me understand 15:08:02 So…. Quantum computer in China 15:08:03 Thoughts? 15:09:47 usual media hype misinformation 15:09:52 nothing to worry about 15:10:57 What's the difference between Monerod's `synchronized` and `busy_syncing` fields from `get_info`'s response? Apart from them being inverted obviously 15:11:41 Is there ever a point where both synchronized and busy_syncing are true, or both false? 15:11:59 busy_syncing means the node is busy syncing the blockchain. RPC calls will not respond until its blockchain is synchronized. 15:12:01 synchronized means it is up to date and will normally respond to RPC calls 15:12:14 both true: no 15:12:15 both false: in offline mode 15:12:28 I hope so 15:12:40 You can be not synchronized and not syncing 15:12:50 Or with --no-sync 15:13:02 Gotcha, just wanted to be sure 15:13:32 Like, gui simple mkde uses --no-sync 15:13:52 really its no big deal. They simply adapted an integer factorization algorithm to a specific quantum computer called D-Wave. They managed to factorized up to 50bit. RSA smallest insecure key is 1024, smallest *safe* key is 2048 and most are at 4096bit. 15:13:54 So the node is forever not busy and not synced 15:38:19 busy_syncing means actively veryfing stuff. If the node is waiting for more blocks from peers, it'll be !synchronized and !busy_syncing. 15:38:38 oh 15:39:06 (you might be right about --no-sync too, not saying otherwise) 15:39:28 Kewbit based quantum key distribution is pretty safe 16:04:54 Every time you need a key, you generate in on Kewbit’s computer, and then Kewbit pinky promises to shoot at the computer Russian roulette style 16:09:06 Don’t worry, the odds are in your favor as long as the computer quantum flips to a favorable state. Pinky promises are all part of the quantum entanglement 💩 17:00:03 Revuo Monero Issue 214: October 10 - 17, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-214/ 18:58:13 https://kewbit.org/tor-vs-i2p-enhancing-privacy-in-the-monero-ecosystem/ 19:07:08 i2p better than tor imo 19:07:09 * better bandwidth 19:07:11 * less headache about spy i2p nodes 19:07:43 in a hypothetical scenario where every Monero user publishes their tx through tor/i2p, dandelion++ would no longer be necessary, right? 19:08:28 Tbh I though this one would be heavily opinionated but I’m convinced enough that I2P is actually better 19:08:49 call me when i2p get decent implementation (in Rust) and bandwith 19:09:17 i2pd C++ 19:09:26 close 19:09:28 jk i like i2p but for real the implementation drama and bandwith is just a drawback for me 19:09:32 It that because tor made the same mistake? 19:10:02 I’m pretty sure I2P existed first 19:10:21 okay, please enlighten me about the i2p bandwidth issue 19:10:23 from what I understand, the more people runs i2p router, the better the overall network bandwidth, no? 19:10:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Onion routing ? 19:10:27 Based on the original logo, looking like it was made in MSPaint 19:10:54 Garlic routing 19:11:09 last time i tried (2 years ago) bandwith didn't exceeded 200kB/s 19:11:18 never underestimate mspaint 19:11:19 saw some mf create legit beautiful art pieces using mspaint 19:11:21 I have 400MB/s bandwith 19:11:25 no 19:11:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hi 19:11:59 why is everyone acting surprise over 400MB/s its called fiber 19:12:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 10gbps or gtfo 19:12:27 not all fiber internet speed is 400MB 19:12:37 i've never understood why i2p has the "official" router made in Java 19:12:45 Ahh, tor is older by 1 year, that was probably all the internet crazy back then like crypto is now 19:12:47 I know someone in south korea that had 3TB/s of bandwith 19:12:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use i2pd 19:12:55 wait a couple of hours 19:13:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> C++++++++++ i think 19:13:04 I got fiber but only have money for 1 MB/s connection 19:13:19 mhm sounds tiresome 19:13:21 the hell 19:13:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Go back to adsl2 19:13:25 Off topic. 19:13:27 I configured an open alias on my DNS records and it doesn't resolve in my wallet. 19:13:29 I did "oa1:xmr recipient_address=...; recipient_name=Ammortel;" with "SPF(txt)" as record type 19:13:31 Is there something more to it please ? 19:13:41 ISP don't regulate download bandwith until you release abuse it 19:13:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> @sgp^ 19:13:57 mf have the more internet speed than my HDD 19:14:16 What is the issue with that? 19:14:29 I must admit I2P is pretty crappy on the phone, or at least the phone I was devving on, I couldn’t sustain a low traffic tcp tunnel 19:14:49 That was i2pd in Invisible 19:14:52 i2p is quite good for a privacy-preserving network. However, it takes time for it to get "warmed up". Most "normal" people won't put up with waiting ~5 minutes to get the i2p daemon connections good enough. 19:15:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Only people who use to use dial up with wait 19:15:54 I2p would solve the network layer privacy issues of Monero. But, again, most i2p-unaware people won't put up with it. They will get confused, "why isn't my wallet connecting," "this is too slow", blah blah 19:15:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They understand the wait time 19:16:01 💯 I am not waiting 5 minutes but if it were an isolate on Android perhaps 19:16:04 rewrite in C-- 19:16:30 Ohh yeah that’s better because you get buffer underflows instead 19:16:32 C-- dead right? 19:16:33 At least the C-- compiler for ColibriOS 19:16:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Everyone these days is yalla yalla 19:16:43 running background process 24/7 19:16:53 Apart from that, even I curse i2p network, sometimes. Sometimes it takes way too damn long to get connection to my destination. 19:17:00 kills limited data plans 19:17:07 Yeah that’s that price you pay for privacy mate 19:17:09 I def should remake the VM for I2P. Glad to see the network mentioned more and more. 19:17:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We have 20min lock times, so 19:17:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 5mins is nothing 19:17:51 "price you pay for privacy" <-- I am willing to pay for it, however, most of the normies and newcomers won't. 19:17:57 that it forces having two implementations, since the Java version is made in Java and so it cannot be used on small devices (very high memory usage), or anywhere performance is critical 19:18:20 having two implementations = more work for developers = less features and more bugs 19:18:28 anything that have "java" in its name sucks 19:18:36 Haha 19:18:45 Isn't the C++ router more popular anyway? 19:18:57 Unless you can compile in GraalVM yes 19:19:17 pretty sure most people will use i2p browser bundle 19:19:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like tor browser 19:19:43 But I have a soft spot for Java because of Minecraft 19:19:51 Minecraft makes Java ok 19:20:12 I think it's because it have actually compiled OpenGL binding 19:20:33 We could put together an I2P browser bundle 19:20:43 basses, there is one? I use IRC there too anyway, so not looked at it. 19:20:45 One thing I am convinced of, is that, dandelion++ is only one part of the network level privacy Monero users need. Most people make clearnet connections to someone else's nodes. 19:21:06 Fork of firefox or tor itself and add i2p 19:21:55 Install Bundle For Windows 19:22:49 shit already exists 19:22:51 https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pdbrowser 19:23:58 Ahh yeah but I think for people to care it would need to use both tor and i2p 19:24:18 At the moment i2p is just a bonus 19:24:30 Feels like 19:24:50 last month commit, patch new CVE? 19:25:24 true, i2pdbrowser has still the CVE unpatched 19:25:27 I have seen people using mullvad browser for i2p 19:25:39 Ahh tor has had CVEs :) 19:25:43 apparently, it's just a collection of scripts that configures the official firefox 19:25:45 +1 for mullvad browser + i2pd 19:25:59 unless I'm missing something 19:26:10 i'm talking about the Firefox remote code execution CVE 19:26:21 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2024-51/ 19:26:50 Yeah, madness, I swear they get planted there 19:26:54 By ‘accident’…. 19:33:45 basses, what is even the point of i2p if the whole OS is spyware? 19:34:43 I just used i2pd with normal Librewolf. The only complication I remember is the initial address books not being enough, but some had to be added and it was not a big deal. 19:44:49 This is the problem with i2p, it doesn't have a standard browser, so no one fingerprint blend in with others 19:47:49 i2p was planned more as a "general purpose" network i think 19:47:51 but a std browser would be neat, for sure 19:48:09 So does Haveno? 19:48:27 It’s was probably design to solve annoying NAT problems 19:48:54 I tend to use it more for that than anything else tbh 19:54:35 basses, yeah, fair. 20:37:28 watch sensors