05:12:28 The core monero team have collectively scammed me for 4 months of works btw guys, in case they end up kicking me out of the chats now 05:13:13 I spent 4 months building an app, only to find out right at the end it was all a ploy 05:43:20 Are you talking about your CCS? If so, 1) how have they scammed you? Your CCS is still open. 2) How did you spend 4 months building, as you opened your CCS 2 months ago? 05:44:53 You posted your first milestone update 9 days ago. The CCS usually only pays out after a minimum of 10 days 05:45:10 Dude they scammed me almost 4 months (I’m Kewbit ) 05:45:27 They refuse to pay out my first milestone 05:46:43 Who is refusing? It hasn't even been the minimum threshold of time to pay out 05:46:53 I respected that they take quite a while to process things that wasn’t the issue 05:47:47 What is the issue then? 05:47:57 Yes, I would perhaps be concerned about that, Diego messaged me out of the blue today, I thought he was perhaps going to organise payment since he introduced himself as a core team member 05:48:49 Was quite polite at first, it doesn’t make any alarm bells ring until we get further down the line essentially coercing me into a full release or no payment at all 05:48:51 Diego has no control over the CCS 05:49:05 Even thought I had submitted in full correctly licence all the work 05:50:26 Then how is this chaos even happening in the workgroup chat on matrix? Are you seeing any of this? 05:51:08 Let me caught up 05:51:34 I’m furious, I’ve been letting loose for hours now. 05:51:41 Damn son 05:53:10 Yeah it’s all got a bit intense 06:00:16 Then are they just fucking with me? It’s not a good luck if he’s core team though is it? 06:00:25 Good look* 06:02:20 I have zero confidence in this worker getting out because of what’s happened today, just this totally unreasonable bombarding hate just piled in 06:02:39 *work 17:19:53 blessings everyone. I just published my writeup on the recent Chainalysis video. It shouldn't be any new information to you, but I do think I found the original FBI investigation that the Chainalysis video is simulating and also make a case for Morphtoken providing additional data to the FIB. Thanks to @rucknium for providing his comments for the 17:19:53 article. 17:19:54 https://takebackourtech.org/irs-attempts-to-trace-monero-in-leaked-training-video-response-from-monero/ 17:19:54 We also published the video on our substack: https://tbot.substack.com 17:19:55 This particular investigation has been transformative and made me into an even bigger believer in Monero. Thanks to everyone here for doing what they do. 17:22:52 thx, finally a new post on the website, good to you guys active 17:23:07 good to see* 17:47:07 is haven still a thing? 17:54:02 thanks basses - means a lot! we will try to post more long-form things on the main site. More solutions focused stuff for Monero. Setting up your own node, wallet, haveno DEX? what tutorials are most needed do y'all think? 17:55:15 wym by haven? 17:57:48 it's a privacy project that offered a stablecoin 18:07:20 https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block.txt <-- updated my block list to include the nodes boog found 18:11:58 kemosabe: dead afaik, their only competent dev works on monero now 18:15:40 Stable coin backed by unstable coin 😅 18:16:56 I think they rug pulled twice? 18:22:54 geonic: yeah def rebooted at least once 18:22:59 geonic: which dev? 18:26:00 jberman was a haveno dev back in the day 18:26:20 before he saw the light (: 18:26:37 haven dev* 18:26:58 t​akebackourtech: Thanks! You were very thorough :)