00:01:31 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Thanks
01:00:04 <revuoxmr> Revuo Monero Issue 221: December 5 - 12, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-221/
06:53:49 <m-relay> <k​ey_brolin:matrix.org> In fact, there are few exchanges, Haveno, for example. If you need to buy Monero, I would recommend Trocador or Exolix, they are not DEXes but you don't need to register to swap Monero
06:55:15 <BlueyHealer> But then you'd have to get some other crypto first, which is back to the same problem)
06:55:17 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> Is it a requirement for magic people to whinge about ccs and then shill magic ?
08:34:08 <m-relay> <r​oot:kimapr.net> trocador etc is only of use if you have other crypto, otherwise use bestchange.com
08:35:56 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> there are no real monero bridges
08:36:21 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> current live dexes are BasicSwapDex.com and RetoSwap.com
08:36:36 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> soon Serai.Exchange
08:37:04 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> and i guess unstoppableswaps but those are btc -> xmr only
08:40:54 <m-relay> <m​odul8:matrix.org> will the feather atomic swap bounty actually end up in feather?
09:23:32 <orbifx> Does pool mining benefit from a fully synced local node?
09:28:45 <sech1> No. But if you have it, you can mine on p2pool
09:29:12 <orbifx> thanks sech1 
09:48:09 <m-relay> <f​:monero.social> Great!
09:49:17 <BillyZane> i am thinking of mining monero using an older server motherboard
09:50:02 <BillyZane> are dual CPU motherboards a good idea?
09:51:41 <m-relay> <d​arkhappyman:monero.social> Hello everyone, I'm looking for recommendations on a hosting provider to host a monerod node, which requires a certain amount of disk space. I'm wondering if you have any interesting suggestions? Thank you!
09:55:19 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> Which planet? 
09:55:19 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> Which country?
09:56:07 <m-relay> <d​arkhappyman:monero.social> europe !
10:00:35 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> a) EQUINIX (Germany - Frankfurt am Main);
10:00:35 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> b) E-Shelter (Germany - Frankfurt am Main);
10:00:37 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> c) Equinix (Netherlands);
10:00:39 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> d) NTT (Germany);
10:00:41 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> e) AWS;
10:17:11 <m-relay> <p​ullerchen:matrix.org> You might consider Global-Switch (London) as well;
12:23:28 <orbifx> lmdb domain expired?
12:35:49 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> sech1 Russia is getting 5G... by 2030? 🤔 https://kod.ru/8707
12:38:47 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> Finally low latency high bandwith russian intranet for all your gaming need
12:39:19 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> Because there is nothing better than matchmaking in a dictatorial country
12:41:48 <sech1> Russia is one of the few free countries left in the world.
12:42:17 <orbifx> sech1, not according to the free world brainwashing ;) :P
12:43:29 <sech1> Since I read both Russian and Western media, and know both Russian in English, I'm in a unique position to see both sides and what they write :D The west is lost in brainwashing and painting Russia as some evil Mordor :D
12:44:03 <sech1> But this is an offtopic here
12:44:03 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> 5G... by 2030?
12:44:07 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> sech1 I propose we resolve the status of each of our country with a CS:GO duel
12:44:15 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> I didn't care about your retarded Russian shilling lol.
12:44:38 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> 5G comes bundled with the new world order in mother Russia!
12:44:43 <sech1> "Be excellent to each other" rotten, right?
12:44:47 <sech1> Should I call the mods?
12:44:57 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> I can call them for you.
12:45:09 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> sech1 I agree a lot of people are portraying Russian population as evil while the real evil is the oligarchy in power
12:45:25 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> russia is no longer free
12:45:37 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> they recently arrested one of their ransomware guys
12:45:46 <sech1> The real evil are ~100 to ~1000 rich families in the West
12:45:50 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> those used to have a "do whatever you want" pass
12:45:57 <sech1> *very rich and very old families
12:46:00 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> as long as they dont target russia or russian allies
12:46:21 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Spoken like a true rich hater commie!
12:46:25 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> sech1 they are evil. Saying one is more evil than the other is coping with reality
12:46:34 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Showing those soviet features!
12:46:38 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> they are all evil*
12:46:42 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> if russia isnt even a save haven for cyber criminals anymore, what does it really have to offer?
12:46:55 <sech1> Russia power structure is more complicated than "just oligarchy"
12:46:58 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> Snow for christmas
12:47:08 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Pierogi!
12:47:09 <sech1> And trust me, western "democracy" is not what Russia needs/wants
12:47:41 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Organized crime and corruption is far superior than your western neoliberalism!
12:47:53 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Don't forget the personalism cult!
12:47:53 <sech1> Historically, Russia has always been the strongest under a single central authority (no democracy)
12:48:09 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Racists
12:48:15 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> sech1 if you say so
12:48:22 <sech1> Facts
12:48:33 <sech1> Democracy almost killed Russia in the 90s
12:48:36 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> I vote russia > kamala
12:48:37 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> sech1 debatable
12:48:41 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> [@syntheticbird:monero.social](https://matrix.to/#/@syntheticbird:monero.social) Make me a sandwich.
12:48:53 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Democracy is trash
12:48:56 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> historically, the "benevolent dictator" is the best form of government. the only issue is, the dictator needs to actually put his people above himself
12:48:58 <sech1> You don't become a biggest country in the world, if you're weak, right?
12:50:12 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Sech1, we need mrl to sign off. Revuo cant trust you
12:50:23 <sech1> And there is no such thing as "dictator" in a pure sense of the word. There are always groups of people in power with their own interests, and the central authoritative figure ("dictator") has to find a balance to rule them all
12:50:49 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> only in north korea
12:51:02 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> no thanks
12:51:11 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> the russian cybercriminals got to drive lambos
12:51:14 <sech1> So the "dictator" can't just do whatever he wants
12:51:19 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> wen offtopic
12:51:43 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> the north korean ones start studying at 5 yo and will never see anything of the billions they make for their country
12:51:45 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> you can drive a tank in North korea
12:52:09 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> how did you know?
12:52:37 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> as far as I know, the only info about NK you get are from third parties
12:52:43 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> it is public knowledge that NK trains and operates a cybercrime taskforce
12:52:57 <sech1> Also, why do people in the west think "dictator" = bad. When they themselves lived under kings and queens for centuries?
12:52:59 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> yes
12:53:13 <sech1> And the UK people still do, lol
12:53:41 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> the royal family is a tourist attraction
12:53:58 <sech1> One thing is sure: if the western countries say "Russia did this, this is bad" - then it's good for Russia, becaus it's bad for them :P
12:54:28 <sech1> Oh no no no, the UK royal family is not a tourist attraction. Just google how much real power the king has there
12:54:32 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> western countries are too lenient
12:54:53 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> they should have sunk the chinese ship that destroyed the undersea cables
12:55:38 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> they should fight back on cyber attacks
12:56:13 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> but nah, surely if we let russia do whatever they want, they wont get angry and stop at some point
12:56:36 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> because we all know that being passive always works best https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeasement
12:57:47 <sech1> Russia already got angry and won't stop until it ensured its own safety from NATO, too late for this
12:58:41 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> russia bad
12:58:55 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> putin specifically
12:59:01 <sech1> Putin is the best
12:59:24 <sech1> The real politician/leader, one of the few left in the world today
12:59:39 <sech1> Of course he's "bad" for the west because they can't control/coerce him
13:02:02 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> >ensured its own safety from NATO
13:02:12 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> nato is a defense alliance
13:03:15 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> anyone who seriously believe NATO would attack/invade russia unprovoked should seriously re-evaluate things
13:03:20 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> anyone who seriously believe NATO would attack/invade russia unprovoked should re-evaluate things
13:03:44 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> anyone who seriously believes NATO would attack/invade russia unprovoked should re-evaluate things
13:05:37 <sech1> Defence alliance? Lol, should I list countries NATO bombed/invaded, starting from Iraq and Yugoslavie in the 90s?
13:05:53 <sech1> The only reason NATO didn't bomb/invade Russia, is the nukes
13:06:34 <sech1> "Defense", my ass :D Funny thing, all countries have "Ministry of Defense", it's just how everyone calls it :D
13:15:54 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> then why be afraid of them
13:16:19 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> please #monero-offtopic:monero.social
13:17:10 <m-relay> <d​arthsofra:matrix.org> Hahaha... Defensive, you say!?
13:17:11 <m-relay> <d​arthsofra:matrix.org> Yeah, look how close NATO bases are to Russia. Nothing offensive about that. Gtfo
13:17:38 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> are there any other crypto-related rooms not focused on a specific technology? or at least about ethereum?
13:18:40 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> maybe #ethereum:matrix.org ? Lololol
14:19:56 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> rottenwheel: when did you buy moneruj lol
14:20:02 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/MpMffIEADKPJxsFaNbWqyeNf
14:20:10 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:matrix.org> rottenwheel: when did you buy moneroj lol
14:45:19 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> LOOOL
14:46:40 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> I didn't buy it, I adopted it. [@algernon_:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@algernon_:matrix.org) or Morpheus can confirm they simply didn't have time to keep it up anymore.
14:46:57 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> How do you like the dark theme? 😉
14:46:58 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:monero.social> yeah makes sense
14:47:04 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:monero.social> cool!
14:47:41 <m-relay> <m​onerobull:monero.social> the mountains are a great fit, balances it out so it isnt too dark
14:48:30 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Someone was saying the mountains looked corny and we should look into changing that, guess this ties the contest for the time being. We'll see if we can gather additional feedback from others in here.
14:49:42 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> kevino: I take it by your emoji reaction you like the dark theme too? :D
14:50:09 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> ya ya ,very much 😁
14:50:19 <m-relay> <k​evino:tchncs.de> nice work
14:52:20 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Thanks. Just few things more until proper, official relaunch/announcement!
14:52:49 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> If only that CCS wallet looked at Revuo for a couple minutes... lol
14:53:07 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Wonder why Morpheus left this room, I think he was here. 🤷
15:06:01 <rbrunner> The buying and swapping widget is powered by Trocador, right? I think it should say so already in the widget on the homepage itself, not only later if you ask it something
15:09:17 <rbrunner> The charts are such an attraction, IMHO they should be present more prominently than that small "Charts" in the header, right side; too easy to overlook
15:09:53 <rbrunner> Maybe there are also opportunities to link from some of the homepage info "frames" to some graphs, e.g. from the "Monero is scarce" frame
15:11:56 <rbrunner> If found Binance in some FAQ as an exchange to buy XMR. That's a thing of the past, right?
15:13:45 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Right
15:16:12 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> Of course you bought it, didn't you read the fine print? We'll be issuing the invoice today 
15:16:13 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> 😂
15:19:58 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> rbrunner for some reason the trocador widget isn't loading on a couple browsers I got installed; regardless, I cannot modify those widgets myself, they are directly generated by trocador on their site. cc Algernon (Trocador.app)
15:21:30 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> We're updating our DDoS defense
15:22:12 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> rbrunner Monero is scarce could indeed use an hyperlink with a little image icon or little chart, rather, I'll look into that when wrapping things up for once and all. Good suggestion. Re: binance, yes, I'm aware, up until now it's been all backend, dark theme, cosmetic enhancements, haven't touched actual text yet; not only does it have outdated information, there are a few typos<clipped message>
15:22:13 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org>  I noticed just in a brief cursory look on main page.
15:22:22 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> It's Morpheus, what'd you expect from those Trocador guys?
15:22:27 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> Should be working again shortly
15:22:41 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> See what I'm talking about? Lol.
15:23:25 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/unredacted.org/uTEzYjJvfIYYbIRtAEEmyiRc
15:24:33 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Yeah, that widget _is_ Trocador's, not mine. AnonPay's one in https://moneroj.net/about/ has it, wonder why this one doesn't. Any thoughts Algernon (Trocador.app)?
15:25:01 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> By has it, read above re: user not knowing that's Trocador.
15:28:09 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> Would you like having the 'powered by trocador' on the widget? I think we removed it to save space
15:28:54 <m-relay> <a​lgernon_:matrix.org> It's only commented, so turning it back on is quick and easy
15:29:43 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> I kind of don't lol.
15:30:13 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> It looks neat as-is and those who followed moneroj.net closely, know Morpheus ran it, especially when Morpheus worked for Cake very briefly, for the monero.com's website. There's a historical connection to the project.
15:30:49 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Good to know, we'll see if there's more people who think like rbrunner; right now changing it based on just the one guy's opinion seems a bit precipitated.
15:31:05 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Thanks for the stellar IT support, guys! lol
15:32:25 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> Yo
15:32:44 <m-relay> <r​ottenwheel:unredacted.org> Morpheus: from here!
15:34:10 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> Haha, rottenwheel did not buy it. I was out of time to keep the charts updated to I passed on to him to solve the issues from the code and try to keep the data updated. Moneroj will be redirecting users there for a while, until users get used to accessing it from Revuo
15:34:19 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> Haha, rottenwheel did not buy it. I was out of time to keep the charts updated so I passed on to him to solve the issues from the code and try to keep the data updated. Moneroj will be redirecting users there for a while, until users get used to accessing it from Revuo
15:35:01 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> He/his team is doing a good job so far, I'm paying close attention to see if they manage to keep in a good stand
15:35:38 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> As long as the community is able to access the data to check the charts, that's a win win situation for everyone
15:37:41 <m-relay> <c​ryptomorpheus_:matrix.org> Yeah the dark theme is pretty good
17:23:32 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> https://x.com/ofrnxmr/status/1867620071536722002
17:47:04 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> can't access https://librejo.monerodevs.org/ cert expired? PsychoticBird
17:47:55 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> no i suspect the VM is just down
17:48:10 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> I need to pull up my SSH key and restart everything the host have migrated all the disks
17:49:03 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> gl, u jinxed ofrn tweet lol
17:51:09 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> haha
17:51:58 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> 100 THANKS SYN
17:52:43 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> Its a conspiracy
17:53:07 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> https://xcancel.com/kewbit/status/1867595618400567403#m
17:53:07 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> >Either way I’m never too sure about this kinds of things - but I hope if I am in fact not paid that everyone who donated gets a FULL refund otherwise they’ve simply kept the money for themselves.
17:53:09 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> lol
17:53:33 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> LMFAO
17:54:20 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> it is not as if it is going to someone's pocket, all funds goes directly to everything that benefits Monero project. It doesn't seem to understand the structure of  Monero funding at all
17:56:09 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> since when he got "hacked"
17:57:25 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> tell everyone to not donate to Monero lol
17:57:33 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> tells everyone to not donate to Monero lol, smh
18:03:12 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> https://x.com/SyntheticBird_/status/1867631149516042494
18:10:38 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> rando: ofrnxmr librejo back online
18:10:43 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> nftables weren't set
18:17:17 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> LMAO
18:17:21 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> My post wasnt in response to him
18:17:55 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> He has me blocked ofc
18:19:24 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Its not like his ccs has ANY donors
18:19:28 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> ofrnxmr: where is my rocket reaction exactly?
18:19:32 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> The original haveno ui money was _stolen_
18:19:33 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> I NEED MY DOPAMINE
18:19:43 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Then a generous donor paid _the general fund_ 400k
18:20:22 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Haveno app payments are coming out of the gwneralfund, and 0 of the original donors expected to pay 75xmr for whatever he was paid for
19:29:29 <m-relay> <d​etherminal:monero.social> there was a good exciting monero propaganda video that iirc had a part with "riot" word translated to many languages. does anybody know? maybe you know monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org
19:59:54 <m-relay> <b​eneficialsource:matrix.org> Damn. Hats off to them.
20:00:07 <m-relay> <b​eneficialsource:matrix.org> Haveno is being community funded then?
20:01:13 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Twice
20:01:42 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> They also paid 400k to generalfund to buy a domain
20:03:51 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> we will see after 2040 with the financial  report
22:32:24 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> yeah, I just got fucked by eigenvalue (or more probably somebody pretending to be them and coming on the top of the duckduckgo search)
22:32:32 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> fun!
22:32:39 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> thankfully I didnt invest that much anyway
22:34:03 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> lesson learned. dont type 12 seed words on things just because they look like metamask.
22:36:56 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> yeah, I just got fucked by eigenlayer (or more probably somebody pretending to be them and coming on the top of the duckduckgo search)
22:57:14 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> using metamask is a risk
22:59:03 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> because of crap like this?
22:59:08 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> or is there other reason?
22:59:53 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> yes and yes
23:01:09 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> you gonna tell me or link me?
23:08:01 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> anything that runs in your browser is at risk
23:08:29 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> you can search for the amount of malware that targets metamask
23:09:10 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> then a phone app?
23:10:30 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> doesn't it require personal info to register?
23:10:36 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> why bother with metamask
23:17:18 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> no
23:17:22 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> doesnt require anything
23:17:36 <m-relay> <d​aknig:matrix.org> and wdym "register" I did not give any personal information to them