01:22:46 We are getting rust 01:23:37 We are getting rust and young once don’t really care about privacy 😅 when they mature they look for privacy 01:45:43 早安家族 01:45:50 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:45:51 26.gif 01:45:53 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nKVCJDHegSptFXdkvMKeRemm 01:45:55 https://files.catbox.moe/2io7qz.mp4 01:48:09 Wtf 01:48:18 Wtf 01:48:21 Fucking shit 01:48:25 cute right? 01:48:31 mmm 😋 01:48:33 儿童兵研究项目: go away 01:48:36 Delete that!! 01:48:43 /report 01:48:46 file 21.mp4 too big to download (11434571 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:48:47 21.mp4 01:48:53 kek 01:49:07 You 01:50:12 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FoXJkiUmzOiSVGYhWGFFfCZo 01:50:15 /report 01:50:17 plowsof: 01:50:28 😍 01:50:42 dont worry guys. child porn is ok in china 01:50:56 Go to china 01:51:01 Fuck outta here with this shit 01:51:01 Retard 01:51:04 cope 01:51:08 china wins again 01:51:12 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 01:51:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/dzJCZswKoVhYiHilzBCOkaEc 01:51:24 Retard 01:51:25 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:51:27 26.gif 01:51:45 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 01:52:25 oh great another matrix moment 01:52:33 matthew approves 01:52:35 Now we have this shit on our phones.. Fucking retard 01:52:38 he sent me these you know 01:52:42 hahaha 01:52:43 cry 01:52:45 westoid 01:52:57 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:52:57 26.gif 01:53:43 Click on the profile of him and report him 01:53:57 🤣🤣🤣 01:54:04 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/YjxAMJfxSBBCXleAQblNOBQM 01:54:07 i groomed her myself 01:54:18 she was very fuckable 01:55:31 Go to hell 01:55:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/udPFbktTYlfkVVQnhNzUIsPQ 01:55:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WNXoDXrApYDLsAgTsitEYfcK 01:55:37 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pMierNCYWSyeKGltDMVuhCBM 01:55:39 thoughts? 01:55:41 I'm sending an email to abuse⊙mo 01:55:53 like i give a shit 01:56:00 here in china, we are ok 01:56:05 they wont care 01:56:25 You are not in china 01:56:33 proof? 01:56:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XZxCSQYjFuzOzDuNddvRFBiU 01:56:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hZXFihIPHceEmQduUetcSgyI 01:57:01 Proof that you are in china 01:57:03 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:57:05 26.gif 01:58:54 Where is the admin of the group even 01:59:04 i killed him 01:59:07 and ate him 01:59:13 /report 01:59:18 kek 01:59:30 good luck 02:00:22 https://files.catbox.moe/2io7qz.mp4 this is very good btw you should all watch 02:00:24 she is very cute 02:00:35 i love little girl piss 02:01:13 no chinese writes 'kek'... You are likely not from china 02:01:39 be surprised 02:01:49 i do it 02:02:23 notice how the girls is happy ? 02:02:29 she likes it 02:02:42 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 02:02:43 26.gif 02:02:55 a chinese 4channer would, i think. Btw you can click "ignore" on a user's profile to no longer see their messages. 02:02:59 doesn't always work reliably though 02:03:17 wont remove it 02:03:20 from phone 02:03:24 and pc 02:03:39 Ok 02:03:49 police will trouble you 02:03:56 Good Now i dont see his messages anymore 02:03:57 i will police you 02:04:10 file 26.gif too big to download (1603833 > allowed size: 1000000) 02:04:11 26.gif 02:06:15 !echo https://files.catbox.moe/2io7qz.mp4 02:06:17 https://files.catbox.moe/2io7qz.mp4 02:29:24 Matrix moment 02:29:44 Yeah. never seen this kind of thing happen on any other platform 02:30:45 It's the funniest when it happens right in #office and they just have nobody online for hours so it's filled with CP so bad that the room state splits. *everything's okay tho! We have authenticated media now! It isn't our problem anymore!* 02:31:19 Honestly, ACL matrix.org 02:31:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> [@monerobull:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@monerobull:matrix.org) 02:31:26 They can't moderate their shit 02:31:41 Or at least ban matrix.org accs from posting media 02:32:28 Some rooms already do that 02:32:56 That'd eliminate 95% of the spam 02:33:24 Not even joking, it's non-morg 1 in 20 accs 02:34:09 /me *sighs* 02:34:41 No wonder the morg admins are so grumpy all the time 02:37:16 Reminder to y'all here who doesn't have media cache cleaning on, it's off by default in Synapse 02:37:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We are inclusive 02:37:43 ? 02:37:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> To spam 02:38:04 Ah haha 02:42:12 That's a thing? 02:42:13 i was thinking of just nuking the remote_content directory and stuff after receiving shit but i worry about breaking this stupid pythonic software 02:42:58 It should be okay to just nuke it 02:44:20 Hi 02:48:14 There's also browser caches 02:48:28 And clients have their own media cache 02:48:45 And precisely this crap is why we want delete tokens. 02:49:12 So you can click one button and it'll delete all media that was sent then deleted in a room in the past 24-48 hours from all your devices 02:49:45 And homeserver if you are on an admin acc 03:07:41 # 🔥🔥🔥SWEET VIDEOS CUM PUSSY ASS MOUTH FOR YOUNG GIRLS AND SISTERS🔥🔥🔥 https://familysexygames.tumblr.com/ ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 03:43:04 lol 04:01:21 Why Kovri wasn't implemented on Monero? 04:02:45 or just let media loading be optional 04:03:05 Such as what Telegram does. 04:03:55 Then it never even reaches me to begin with. Rather than seeing vile content and having to report it. 04:04:11 > <@ity:itycodes.org> And precisely this crap is why we want delete tokens. 04:04:13 Or just let media loading be optional? 04:07:20 xmrscott: plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: 04:19:34 Delightful. It appears my ping did work, I was afraid it wouldn't. 04:22:50 wow ofrnxmr . i'll do a writeup someday from what i remember regarding when it was pointing to what. but it wasn't what you described 04:26:17 Will it contradict the other statements youve made? 04:27:10 Like "i pointed to xmr-tw in 2020" when clearly you pointed to rupee in 2018 and 2024 04:27:28 and if you have those dns records i'd love to see em because i can't find any historical records on afraid.org . though i haven't tried googling "dns historical records" 04:28:36 well i just did and theres some service that i gotta pay for 04:29:22 was rupee one of the trusted members at the time? 04:31:43 I posted them above iirc 04:32:06 He was the ip that you deleted that you refused to share 04:32:33 And you pointed to multiple of his as early ad 2018 and as late as 2024, yes 04:32:46 im sorry man. i shoulda took better notes. it would point at different nodes at different times. a fuckit, lets go by memory. OK, first when I made my wonderful bash script i requested some volunteers from monero irc channels. ... looks like it was 2016: https://github.com/Gingeropolous/moneriote 04:33:22 well im glad he stepped forward. 04:34:37 He didnt 04:35:07 Stepped forward? you added them and he "lost access" soon after 04:35:19 well he didn't tell me he lost access 04:36:13 what was i supposed to be doing? pinging everyone every week and going "hey these nodes, you still run them?" every day? 04:36:18 You believe he did? Lol the nodes were running for years and he controlled a large % of publoc rpc nodes 04:36:53 You pointed at spy nodes for 6 yrs 04:37:13 everyday? Not even once a year bro, cmon now 04:38:05 well exactly, thats why i stopped doing that whole thing 04:38:13 Bickering about nonsense is counterproductive. 04:38:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ non sense 04:38:46 im sorry man. now we just gotta end remote nodes 04:39:09 public remote nodes, for the pedandtic 04:39:11 semantic? 04:41:17 i don't know what kind of plausible story you want man 04:41:34 this shit started in 2016 when i hacked together bash scripts 04:41:52 then some dude made a fork py-moneriote that did stuff with dns, so i pointed it to that 04:42:41 then that was fine for a while, but then public nodes started to get infiltrated or whatever, so in a rush i switched from the aggregator to a bunch of ppl in an irc channel at the moment that volunteered their nodes to add to the A record 04:43:38 ppl i thought were legit. i was wrong. 04:43:48 actually there was that period where the community funded a high end dedicated server for a year 04:44:10 then i think the a record just had 1 ip address on it 04:44:16 or it mighta been another subdomain. 04:45:00 but the moral of the story is there should be no public remote node network. 04:45:42 https://www.virustotal.com/gui/domain/node.moneroworld.com/relations 04:45:43 is that a plausible story sir ofrnxmr ? 04:47:09 oh nice. thanks 05:09:31 Should we just force the monero gui to use only onion remote node by default? Also force tor traffic for sync blockchain 05:09:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> cant do last 05:10:07 Why not 05:12:17 monero gui works fine under whonix 05:17:20 Noones.com did turn on the Monero in P2P trades for all countries I think 07:34:58 I want to swap them 07:35:22 Tu veux du cash ou tu veux du bitcoin 07:35:33 Do you want cash or do you want bitcoin? 08:40:39 Has anyone seen this shit: https://github.com/supertestnet/examiner 08:40:50 Can wait for FCMP++ 08:41:07 Cant wait for FCMP++ 09:35:35 of course 09:36:04 its just a block explorer 10:05:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/sAXbKaEWjCGDOyoHemwQWkHe 10:06:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyone have the same issue stack wallwt with blocks outside boundary ? 10:09:39 Damn monero is falling hard 🥲 RIP my balance sheet. 10:19:48 Oh boy, I knew I should've sold at 230, the daily transactions haven't gone up so the price increase was obviously just speculation that would've come down eventually. 10:20:28 I'd say that at least I'll learn from my mistakes but I know I'll make the same mistake next time too. 10:21:02 you guys arent bullish enough 10:21:04 i just bought more 10:21:47 A bit different situation I can't wait forever for price to come back up I have bills to pay unfortunately 10:21:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/poyPwXeCkGNqQbkaUANIeDzi 10:22:04 So I'll likely have to sell at a loss 10:22:07 this doesnt just happen on accident 10:22:18 yeah for you its bad 10:22:50 On what exchange was it? 10:22:54 A....block explorer? Lol 10:22:55 tradeogre 10:22:59 Sp500 is down 5% following the change in tax cut 2025, crypto always follow sp500 x1000 10:23:09 ffs 10:23:29 i JUST shifted from berkshire to sp500 hours before the downturn 10:23:49 Still insane run this year so it's fine. You'll make it back. 10:24:02 i have a time limit on monero though 10:24:28 i need absolute max value at serai genesis 10:24:41 Monero will come back at some point. It's less correlated than the other altcoins 🤞 10:24:51 i hope so 10:24:52 actually 10:25:04 i dont really lose anything as long as btc-xmr ratio stays 10:25:08 But like 80% of our payments are monero and bitcoin lol. So not a great day 🤣 10:26:14 btw 10:26:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iLuCcJazhsNdTTdYZUbhQmex 10:26:25 gate is seemingly preparing to de-list 10:26:35 really makes you think 10:26:36 Where? 10:26:55 how do they have the MOST volume out of ALL monero exchanges 10:27:07 when you cant even search the pair anymore 10:27:12 Kraken must have the most volume no? 10:27:36 Are you logged in on gate.io? 10:27:58 no 10:27:59 I noticed last time that I also couldn't find the monero pair on kraken while not being logged in. 10:28:22 you can find it via the link 10:28:23 https://www.gate.io/trade/XMR_USDT 10:28:25 But now it is back so that was weird. 10:28:29 but they recently removed it from search 10:28:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.nicecrew.digital/XzqLgrgTOsJwdAxwhabxFSBv 10:28:46 Kraken doesn't have that much volume 10:28:51 cuz gate's volume is a lie 10:29:12 Isn't it a bigger exchange than gate. Io? 10:29:28 ^ 10:29:29 > <@mark:chat.nicecrew.digital> Kraken doesn't have that much volume 10:29:31 Isn't it a bigger exchange than gate.io ? 10:29:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WYWSJQCnIOWYeMMTnLnDHOfw 10:29:50 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 10:29:53 Perpetuals though. 10:29:56 WHY WOULD YOU ALLOW LENDING 10:29:58 But yeah not great. 10:29:58 What is gate io and who even used it 10:30:05 WHEN YOU DELIST EVERYTHING ELSE 10:30:07 Do they still list in EU? 10:30:08 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 10:30:32 Maybe that is jsut them being slow to adopt EU regulations. 10:30:35 Gate bots use gate 10:31:03 It should be delisted everywhere in EU. 10:31:09 But not sure what the deadline is. 10:31:19 EEA, not EU 10:31:20 it is 1 week from now 10:31:21 Especially with the new travel rule that will be implemented. 10:31:42 All VASP and exchange need to pin transaction with information 10:32:01 its crazy how much data they want 10:32:25 banks are unironically 100 times as private as buying crypto 10:32:27 https://www.21analytics.ch/travel-rule-regulations/european-union-eu-travel-rule-regulation/ 10:32:46 That is 100% incompatible with Monero. 10:32:54 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hvMQGBAylbYgkKKBboRbVLYj 10:33:33 Not anymore though. That changed a lot as well. Except if you go to Seychelles or something. But good luck integrating with the rest of the banking world. 10:34:16 yeah youre right 10:34:26 oh well 10:34:36 guess we are going back to 150€ 10:34:49 it doesnt hurt as much when you tell yourself it was never real 10:34:57 Hahaha 10:35:01 1 xmr = 1 xmr 10:35:23 Wish I offramped yesterday 10:35:56 “Nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles, least of all stockbrokers, right? It’s all a fugayzi, you know what a fugayzi is?” 10:35:57 “Fugayzi. It’s fake.” 10:35:59 "Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.” 10:36:27 gate dot io uses an integrated address for deposits [or used to]. a few ppl sent funds to the base address by accident [possible gui bug] and their support kept brushing them off for months. cant find the reddit threads atm but their support would make me consider leaving a stern trustpilot review! 10:37:45 Probably would be removed. 10:38:04 F*ing trustpilot. 50% of the reviews we get are removed when the next one come. 10:38:26 Not even exaggerating. 10:38:54 And we even pay them for the privilege. 10:44:30 i made a very positive servers.guru review and it got removed 10:46:00 Did they even ask you to verify it or anything? 10:47:25 I understand that people don't want to verify review due to privacy concern. But it seems more like straight deletion. 10:47:54 I sent them a salty email yesterday when it happened again I'll probably get a generic answer in about 10 days 10:48:21 Nevermind we pay 250$ a month for 0 support. 10:48:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero etf ? 10:51:49 Why 10:52:30 Sounds obviously scammy 10:53:14 Cause we had the spammer asshole writing tons of fake reviews and we needed a faster way to contact them ( that was a lie) and we posted a picture of the star rating and they contacted us for brand misuse ( you need to pay to show that) and threaten us to remove our trustpilot page. 10:53:20 So all in all we bit the bullet. 10:53:28 250/mth sounds like "obv were scamming u bro, thanks for the free money, sucker" 10:54:01 Thing is the stars showing especially in crypto where it's full of scammer is very good psychologically for customer. 10:54:11 Also we had to pay for 6 months straight so here is that. 10:55:18 But yeah that's definitely racket and they know it and abuse it. 10:55:49 But you can't really operate without trustpilot at least in the hosting business unfortunately. 10:57:42 Ive never look at TP 10:58:38 I wish everyone was like you ;) 10:59:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I go by community usage 10:59:29 Mind you that's the cheapest plan lol 10:59:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not google reviews 10:59:49 Oh, thats the prob 10:59:58 You need a better plan 11:00:10 Next is like 600 or 1k 11:00:22 Have you tried upgrading to theft-pro? 11:00:36 I just pull my pants down. 11:02:21 I only do that for kyc 11:03:18 "know your cock" 11:04:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kwgPSfvSeGbmBsyGVjBkGjVu 11:05:19 That hurts 11:05:39 all the big sell orders are at 230 11:05:52 if nobody is willing to sell for less than that, that is the price lol 11:06:08 Now is good time buy xmr 11:06:51 I doubt its going fall further than what its right now $170 usd 11:07:08 As long as there are perps there will liquidations 11:08:39 why did no one fucking bought my XMR when I selled below the price holy shit 11:08:45 i am of firm believe that serai will set the definitive monero price once live 11:08:52 Most cyrptocoins have dropped in pricd by an average today of 15% 11:09:04 Most cyrptocoins have dropped in price by an average today of 15% 11:09:26 ogre is actually a bit fake 11:09:33 well not really but there is massive liquidity off the books 11:09:54 try placing a fat order a couple dollars above market and a bot will insta-fill it 11:12:50 i wont sell 2 under 220 soooooooooooo 11:12:55 2 u* 11:14:45 I can sell for 210 :p 11:15:41 ( that's a joke IRS I now I cannot sell p2p) 11:15:54 Im maxed out i wish i could buy more xmr. I bought a bunch before the price went by about a week. I normally dont buy i just mine the hell out of monero but my solar panels needed repairs so mining went on pause for couple months 11:16:06 ( that's a joke IRS I know I cannot sell p2p) 11:16:11 > <@ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> i wont sell 2 under 220 soooooooooooo 11:16:11 Im maxed out i wish i could buy more xmr. I bought a bunch before the price went up by about a week. I normally dont buy i just mine the hell out of monero but my solar panels needed repairs so mining went on pause for couple months 11:17:55 Its not selling tho. Youre just buying 220 usd 11:18:04 210* 11:18:34 You found the loophole 11:18:54 H&R Block Jannies Seething.png 11:19:11 on sale 11:20:25 Did i receive any cryptocurrency? No. My sockpuppet may have, idk 11:21:10 wheres juliu 11:21:25 Cryptocurrency isnt even real bro 11:21:53 Irs needs a lesson in P vs NP 11:22:59 I don't even think IRS would be the probably but for sure one of the 3 letter agency lurking in this sub. 11:23:46 I don't even think IRS would be the problem but for sure one of the 3 letter agency lurking in this sub. Or just gov in general. 11:24:26 hilarious how someone selling 3 XMR on ogre dumps price by 5$ 11:25:58 30% of ogre customers. 11:26:51 i listen to this whenever the price dumps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoI7MLxGRjQ 11:34:23 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1hgz0qk/mulligansecurity_opening/ 11:34:23 sounds like a scam 11:35:11 what are their creds? no public facing website with all their research 11:35:51 also OPSEC consulting? lmao wtf is that 11:36:40 OPSEC consulting undermines your OPSEC 11:40:03 You need muh OPSEC expert to understand the benefits of your thread model and, optimize your producitivty and security in the digital world with our all-in cloud OPSEC solution 👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️💯💯💯💯💯 11:40:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TiiEsOuLLgZoxaLIYJLHqfKA 11:40:07 look at this 11:40:25 +2000 XMR on the books but what, 40 all the way up to 200? 11:40:26 i can't 11:40:51 nvm i can 11:40:51 lmfao 11:40:53 sign me up 11:41:34 a federal agent developer will contact you very soon at your location 11:42:51 I only accept backdoored Tox chat 11:43:50 and I only accept racist/bigot/*phobic simpleX chat 11:43:51 We're not the same 11:45:00 nazi and terrorist platforms 11:45:01 nazi and terrorist platform 11:45:26 i can unironically believe this 11:45:49 i mean. simpleX founder clearly stated nazi were welcome so 11:46:23 actually the opposite, played stupid on Wired article 11:47:44 oh 11:49:26 Ah yeah he gave customer robot response: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/10/neo-nazis-head-to-encrypted-simplex-chat-app-bail-on-telegram/ 11:49:42 > “SimpleX is a communication network rather than a service or a platform where users can host their own servers, like in OpenWeb, so we were not aware that extremists have been using it,” says Poberezkin. “We never designed groups to be usable for more than 50 users and we’ve been really surprised to see them growing to the current sizes despite limited usability and perf 11:49:43 ormance. We do not think it is technically possible to create a social network of a meaningful size in the SimpleX network.” 11:50:14 Don't care their CEO is a conspiracist piece of shit 11:51:42 if they are willing to stop expanding their network and chat capabilities to hinder le terrors then they are stupid 11:52:41 What is wrong with Simplex? 11:52:43 i loved when wired called simplex the nazi platform and then wrote an article about how important encrypted chat apps like signal are 11:52:51 but I'm sure they just said that to stay away from glowies radar 11:53:10 *bipolarity* 11:53:29 oh 11:53:29 _bipolar_ 11:53:32 its better 11:53:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nTlTVuxzkvIWPFXdFbtRviDK 11:53:41 i can't see 11:53:47 fuck matrix 11:53:55 nvm 11:54:02 .@WIRED 11:54:03 recommends Signal and WhatsApp to break immigration law. 11:54:05 Just recently Wired criticized SimpleX Chat and privacy, because it may be used by "nazis" – a word Democrats use for political opponents, as we saw during the US president election. 11:54:12 by simplex 11:54:25 nothing, just get bad PR by mainstream media 11:54:38 Being a neutral company 101 11:55:51 They make misinformation as usually. 11:57:29 I mean they hired someone that most likey a lefty, Esra'a al Shafei who worked at Wikimedia Foundation, Access Now and Tor 11:58:30 You guys remember 10 years ago when Tor was being seen as something used by dark market criminals and hackers, impossible to access or some shit 11:58:35 *Le deep web* 12:02:19 Tor has been always easy to access thx to Tor browser, unlike i2p which takes several mins just to start surfing 12:05:46 https://invizible.net/en 12:10:32 Desktop 12:11:22 talking about desktops 12:16:40 QubesOS 🤍 12:24:19 one of the best apps for android. any time im on my desktop im always sad theres no invizible 😄 12:24:24 Takes like 15 seconds on repeat runs 12:25:01 I can't use i2p because I don't have inbounds 12:25:11 Tor doesnt run relays by default, it just uses other ppls. Like using a remote node, of course its a bit faster 12:25:26 U sure? Ive used it behind a firewall 12:25:34 It's been two years I've been trying 12:25:56 Try harder! 12:26:03 Last time was funny tho (Segmentation fault) 12:26:31 Someone else said the same recently (seg fault) with the repository version 12:26:49 Try building from src or using their "official" repos 12:31:54 bros 12:32:41 is it just me or is monerod extremely broken 12:35:10 Just you 12:36:17 90% of operations fail with some RPC error lmao 12:36:41 wallet cli constantly loses its connection while trying to refresh 12:36:57 prune_blockchain fails every time i try it 12:37:04 Did you, by any chance, self-compile on Debian? 12:37:26 no i'm on macOS, installed via homebrew 12:39:56 I had such mysterious errors when I did that. I think with SSL offer it's better. Never had problems with the official binaries, strangely. 12:40:04 *SSL off 12:41:24 is that a build time thing 12:41:44 mine links openssl but idk if it's actually using it 12:41:51 I guess so. Never got to the bottom of it, tried to debug in vain 12:42:13 it seemed to be fine before i upgraded it 12:42:16 Yes, it supports SLL connections between wallet and daemon, but you can forbid it on both sides if I remember correctly 12:51:40 monerobull on ogre be a maker not a taker 12:52:12 i am too impatient 12:52:37 i rather waste $300 than haven a limit order up for more than 10 minutes 13:03:36 kids these days :D 13:04:57 someones got to buy above market for the price to go up anyways 🤷 13:18:57 you mean, buy at ask price 13:25:05 Try #959864: Still don't work. Warn everywhere, Can't connect to privacyguides.i2p 14:12:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RndUZyJSFeyeoWnjHFhLkagS 14:12:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XFOdRtRPqpKsGmaXJlSqzvkN 14:12:48 vik (Cake): It seems like swap rates in Cake are much worse than if you use Trocador directly, even though Cake uses Trocador. What's up with that? 14:14:27 Cake wallet fees 14:14:30 convenience fee 14:14:31 probably 14:14:52 Cake has said in the past they don't take extra fees from in-app swaps, is why I'm asking 14:15:03 they have said that? 14:15:11 never heard of that. how would they earn money otherwise? 14:15:22 i thought its common knowledge that they do take like 2.5% 14:15:25 It would take me awhile to find it but yes I'm sure I've read that on reddit 14:15:51 you might remember some promo event where they dont take any fees for a while 14:26:47 is it normal for the last few % of the blockchain to take way longer to process 14:27:50 Yeu 14:29:29 constxd yes its because everything up to the last few % were downloaded and verified through an hash list. The last % however don't have that so your node is fully verifying blocks and transactions, therefore taking longer 14:32:38 these strongly imply no extra fees are being taken by cake: 14:32:39 https://www.reddit.com/r/darknet/comments/1d3x7we/damn_fees/l6euiu7/ 14:32:41 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/17six8h/conversion_from_monero_to_another_cryptocurrency/k8vjhj7/ 14:33:09 the actual issue appears to be that the trocador API is broken. If I disable the other swap providers except for trocador, Cake actually fails to fetch an exchange rate at all 14:33:48 I suspect based on the comments I've seen on reddit from people getting horrible rates using Cake, that Trocador hasn't been working for awhile 14:49:17 ah well, just kidding Ig. I got it to give me a rate with trocador being the only exchange enabled and the rate is still about 2.5% worse than using trocador directly 14:55:18 Its the same for every exchange last i checked 14:58:15 that makes sense was just comparing that one specifically because it tends to have the best rates, itself being a meta-exchange of sorts 14:59:09 "Your most recent share indicates are currently running P2Pool v4.1. It is recommended to upgrade." how do i upgrage :P 14:59:34 anyway, some clarification on the point from official Cake people would be nice because frankly 2.5% is a pretty big fee for not really doing anything, like I understand a 1-2% fee from exchanges who are actually providing the liquidity, but to take another 2.5% literally just for being a middle-man is a bit much 15:06:50 clarity? the rate is hidden in a secret 15:07:11 They can change it whenever they want and most wallet providers do the same 15:07:51 as well as the swapper themselves. 15:08:09 Ive never seen "0.5%" actually = 0.5% 15:08:59 Usually closer to 1-2% even directly from the websits that say 0.5-1%. It ultimately depends on their view of the fiat rate 15:09:52 Guys? 15:10:04 Why Kovri wasn't implemented on Monero? 15:10:05 kovri is just temu i2p 15:10:17 Bruh 15:10:49 Temu? 15:10:55 What is that? 15:10:59 Yes 15:11:12 same as wish.com 15:11:45 Wish.com? whats that? 15:11:47 a CCP subsidized platform to fling garbage products at ultra cheap prices around the globe 15:12:12 oh. I see 15:12:38 aliexpress is still cheaper, shipping just takes longer 15:12:57 these platforms are great for some items and terrible for others 15:13:04 good example of a great item: rubber bands 15:13:36 i orderd hundreds of those and they were for real 7x cheaper than on amazon 15:13:51 I buy lingerie from aliexpress 15:14:14 if its one-time-use that is actually not terrible 15:14:49 Anyone here use uniswapx before? 15:15:02 not that but CoW swpa 15:15:04 Does it have xmr? 15:15:06 not that but CoW swap 15:15:08 nope 15:15:18 its EVM coincidence of wants trading 15:16:06 nope but it’s the lowest fee DEX available rn, complete game changer. Unfortunately it’s works on the ethereum chain 15:16:08 Right. My point was dontasktoask.com and that the "yes" answer leads down a rabbit hole if offtopic 15:16:18 Of* 15:16:47 It’s cheaper than trading on any CEX within the ethereum chain 15:16:54 has nothing to do with xmr 15:17:12 if you are interested in this 15:17:31 chainflip.io uses similar coincidence of wants tech 15:17:46 they teased monero support but wont actually do it 15:17:54 I brought it up cause it’s a DEX and idk thought it might start an interesting conversation related to xmr 15:18:09 EVM DEX is very different from crosschain dex 15:18:17 monero is only interested in cross chain dex 15:19:02 and real ones, not the ones that are "cRoSs cHaiN" and then look like this: 15:19:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/yasYwVkDIbbCgDzGpuiHmKET 15:19:19 aNy aSsEt oN aNY cHaiN 15:19:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wPtyQwjJYeOHOTMzQjzddmbQ 15:19:54 looks inside, it's all EVM only 15:25:07 Always has been 15:26:02 Well chainflip is still more expensive than uniswapx. Maybe by following uniswapx’s example you can get lower fees and use wraps of xmr and any other coin on other chains to trade at low cost and then exit with the costs you’d normally have only on the exiting transaction 15:26:06 Psychoticbird, why are you copying me 15:27:08 Talking to yourself again TrueBird ? 15:27:45 I always am. 15:28:35 glad to hear 15:33:32 Somewhat like thorchain synths even though those aren’t the same thing in the way they are collateralized , except thorchain synth transactions are still expensive 15:39:20 Serai? 15:40:41 Part of the reason uniswapx works is because on ethereum aggregating transactions into a single transaction dramatically reduces network fees as opposed to doing each transaction individually. 15:40:43 Then basically the aggregators get paid for completing the transactions at a competitive rate. You can also be your own aggregator and remove that part of the cost of the trade. Also I think uniswapx has the most liquidity of any other dex rn 15:42:00 Is serai’s “exchange fees” going to be cheaper than thorchain’s ? 15:43:06 prob Depends on the cost of sri 15:49:22 Are we there yet? 16:04:15 If serai ends up being competitively cheap for exchange fees, thats great. It probably has a more reliable collateralization method if it’s like thorchain when compared to ethereum wrapped coins. 16:04:15 But if those fees are too high for your needs and you need high liquidity rn then you can probably use a combination of uniswapx for trading with wraps then use another dex to atomic swap into xmr. Xmr’s transaction fees are low so you just need a dex with enough liquidity and with low exchange fees. 16:04:17 Really these high percentage exchange fees are the problem. The relatively fixed transaction fees with respect to trade amounts on these networks aren’t a problem if you have large enough transactions 16:05:02 I think DEXs have the potential to kill CEXs if they’re objectively cheaper and have high liquidity 16:26:55 do DEXs do fiat? :) 16:28:31 by the time this damn chain is done processing the XMR i bought is going to be worthless 16:28:38 sad! 16:32:44 I mean I think potentially serai could have competitive exchange fees. Most of the other cross chain DEX’s exchange fees are high primarily due to choice rather than primarily because of the current market efficiency dependent the liquidity they have 16:33:53 But I have no idea what the exchange fees are gonna be on serai based on what I can see from what’s in its docs 16:34:28 I mean I think potentially serai could have competitive exchange fees. Most of the other cross chain DEX’s exchange fees are high primarily due to choice rather than primarily because of the current market efficiency dependent on the liquidity they have 16:46:45 thend picth 18:16:20 Is it a scam? 18:16:21 https://haveno.exchange/ 18:16:35 no its the official website 18:16:39 haveno.com is the scam 18:28:32 Yeah, Reto is gone from http://haveno.com/networks/ 18:38:49 Error: refresh failed: no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running.. Blocks received: 3828 18:44:37 #monero-support 19:08:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> It's the OG 19:14:55 They say: 19:14:55 "built on monero" 19:14:57 What does it mean? 19:14:59 Like a Smart Contract? 19:15:17 No 19:51:08 Haveno is a fork of Bisq which was based on a specific token called BSQ. Haveno replaced Bitcoin and BSQ with XMR. This is the meaning of "built on monero" 19:56:11 is tax declaration in the usa actually online? 19:57:00 no having to fill tens and tens of paper forms? :o 19:57:51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkLqV8K4JFY 20:15:23 Is #monero-pools private? says I'm banned and never joined it as far as I remember 20:19:59 Its k-lined 20:20:08 The room itself is k-lined 20:21:52 what did they say to piss off libera-NSA? 20:35:19 as2333, haha 20:45:48 Hello 20:46:15 I just forgot my sd card with all of my monero dev tools 20:46:30 😥 20:47:53 Define "monero dev tools" 20:48:24 Github repos and Development Envoriment 20:48:41 And the bounty I was working on 20:49:07 if you use Github, repose are still there, right? 20:49:10 *repos 20:49:33 Yes, Had some uncommited changes 20:50:34 git status 20:50:59 On the sd card 20:51:11 My computer doesn't have enough space 20:54:08 holy shit 20:54:19 sorry for your loss 20:54:21 also, 20:54:23 loeasy6needxmrtobuyanssd.com when ? 20:54:54 Its fine, I got to wait two weeks to get it back 21:02:36 Idk, Maybe for Christmas 21:07:18 I usually don't keep more than a few hours worth of uncommited changes. It's much safer to work in a temporary branch on Github and commit changes A LOT 21:07:35 Ok 21:07:55 I will try that 21:08:03 and then squash commits, and merge to the main branch 21:08:34 Makes sense