00:07:27 oh I see "people watching the blockchain will not know important details of your transaction, like sender address, amount and recipient address. The recipient of your payment will know all details of the transaction, except the sender address" - so what is visible in the blockchain then to an observer (assume not a node receiving tx request for example) 00:31:31 the output that is sent is on the blockchain and what is seen is that it is one of 16 outputs so you don't know which one the sender sent 00:33:51 when FCMP is used, Full Chain Membership Proof, the output will be of of all the outputs ever sent so there is no way of narrowing down and having a better guess which output was sent 00:34:14 FCMP++ is coming soon™ 00:44:42 step back from the keyboard 00:45:15 how did you know 00:53:26 thanks nioCat - but these outputs don't include sender or receiver addresses, either then is what I think I was reading 00:54:23 Mochi101: wut happened 00:58:20 nioCat, it's just a joke 00:58:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxPulIjhXwg 00:58:28 ^^^^ that's why 01:01:53 :) 03:14:35 is there a good resource for talking about what is visible on the monero blockchain? 03:14:50 is there a good resource for reading about what is visible on the monero blockchain? 03:17:40 a block explorer 03:20:43 sure 15:55:01 Am i able to purchase Monero online with a gift card? 16:01:50 Both Haveno and Noones.com have p2p that can have XMR on one side and gift card on the other side. 16:01:52 I think Haveno do, but for noones be ready to pay a hefty premium if you go that way 20:53:39 Hi 20:57:39 meow 22:54:03 Hello. Im trying to set up monero full nod in i2p without connection to clearnet. Is it possible? I add ~20 node from monero.fail, but "monerod print_cn" print only 12 nodes. Why it cant connect to all other nodes in i2p? Node frozen on Height: 1/1 (100.0%) 22:55:26 username checks out 22:57:06 Also, its impossible for some reason to add i2p domains. only full b32 adresses 22:58:10 tbh I've rarely see people talking about i2p full node or first class i2p support. Not that it isn't supported obviously and i'm sure some devs would be happy to make it work out. But yeah, i'm not surprise details like this are not polished ootb 22:58:44 I'm not sure because I run a tor node 22:58:58 I configured monerod from guide on https://docs.getmonero.org/running-node/monerod-systemd/#systemd, so monerod must be started from monero iser 22:59:08 I was thinking about getting an i2p one 22:59:10 I configured monerod from guide on https://docs.getmonero.org/running-node/monerod-systemd/#systemd, so monerod must be started from monero user 23:04:29 Is there any threshold to start syncing? I dont understand why monerod status prints "Height: 1/1 " if i connected at least to one node with almost full blockchain 23:12:42 monerod sync_info 23:13:12 You added 20 nodes, how? (and why??) 23:13:41 Nvm the "why". Delete them 23:13:44 2TB OF JUST NODE? 23:13:52 Those are rpc nodes, not p2p 23:14:15 Height: 1, target: 1 (100%) 23:14:16 Downloading at 0 kB/s 23:14:18 Next needed pruning seed: 2 23:14:20 21 peers 23:14:22 Remote Host Peer_ID State Prune_Seed Height DL kB/s, Queued Blocks / MB 23:14:24 zi4pxz3qhuvxjobhcr4jvdtkpjbde6m7mw5ney5tydikv52or62q.b32.i2p 0000000000000001 normal 0 3312473 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:26 0000000000000001 normal 0 3312472 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:28 0000000000000001 normal 180 3312473 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:30 pxtsal53b6blcxodaje4el2ajjesszfqhiig4r2dbb6bylf76m4a.b32.i2p 0000000000000001 normal 0 3312472 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:32 twv4hhsrm5joycfyiey4s6rpe2gvw3wcklzj73aryp6gvkp5eegq.b32.i2p 0000000000000001 normal 0 3312472 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:34 3jkxk2gc4ky2l4j4wh66ipehbsy5trcwijsymjmgliglo6gzg3oa.b32.i2p 0000000000000001 normal 0 3312472 0 kB/s, 0 blocks / 0 MB queued 23:14:36 STOP LOSING YOUR MIND IM RUNNING 8TB OF NODES ON MY COMPUTER 23:14:38 IM A LIAR BTW 23:15:04 Makes sense 23:15:06 i2p_node you have no clearnet peers 23:15:08 bro I only have 512 GB of storage man 23:15:11 yes thats indeed what i2p_node said. no clearnet 23:15:53 i added 20 node using via add-peer option in monerod.conf 23:15:59 It isnt supported 23:16:11 Delete them 23:16:21 still isnt 20 nodes like, alot 23:16:47 1. Delete you add-peer's 23:16:48 2. You have to sync blockchain over tor or clearnet. I2p blockchain sync is not supported 23:16:51 I know it is helping the network but ow 23:16:57 I know it is helping the network but wow 23:17:07 well. in normal time (clearnet) your node should communicate with around 24 p2p nodes 23:17:22 not should, it can do with less 23:17:29 but it's the average 23:17:48 12 outgoing, unlimited inc (usually ~100) 23:19:09 I2p blockchain sync is not supported because of some security reasons? 23:19:10 Thr "add peers" you added are all rpc endpoints. None of those are p2p 23:19:21 Delete them all 23:19:48 Sort of. Its easier and cheaper to create Sybil's using i2p or onion 23:21:09 Also the network speeds / latency could a problem during heavy tx volume or large hashrate changes 23:21:32 I just wanted to ask if it is dangerous to do it, because there is much less i2p monero nodes than the rest. Makes sense 23:22:13 onion and i2p are currently only functional for tx relaying, not blockchain sync 23:22:23 this 23:22:32 unfortunate reality 23:23:32 Tor don't for network topology reason (mainly Tor project strongly dislike high volume p2p like Torrent) 23:23:32 I2P could support it but it isn't implemented 23:23:47 Btc and their forks seem to be doing OK with blockchaib sync over onion/i2p. Out blocks are much bigger though and we have some ugly propagation 23:24:36 My biggest worry wouldnt be sybils tbh, it would be latency 23:24:47 Fast block times and large blocks dont play well with one another 23:24:48 your mom had some ugly propagation 23:25:22 PsychoticBird - we have the same mom 23:25:39 fuck 23:26:21 ah you can't unemoji 23:26:22 By ugly propogation, i mean we spam our peers with the same info that they already have and may have sent to us 23:26:24 that was already in the mempool 23:26:37 Multiplies the necessary bandwidth used many times over 23:27:19 over i2p, this would likely be crippling 23:27:50 i2p is involving and speed is increases, but latency is price for anonymity - it never will be low. It's a pity that I2P and Monero can't be fully combined 23:28:27 what 23:28:36 1. monero propagation needs to b fixed 23:28:51 ? 23:29:04 I dont understand what you are saying 23:29:35 evolving, sorry 23:29:40 level 0 grammar 23:29:46 yes, sorry 23:30:00 If the bandwidth issues are fixed, it wouldnt be such a bad idea to allow i2p block chain sync. Sybils are still an issue, but i imagine the same fix for our current spy node proxy issue would be applicable to fake i2p proxy sybils 23:30:09 i mean, i2p speed can be fixed, but latency - never 23:30:14 I understood 23:30:29 How? 23:30:42 Not true. Latency can be skipped by setting tunnel lengths to 0 23:30:58 At the cost of privacy, of course 23:31:03 but in that case there is no sense to use i2p 23:31:05 yes 23:31:38 Yes there is. Not everyone can open ports to accept incoming connections 23:31:49 I2p punches through nat/firewall 23:32:22 Monero has a very real centralization issue with a disproportionate amount of outgoing-only nodes 23:32:47 wasnt this entire crypto currency built for security? 23:33:00 No 23:33:13 I guess false advertising then 23:33:21 privacy != security 23:33:27 oh 23:34:14 Any relying on i2p or onion is also adding external failpoints. You can't expect tor and i2p to remain functional. A few months back, tor was completely unusable due to ddos 23:35:03 Let's not forget about muh Linking Lion 23:35:24 at least 50% of the reachable p2p network 23:35:47 linkinglion has a much easier time breaking dandelion due to the lack of peers with incoming connections 23:35:55 What is better for privacy - connect to 3rd party node over i2p, or run full monero node in tor/clearnet? 23:36:41 meanwhile my PC blowing up for no reason because it used 1 bit of RAM too many 23:36:53 what do you call full monero node exactly? 23:37:03 what do you call **full** monero node exactly? 23:37:55 node with not pruned blockchain 23:38:02 meanwhile my PC blowing up for no reason because it used the wrong bit of RAM 23:38:20 Something I can agree on 23:38:25 whether pruned or not doesnt make a difference here 23:38:28 well. having a pruned node doesn't particularly bring any caveats from a privacy standpoint 23:38:39 I think my PC needs to be checked up on 23:38:43 Pruned blockchain is 1/4 of main blockchain 23:39:06 so not sure why precising it. but anyway to answer your question you are better running your own pruned monero node in tor/clearnet 23:39:10 always trust your own node 23:39:14 1/3, but doesnt make a diff from a privacy perspective 23:39:16 1/8 23:39:20 oh 23:39:21 no my bad 23:39:23 yeah 1/3 23:39:34 My bad 23:39:36 thank you 23:39:44 np 23:40:10 thanks everyone for all answers 23:40:32 if you run your own node over clearnet (+ txproxy tor + i2p), then you have better tx privacy than a remote i2p node 23:41:04 also don't forget to add boog ban list 23:41:14 it will annoy chainanalysis companies 23:41:19 whats a boog? 23:41:21 your clearnet node will relay other peoples transactions, and your transactions will _always_ be relayed by your onion/i2p peers 23:41:28 it's someone 23:41:35 Booger 23:41:42 ok 23:42:21 Ladies and gentlemen: 23:42:22 - monderbull 23:42:24 - Siron 23:42:26 - Synbhebird 23:42:28 - orfnxrmr 23:42:30 - Booger900 23:42:32 LMFAO 23:42:34 🖕 23:42:51 wait he exist!> 23:43:00 wait he exists!? 23:43:06 Yes 23:47:31 Boog900 23:47:32 lol 23:50:41 Thats what i said - Booger900 23:50:57 You said booger900 23:50:59 not boog 23:51:16 i2p is evolving and speed is increases, but latency is price for anonymity - it never will be low. It's a pity that I2P and Monero can't be fully combined 23:52:12 ❌️ 23:52:30 Booger900, lead dev of Copprute project 23:53:02 theres a user in here called Boog900 23:53:10 Booger900* 23:53:34 *Boog900 23:53:44 **Booger900 23:54:24 Screenshot 2024-12-27 175347.png 23:54:38 FUD 23:54:40 *boog900 23:54:43 misinformations 23:54:52 It reals 23:55:06 It? you misgender people to object? 23:55:17 no alright i mkidding with you 23:55:21 FUCK 23:55:22 of course it's boog900 23:55:38 it's some joke in another channel, some spammer completely destroyed our names 23:55:47 So you misgender people to object 23:56:03 name. 23:56:04 it = name 23:56:13 yes 23:56:22 a name isn't a person 23:56:24 so this misgendering of both is invalid 23:56:40 sir you are hilarious 23:56:53 Silliest of activities 23:56:55 welcome 23:57:44 🤣