00:01:07 bobboiplays pronouns are it/that 00:01:17 yes 00:01:52 its hr/him 00:01:58 its he/him 00:04:50 Yours are? I doubt it 00:05:24 You doubt a biological male? 00:05:58 There are no biological males, you bigot 00:06:08 tf you mean 00:07:00 You hurd me 00:07:18 so the presence of a penis doesnt mean a man 00:07:30 Correct 00:07:35 When people talk about that kind of stuff I don't even know if they're ironic or not these days. 00:07:48 Nah bro this idiot 00:08:04 i feel attacked 00:08:23 Can you attack me in Monero Offtopic instead, before we get in trouble 00:08:29 I feel like Im being lied to 00:08:33 ok 00:08:48 On https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/remote-node.html i found only one explanation of why remote nodes is risky: "Node operators can link transactions to IP addresses", so, if i use i2p/tor for connecting to them , there is no other issues(Except i dont support decentralization on monero in such case)? Or remote node also can send me fake transaction, for example? 00:09:36 no there is also decoy selection issue. Your wallet needs information to properly select decoy and trust the node for that. 00:10:00 If you use a remote node you don't trust, it can give you intentionally wrong decoy informations for you to build a weak ring 00:10:06 If youre the only person using the node, its also easy for them to link your tx's together 00:10:37 in this case he would likely be using Tor 00:10:58 not link to your ip, but to link the tx to one another 00:11:09 thank you 00:11:22 As follow up tx are likely to reference old tx as decoy 00:20:26 Then use your own local node 00:23:32 That literally leaks all of your tx 00:40:50 ?? 00:42:06 Only you can see your Transactions because you have the Private View Key 00:44:38 Only you can see your tx info. Everyone can see your txid 00:44:59 Info, meaning amount + sender + receiver 00:45:46 If your using own local node in either remote or locally no one should see your ip or tx 00:45:53 To be specitic: using your own node (out of the box) leaks your node as the origin of the transaction 00:46:18 This is assuming that you run the node from home and behind a router 00:46:36 But no ip or any other info 00:46:37 And? Node is running over Tor 00:46:46 Yes ip ... 00:47:09 Your node is attached to an ip address ... 00:47:24 Peers know who send them what 00:47:34 Peers know who sent them what 00:47:36 > <@ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> To be specitic: using your own node (out of the box) leaks your node as the origin of the transaction 00:47:38 And? Node is running over Tor and the TXs can not be linked together because you get every 5-10 minutes an New IP 00:47:48 Tor.. 00:48:08 ^ 00:48:09 ofrnxmr he is right 00:48:10 now bend 00:48:14 now bow to your king 00:48:25 I said "out of the box" 00:48:48 If you add --tx-proxy or --proxy, then the results change 00:49:27 But saying "just run your own node if you want privacy" is bad advice 00:50:15 i disagree 00:50:39 the decoy selection safety alone is already more important than the IP origin 00:50:52 Just run your Node in an Whonix VM 00:51:04 Its not if you want privacy 00:51:54 Knowledge that your IP sent a specific txid a 1:21AM is an issue 00:52:01 So if im using my own local host on the clearnet with no proxy and its process my transaction are you saying that my local node will leak my IP?? 00:52:12 Yes 00:52:18 So if im using my own local node on the clearnet with no proxy and its process my transaction are you saying that my local node will leak my IP?? 00:52:23 less an issue than txid, ring is completely transparent 00:52:32 less an issue than ring is completely transparent 00:53:09 Yes. As you are an outgoing only proxy. 00:53:12 Damn then kayaba gave bad advise yesterday 00:53:30 what advice exactly did he gave? 00:54:36 I asked him question on Monero talk about the malicious nodes and he went into a bit detail let find it give me a minute 00:54:53 > <@syntheticbird:monero.social> what advice exactly did he gave? 00:54:54 I asked him question on Monero talk about the malicious nodes and he went into a bit detail let me find it give me a minute 00:54:58 anyway, Cuprate will rule upon this land and you will fall into Ferris Kingdom. 00:55:04 be ready to pray our crab god 00:55:29 Its been ~1minute 00:55:37 really not 00:55:51 My clock says :54 -> :55 00:56:07 very funny ofrnxmr 00:56:09 Looks like 1minute to me! 00:56:11 \* take fentanyl \* 00:56:15 Now it says :56! 00:58:17 https://www.youtube.com/live/jxPulIjhXwg?si=zfqV-VUOYAPVbtrx go to 1:25:29 time mark 00:59:13 Sorry about delay daylight saving just kicked in😎 01:00:30 I believe he might mentioned cuprate or something similar it was over 2 hours of talk 01:03:09 Ok I mean he is right on the fact that you should use a VPN/Tor, and regarding local node he didn't explicited the obvious assumption that the first node which receive your tx in dandelion++ stem phase should be *"trusted"*. 01:03:35 when you are in outgoing only at least 01:03:39 "if dandelion ++ is secure" 01:03:47 You can't be certain of that obviously 01:04:57 "other nodes cant see which node first broadcasted the transaction" statement hinges on dandelion++ being secure (which is isnt) 01:05:19 yep it's a mistake 01:05:20 Is it secure 01:05:37 Linkinglion and (booger900's banlist) has been spying on monero since at lease 2020 01:05:48 dandelion++ safety assumes that any participants of the network is capable of receiving and emitting. Which isn't the case for outgoing only mode 01:05:50 it's real 01:06:01 It's not just ofrnxmr on drugs telling you that 01:06:08 Yeah, I mentionned that many time 01:06:16 I was in this room wondering why using --tx-proxy wasn't standard since before dandelion++ existed but that's just me 01:06:57 Lyza, dont u remember the tx-proxy has a lot of bugs :) 01:06:59 Had* 01:07:02 Damn so my opsec is fucked in away except i use vpn 01:07:08 And still does have 1 very bad one 01:07:20 I so do remember :( 01:07:23 or Tor 01:07:31 or an inbound compatible node 01:07:35 somewhere on a VPS 01:08:16 if you use tx-proxy, your node wont broadcast any of your rpc tx from your own node 01:08:44 (thats why its callex tx-proxy). It uses your onion/i2p peers to send the tx 01:09:24 it _only_ effects rpc traffic, so latency isnt really an issue 01:10:26 I use VPN just for my wallet but my node is on clearnet and tor though i rare use tor 01:10:34 The privacy leak there is if youre connecting to the node over clearnet, w/o ssl. The isp can see the tx on its way to the node 01:10:41 I use VPN just for my wallet but my node is on clearnet and tor though i rarely use tor 01:10:51 My nodes all use tx-proxy for tor and i2p 01:11:00 Always use le HTTPS 01:11:06 the green lock means secure 01:11:18 don't go shopping if the lock is red 01:11:28 Plowsof's nodes do too. So if you send a tx to a plowsof onion, it will be broadcasted by someone elses node. 01:11:32 most wallets don't support self-signed SSL certs very well making it hard to avoid mitm unless you buy a womain and register a certificate 01:11:34 /me locks [@syntheticbird:monero.social](https://matrix.to/#/@syntheticbird:monero.social) in a kennel 01:11:55 100% Https always 01:11:56 Most wallets dont do any cert pinning :P 01:11:58 You'll be safe in there. 01:12:19 Mitm self signed certs is a simple matter 01:12:52 So for sending tx to remote nodes that dont have a CA signed cert, its best to use onion/i2p 01:14:42 I dont mind syncing my wallet over clearnet, but i usually will switch to my onion if i need to send a tx 01:16:03 Always remember your threat model, using monero alone is already best practice for average joe 01:16:06 So if I run my node behind VPN will work? 01:16:40 yes 01:16:51 If you trust your VPN provider 01:17:24 Tor is probably easier 01:17:42 tor is definitely easier for tx-proxy 01:17:49 Ok problem solved turns out mullvad was running and i forgotten about it 01:18:57 your node has a peerid 01:19:24 But will need to move my node to different device and run tor behind 01:19:39 Why? 01:20:20 i2p is so sexy tho 01:20:41 mullvad is the solution to all our problem 01:22:59 My node on one my Ryzen 9 7950X no need I going move it to my RPI4 once my RPI5 comes so move HA to it 01:23:37 What does this have to do with tor? 01:26:31 My bad i misread your question 01:27:00 no 01:27:06 be harsh 01:27:22 don't let ofrnxmr make you feel guilty 01:28:18 😂 but i really did misread now when look at im wtf am talking about 01:28:21 Apology accepted! Too late, synbhebird 01:29:49 Is there any work happening with p2p encryption i do remember reading a few years back that it was supported as it incresses the attack surface 01:30:05 Is there any work happening with p2p encryption i do remember reading a few years back that it wasnt supported as it incresses the attack surface 01:31:44 Yea but its not active 01:33:12 Probably for that reason 01:33:13 Bitcoin has multiple types of peers. Monero should do something similar 01:34:13 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8996 01:35:14 Wouldn't that increase the vulnerabilities? 01:36:40 No 01:36:59 It would decrease the requirement for every peer to be used for everything 01:38:52 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7078 01:40:10 Oh, youre asking about p2p, i thought you were asking about this^ 01:41:12 Self-signed certs are easy to MITM 01:41:27 And your node wouldn't know the difference 01:41:57 > Eclipse attacks cannot be prevented either - an attacker can hijack TCP sessions, and the local node doesn't know whether a MitM is occurring or whether the remote node has changed pubkeys (dynamic IP or settings change). 01:44:34 They trying acheive similar objects 01:45:46 > <@ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Oh, youre asking about p2p, i thought you were asking about this^ 01:45:48 They trying acheive similar objectives 01:46:11 This isn't about p2p encryption but about having peers work as a team instead of all peers behaving the same 01:46:36 Oh ok 02:32:48 I just check port fowarding in Mullvad has been stopped so running vpn behind node not looking good 02:44:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> yeah they all stopped it 02:44:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i think airvpn works, but never used it 03:05:06 Get a 5$ vps and forward port to your node with your own wireguard vpn 05:40:10 From where 06:55:03 https://kycnot.me/?t=service&q=&xmr=on 06:55:33 kyun, servers guru 07:01:43 Thankz 07:32:26 ?is first node should be "trusted" for network privacy, or another reason 07:45:08 wallets should definitely warn when connecting to self signed certs (or not using tls) 08:22:50 Thats the default 08:23:12 Would be a _lot_ of warnings 09:16:53 Why hosting an Node on an VPS?? 09:17:00 I would host it locally 09:17:10 I would host it local 09:21:24 You don't have to have the node on all the time, right? You can just sync it when it is needed for use? 09:22:24 hello 09:22:36 does using a VPN prevent mining on monero? 09:24:17 yes if the vpn blocks the pool communication 09:24:37 ok, i can try mining with the VPN turned off to see what happens 09:24:50 is there a way to configure the VPN to prevent that 09:25:09 If the Pool hoster blocks the VPN * 09:25:13 it just depends on your vpn whatever services they block or something 09:25:16 . 09:25:19 oh, i am hosting locally 09:25:52 are you gonna mine on a free vpn no u wont they block torrenting too etc 09:25:57 FYI i am new to monero. i am just trying to mine for the first time 09:26:13 Yes if you start it every week then it takes around 15 minutes to full sync 09:26:16 no this is not a free VPN, i am able to torrent just fine 09:26:27 > <@m-relay:monero.social> You don't have to have the node on all the time, right? You can just sync it when it is needed for use? 09:26:28 Yes if you start it every week then it takes about 15 minutes to full sync 09:26:40 i'm actually syncing atm 09:26:56 Get mullvad. 09:27:00 but i get an error when i start mining 09:27:05 it's error 13 i believe 09:27:10 Which error 09:27:17 Message 09:27:40 sorry i am syncing atm, about 2000 blocks left 09:27:50 but i can test it out and give you the output 09:28:06 i can also disable the VPN and test it without it 09:28:23 I think you need to have the node synced 100% 09:28:41 > <@m-relay:monero.social> sorry i am syncing atm, about 2000 blocks left 09:28:42 I think you need to have the node synced 100% otherwise you cant mine the new blocks 09:28:48 it's at 1650 blocks remaining 09:29:26 yes i was doing this before when i was synced. i can try running with the CLI so i can get an output of what's happening 09:29:35 1490 blocks 09:29:47 1370 09:30:24 it may just function with the VPN off, which will be kind of disappointing 09:31:17 It will only function when you have your node 100% synced. 09:31:55 yes, i am waiting for the node to sync. but this issue happened while the node was synced 09:32:27 811 blocks remaining 09:32:54 so i am also using "gupax" in addition to "monero-gui" 09:33:04 in both cases, i was unable to mine 09:34:03 i also have IPv6 blocked 09:34:18 though my general firewall settings are pretty open now 09:34:56 351 blocks 09:36:00 so i think my first test will be to just try mining 09:36:13 the next test will be to do it without the VPN connected 09:36:45 i am attempting mining 09:36:48 it says "connected + mining" 09:37:01 CPU resources are near 0% 09:37:12 should i see an immediate up-take in CPU resources 09:38:23 peachkelsy, you around? 09:43:08 well i started monero-wallet-gui 09:43:27 2024-12-28 09:42:29.125 E !r. THROW EXCEPTION: tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon 09:50:38 when i attempt to start mining, the daemon is killed, and there is a new daemon instance that starts with new flags 09:52:21 i get the same error, "daemonBlockChainTargetHeight: Failed to connect to daemon" 09:52:52 if i try to mine P2Pool on gupax, i get an error message as well 09:53:25 P2Pool can't continue execution: panic at /usr/src/debug/p2pool/p2pool/src/p2pool_api.cpp:96 09:53:25 2024-12-28 09:51:54.6210 P2Pool API mkdir(/usr/bin/network/) failed, error 13 09:54:58 i will attempt to do it with the VPN disconnected 09:55:17 brb 10:12:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yes, but you'll have to let it sync every time you want to use it 10:13:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Then let you wallet sync to it 10:23:39 kayabanerve: how's the progress on fcpm++ libraries ? are we seeing it this month or hopefully done by next month. 10:44:29 mkdir(/usr/bin/network/) is unexpected. Maybe newfangled systemd stuff though ? Or pwned. 10:53:06 Idk about mining 10:53:11 Ask venice.ai 10:59:49 uncensored ai!? bro thats cool 12:04:15 jack_ma_blabla: I submitted them weeks ago. 12:05:16 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/448#note_27450 12:08:33 So fcmp testnet is matter of weeks ? 12:08:39 So fcmp testnet is in matter of weeks ? 12:16:49 depends 12:19:41 within 1 to 2 month testnet launch 13:03:23 The current work is on integration of those libs. 15:21:44 You did not get it :) 15:22:23 You cant host a node on a 5$ vps (it wont have enough storage) 15:23:36 A vps allow you to host a node locally when you are behind a CGNAT. Plus it provide you with a static ip... 15:24:33 You want the vps to be near the physical location of the node 15:27:28 Plenty of locations have dirt cheap vps. 15:27:28 You really just need the one with 1 cores and 512MB of ram. Really the lowest offering considering you are only going to use it for wireguard or softether and basic iptables 15:30:19 Wireguard is easily detectable and bockable tho 15:30:21 blockable 15:31:12 this new masque is nice 15:32:04 BlueyHealer: Iptables -t forward --dport 18080 -J DROP 15:32:04 That was really not the point !! 15:33:04 cheaper to get a vpn then a vps. 15:33:38 The point was to be able to have incoming behind a cgnat. More and more peoples are behind a cgnat. And Dandelion++ dont work properly if incoming is blocked 15:33:57 and you can change static ips regularly etc. Both work but vpn is cheaper. 15:34:37 and vpn in most cases require no kyc but most vps providers do 15:34:45 You dont control the vpn like you control the vps. 15:34:46 Plus there is less and less offering that allow forwarding of ports 15:35:21 sure but there's not many non-kyc vps:es with many locations. 15:35:36 and there's enough vpns that offer static ips 15:35:36 zib, idk, my VPS is cheaper than a lot of VPN providers' offerings. Also no KYC. 15:35:58 And yeah, I have far more flexibility with what obfuscation method I can set up. 15:36:31 BlueyHealer: they exist (i am one of them :D) but vpns would give you more locations. So depends on where you are. I noticed his "near the physical location"-part 15:36:59 Normally the do accept random information (most use solus vm... That vps manager ask for info but dont care, i always fill with random) 15:37:00 A lot of vps accept crypto too 15:37:54 i didnt see his original suggestion i think so dont know what the initial point was. 15:38:06 ofc vps is better if you want to do like incoming clearnet -> tor -> cgnet-node 15:38:47 BlueyHealer: with unlimited traffic? that vps i mean. Please share provider :) 15:39:06 As for more locations - fair. I just didn't need that, and flexibility was more important. 15:39:41 Do you really need a vps for that? 15:39:42 I never got issue hosting tor hidden services behind nats 15:39:44 The KYC that is more widespread is for "proper" domain registration though. That one I am not sure I can just bullshit on, although lean towards this. 15:40:34 I just spoke from a friend experience. He did not care about "being close to the physical node location". He runs his monero + bitocin nodes etc and just changes location with the vpn every month. 15:41:14 Why is changing locations important? Is he hiding the fact that he's running a node? 15:41:15 And I felt that was nicer/easier then a vps. It's not like you really need the exit node to be close. 15:41:18 Veesp.host (latvia, russia) 15:41:20 Kyun.host (usa, romania) 15:41:22 Here four random locations 15:41:24 Unlimited 15:41:54 Kyun came with a warning on monerica - that it has downtime issues. Is that true? 15:42:03 First is veesp.com 15:42:04 Sorry, use a crap device from the bed lol 15:42:04 BlueyHealer: It was just a "why not" since it was so easy and scriptable. No need to do anything manual. 15:42:41 just a http api req to the vpn-provider to change exit once a month. 15:42:59 Oh yeah, i thing the nodes connect less with node that have a 9000 ping 15:43:19 If its too far you are going to get only 1 or two incoming 15:43:35 9000? :D So if its on Mars? 15:44:27 I did test and notice the issue with vps that are on the other side of the world 15:45:02 So a near location is just better 15:45:47 i have 90 incoming connections 15:45:56 pretty spread worldwide. 15:46:24 thats just my EU node. 15:46:41 We dont talk about hiding, we talk about hosting behind a cgnat!!! 15:47:11 other node is 12(out)+170(in) connections, 15:47:21 yes im just saying latency does not matter. 15:48:00 iirc monerod will mechanically ask more to nodes that complete response faster 15:48:09 Mine have also plenty but you missed the point. 15:48:10 If you are in argentina and your neighbor connect to you via that entry in russia. He is going to have a ping over 500 15:49:21 Yeah, if I very far vpn, i get a few incoming but the leave and endup with 1 or 2 left lol 15:49:58 but ~40% of my incoming connections in my EU node are from asia 15:50:05 so i mean it cant really matter that much 15:51:29 Try to get the point please 15:51:30 There a difference between connecting from asia 15:51:32 And going around the whole world one time to connect because of far vpn 15:52:05 zib is right. latency is not take into account when selecting p2p nodes. 15:52:40 only drop rate will force your node to drop a peer. 15:52:45 yes 15:53:07 Oh, interesting. Maybe I found a bug then. Will have to test more with that specific setup 15:53:11 my point was, even if not hiding, i would choose a vps/vpn-node a bit away from me because there's no reason not to. 15:53:44 esp if its cheaper :D 15:54:02 Care to elaborate? 15:55:02 I did test a node with an entry point on the other side of the world. I get a few incoming but they leave except like 1 or 2 15:56:40 I was assuming node would drop connection to node with very high ping (compared to there other connections) or something similar 15:57:11 Intriguing. 16:00:55 it just takes time to build incoming connections since you're advertising yourself. I dont remember how exactly it works. 16:02:20 I am running a few node, that issue is only with that far vpn. 16:02:20 It stay to 1 incoming even after a week 16:03:12 I can bring back that setup online if needed, to do more science! 16:03:31 ok odd. Let me check a new one in asia i put up a week ago, sec. Just Umbrel 16:05:39 26 incoming after a week. 16:06:20 mostly DE and US ips 16:06:53 My far vpn test is equivalent to buenos aires -> moscow. 16:07:53 dont know the latency on that but all mine now is over 250ms 16:08:12 its more likely you have packetloss or something and its disconnecting for that reason 16:09:04 or your isp is actually shaping/rate-limiting udp or whatever you are vpning over. 16:09:11 Thats why i initially thought. Made plenty of test and could not find an issue with the vpn link 16:09:30 As far as I know, Russia is not fscking with monero 16:09:49 i more thought argentina :D 16:09:55 and udp not monero 16:09:58 Not the case 16:10:19 for my udp vpn i need to change ports often since it gets ratelimited 16:11:32 if you message me tomorrow i can give you a free wireguard tunnel for your node and we can see whats up. 16:11:41 I only connect to the net using my network of vpns, all udp, i can torrent and do all stop, no issue. 16:11:42 Even no issue torrenting with that far vpn 16:13:05 Not really required, i have plenty of node but thanks for the offers 16:14:16 np, just like to sponsor xmr-stuff :) 16:16:44 oh it's still on that node I totally forgot about 16:16:46 Height: 3312964/3312964 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 3.39 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+1(in) connections, uptime 37d 21h 13m 59s 16:17:04 very weird 16:17:09 must be some other problem 16:17:32 if you send the ip i can try connecting from mine 16:45:34 zib: Thanks for the offer but I'm going to do more test for that node myself now that I know the latency dont matter.. And also update the monerod to last version in the same time. 17:20:06 https://cyberinsider.com/russian-government-orders-isps-to-hand-over-names-of-vpn-users/ 17:21:42 a) it's way too many people and b) there are stealthy protocols anyway 17:22:49 I only own vps in russia :) and they dont have my name! 17:23:55 Which provider? Accept xmr? 17:24:38 Is that through a reseller? 17:25:11 For a provider, that'd probably be illegal to accept XMR there. But the fact that this is nonetheless possible is very nice. 17:25:48 I would pay for Mullvad, instead of setting up my own VPS with limited locations and sticking out like a sore thumb with only guy with VPS 17:26:01 Yeah reseller. 17:26:02 They accept LN but that you can xmr->ln on tor sooo 17:26:29 NICE 17:27:23 basses, I would also like to run some services there - so rented a VPS. 17:28:11 Also, I have a choice of what obfuscation to use. They have v2ray from what I've seen, which is based, but I haven't chosen one yet. 17:28:51 Also, a vps seems less likely to be blocked because it only serves like two people. 17:29:21 I'm talking about how private it is 17:34:49 Yeah, to each their own priorities here. 17:41:01 RavFX: sure sure :) 19:39:55 hi all 19:40:51 im new in monero can sombody help me how to start 19:42:32 download a wallet 19:42:34 Getmonero.org/downloads 19:45:00 a 19:45:03 wchich wallet 19:45:26 my antywirus said that was a not good site... 19:45:32 mate 19:45:54 Your antivirus is drunk 19:45:59 ok what wallet is the safest 19:46:12 maybe 19:46:14 he likes whysky 19:46:16 :P 19:46:18 For desktop or mobile? 19:46:29 what is the safest 19:46:46 Feather wallet 19:46:54 maybe i tel you what i want to do and you advise me 19:47:03 yes 19:49:03 I want to buy bitcoins in a bitcoin ATM. incognito :) and how and what to exchange it for so that it is still incognito. from what wallet from where what 19:49:20 i know how to buy bitcoin but in monero im new 19:49:55 You can swap your bitcoin into monero using unstoppableswaps or basicswapdex 19:51:48 better destcop 19:51:52 not app?\ 19:52:45 https://unstoppableswap.net/? 19:52:50 here? 19:53:03 Yeah 20:17:11 and the destcop app is more secure thatn app 20:40:16 what about this site 20:40:17 https://www.trocador.app/ 20:40:25 scam? 20:45:35 Not scam 20:45:47 no 21:31:27 do they take monero? I see they take some cryptos 21:32:50 Servers.guru kyun.host too 21:35:15 looking for as many non-eyes options as possible, Romania server is good on kyun 21:40:21 I'm a kyun og. I've always been happy with their service and their owner is very responsive, helpful. But be aware we're not aiming at triple digit uptime on the romanian side. This is a DDoS battlefield. You can expect your VM to reboot every 3 weeks. 21:40:50 Otherwise, Kyun is the perfect host imo 21:41:31 kyun is good, I like to have other locations as well 22:15:32 How much does it cost? 22:17:01 Price depends on the spec and location 22:17:10 You can select the exact amount of RAM/CPU/Disk you want 22:17:22 upgrade later, and also add side network storage 22:18:41 For what could i use it 22:18:51 what is this question 22:18:56 only you know why you need a vps 22:19:40 Dont know if i need one, i have enough VMs on my laptop.. 22:20:52 sell me this pen 22:21:47 Get litecoin and swap it to XMR 22:23:31 dex: Basicswapdex swapper: orangefren, trocador 22:25:13 eXch 22:25:28 a boring but useful example for a vps is a simple vpn / ssh socks proxy while using public wifi 22:25:39 Se best 22:27:19 or for hosting an RAT ?? 22:27:30 Ohh yeee! 22:28:21 if a RAT has anything to do with breaking the law or the misuse of computers act then no 22:28:42 Why no 22:30:24 you guys have the worst possible ideas bout what to shove on a vps lmao 22:35:05 Why not??? 22:35:25 its malware bro, you realize it? 22:38:25 Ohh noo 22:38:34 .. 22:38:57 I thought it was legal! 22:39:06 lmfao 22:41:36 But its only illegal if you get caught 22:42:07 that applies to every law :3 22:42:17 not that you should but- 22:42:20 xd 22:42:31 https://www.urdn.com.ua/ 22:42:32 https://stark-industries.solutions/ 22:42:34 https://sporestack.com/ 22:42:36 https://mynymbox.io/ 22:51:24 I don't recommend kyun. Insecure backend and infra, toxic staff. 22:52:39 agree with being toxic but insecure backend? 22:54:03 https://telegra.ph/The-Situation-01-30 22:54:34 https://www.digilol.net/pentests/kyun-api-web.pdf 22:54:34 We agreed that I pentest them for free. Took 15 minutes to find remote code execution in their backend and rooted them. I cut the pentest short due to harassment from their staff. 22:54:36 i'm looking for a post i made here yestereday searched for it but don't find it. Is there a all posts options i'm able to select to find it that way? 22:55:30 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ To this day they randomly invite me to their room to insult me or ping me in public rooms for no reason 22:55:46 Thanks for the report 22:57:03 We recently discovered IP spoofing in their network too. My male teammate had to relay it to them because of this. Comedy gold. 23:00:03 Siren can u setup an rss for https://www.digilol.net/services/pentest-reports.html ? 23:00:54 I'll look into it. 23:06:55 ty, I like sporestack and mynymbox 23:10:06 I had issues with some people in their chat, but I still use them for some things 23:12:36 @siren:kernal.eu ty for sharing 23:31:59 Would you guys buy mullvad for 1 month or 1 year?? 23:32:41 depends on how long u need it for ._. 23:33:12 random 1-3 months 23:33:56 I mean, isnt that better to buy every month? So you get an new account every month and not every year... 23:34:10 5 years 23:40:31 > <@ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Servers.guru kyun.host too 23:40:32 I don't recommend kyun. Their backend and infra have a bad track record of being insecure, toxic staff. 23:51:10 🤯