00:07:36 hardhatter: I would've chimed in on your Qs but you appear to lack respect for other people so I won't bother. HF with the knowledge already public which you're able to find and digest 00:19:38 Is it just me or is cakewallet's fdroid repo down? https://fdroid.cakelabs.com/ 00:19:51 * m-relay is trying to find a usable wallet for android rn and sufers through it 00:24:54 * m-relay tried edge but it doesn't have f-droid and thus any sane way to keep up to date and doesn't trust it as since 2019 they didn't do fdroid like what the fuck 00:25:10 Chill out man. You might’ve well just not responded. I didn’t @ you. 00:25:10 Plus my hot take on software licenses is a bit different than a wholesale lack of respect for people lmfao 00:25:49 +1 for hardhatter's honesty instead of sugarcoating shit 00:34:24 Cake killed their fdroid repo 00:34:39 Just a heads up why there's not just societal benefit but personal benefit to you for respecting others. 00:35:04 why 00:35:30 Cuz they "didnt care to fix it" 00:36:19 ffs all the monero wallets for android suck ass it's either stack that won't even connect to my monero node and then expect me to pay 400 EUR fee to buy 2000 EUR worth of monero of cake with this siht 00:36:24 ffs all the monero wallets for android suck ass it's either stack that won't even connect to my monero node and then expect me to pay 400 EUR fee to buy 2000 EUR worth of monero of cake with this shit 00:37:15 I think you’re being kinda dramatic. If you wanna share info go ahead. If you don’t then don’t. 00:38:51 If you think its ethical to take dero's research-only code and build whatever you want with it, then youre a shit person 00:39:07 or monejuro with it's shitty orbot gate 💢 00:41:29 Dero is shit because they don't want to let people use the code. Can anyone steal it? Sure, but again, where do you draw the line? If my license says that i want you to leave my credits intact, and you remove them and claim it as your own work, youre just as big of a pos 00:41:31 Mysu 00:41:44 huh 00:42:10 Mysu was moved uno torn down and rebuild using kotlin 00:42:29 Mysu was monerujo torn down and rebuilt using kotlin 00:42:43 ooooo 00:42:48 I mean personally I wouldn’t be running around trying to tell people someone else’s code is my code 00:43:45 I’m just gonna build what I want to build with what ever informational tools I think are best to use 00:43:56 mysu seems dead the repo's 404 00:44:03 But youre willing to take my code and use it without permission. Whats the difference? Why stop there? 00:44:13 It has a fork 00:44:37 * m-relay would also prefer the quality of life features to have built-in swap, ability to buy and sell for FIAT and contactless pays 00:46:11 that seems to be down too? 00:46:17 https://codeberg.org/anoncontributorxmr/mysu/actions/runs/33 00:46:43 It has none of these 00:48:48 Stack with fixed remote nodes and better buy/sell provider would probably be the best tbh i kinda hate having to use multiple apps for each crypto 00:49:06 My only interest is building things and using them for what I need. I’m not gonna just pretend I don’t know a solution to a problem cause someone would get mad at me for using it. 00:51:13 It says research-only, and available for personal use 00:51:27 Nobody asked you not to learn from it 00:51:50 lol 00:52:19 Great then there isn’t a problem in my case even if just ignored the license 00:52:23 But as i said prior, no-license != foss, and you replied that it isn't enforceable.. which makes you a pos :) 00:52:46 just bcs it's not currently enforcable doesn't mean it won't be enforcable in the future 00:52:58 and why deal with such a headache just bcs upstream's stupid 00:53:50 Welp you can think that about me 00:53:58 🤷🏻‍♂️ 00:54:30 Hardhatters logic is "fuck the license". Which is fine. The code is online and can be stolen if you wish to do so.. but it makes you scum. 00:55:44 and an enemy of foss 00:56:19 People like you are why ppl stop posting source under gpl (or even research-only) and go full proprietary 00:56:59 Not respecting foss devs just means you dont respect foss and dont care if devs stsrt obfuscsting code or not sharing it at all 00:58:24 mysu's broken af btw 00:58:41 the one at the link i sent? 00:59:02 run 33 yes 00:59:05 Thats a recent beta that included subaccts 00:59:34 Maybe try an earlier version 00:59:36 in the vast majority of cases me personally using someone’s code would have almost no effect on them. Depends on what the code is for. 01:00:41 But also the way I see it is I don’t want someone’s help if there’s strings attached 01:01:27 i need something that works reliably you know.. will rather revisit that once it's development evolves a bit 01:01:44 source available makes you enemy of FOSS 01:02:12 cuz you only aid the companies that have the liquidity to afford being scumbags and for foreign governments 01:04:13 You can also argue that permissicve is as well 01:04:42 Bcuz it allows corps to take and improve upon your work in private and commercially, without every sharing 01:04:45 i find sublicensing find and a way to fund development 01:05:12 assuming you don't give them blank check to do whatever and even then it doesn't seem as bad thing 01:05:49 Mit and other permissive licenses are a blank check 01:05:53 We wouldn’t need FOSS if copyright didn’t exist in the first place imo 01:06:29 It’s a retaliation to copyright and law enforcement of it 01:07:16 what i meant that in practice it's beneficial for all as e.g. NixOS is open-source and it's used in lot of private sectors bcs of the MIT license compared to guix which is essentially the same thing just with better implementation for a start and none is excited to use it and it's left bitrotting rn 01:08:02 i don't like stuff like EUPL and doing basically pay me X EUR per month and you can do whatever you want for however you want is kinda meh 01:08:34 rather yes you can make the code proprietary for 1 year for lets say 30 000 EUR and next year you pay me 35 000 EUR or submit your stuff in 01:08:44 and having like read access to their changes 01:08:50 so that they can't just remove it 01:09:15 and it's EUPL none dares to violate that in comparison to defenceless GNU 01:10:01 cuz with GNU license violation is hurr durr we put you on a website! 01:10:02 with EUPL it's ok the eurocommision is going to take 1% of your networth now ^-^ 01:10:47 and i don't have to deal with enforcement and my code pays for public schools basically 01:16:12 Pays for drones 01:16:36 #politicsHasEnteredTheChat 01:27:03 https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet/issues/1065 if anyone wants to +1 this to make the stack support for XMR better 01:27:55 EU drones that protect Ukraine citizens rn 01:28:06 * m-relay hates how the US uses drones 01:31:42 _waits for the BTC nerds to freak out that monero people can do FIAT<->XMR for a fee of up to 5 EUR again_ 01:45:05 hmm apparently cake wallet now uses accrescent for updates 01:45:09 https://docs.cakewallet.com/get-started/android/fdroid/ 01:45:10 weird 01:46:15 what an annoying app to use ffs 01:55:28 Or Obtainium. Or just get the direct release .apk from Github releases. 01:57:57 The point of f-droid is that i search cake wallet, press install and forget about having to manage it including getting the review by the downstream about anti-features and potential issues. 02:16:14 Cake had their own repo, so no downstream review, but yea to everything else 02:17:01 Bro keep recommending obtainium but it doesn't detect monero.com versions properly 02:42:21 If copyright didn't exist, I could still say "If you use my work, please credit me", and you'd still be a dick if you didn't. I just wouldn't be able to take legal action. 02:42:40 Even scene groups credited the contributors 02:45:48 You forget having to set up the cake repository, one time, but still. I don't know what you need to "manage" using Obtainium, but ok. 02:54:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Regex ? 02:56:41 Idk how to get it to only detect monero.con version 02:57:37 I have it correctly only downloading monero.com apk but it always shoes cake's version (so always thinks there is an update) 02:58:17 Also, there is a way to import configs, so cake should provide that or rotten (cake employer) should stfu recommending it 02:58:28 Also, there is a way to import configs, so cake should provide that or rotten (cake employee) should stfu recommending it 02:59:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There is one for monero.com 02:59:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Never used it tho 03:00:06 Maybe if it were all setup in nixos, all versions would be available? 03:00:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://apps.obtainium.imranr.dev 03:01:08 https://apps.obtainium.imranr.dev/ 03:01:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Work ? 03:02:09 Yeah. It has some weird version detection. Doesnt seem to reconcile with the local version 03:02:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ask sith lord ! 03:03:40 even if it did work, I'm still not using it :) 03:04:26 I did. He said theyd look into fixing fdroid, but other cake ppl like tux and rotten keep telling ppl to use obtainium and accrescent 03:05:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use Google play sir 03:05:25 Okay yea I’d be a dick if I didn’t credit you. I’m still against law enforcement of copyright. 03:05:26 I mean im personally not trying to take credit for other people’s work. 03:05:28 I just think we live in completely different worlds. Getting credit for work isn’t something that is a part of my life. I don’t think about getting credit for my work. And getting people to acknowledge my work or anyone else’s as my own is totally irrelevant to my life 03:06:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need to ring vik 03:08:27 this is why we can§t have nice things fuck those grapheneOS dipshits 03:08:58 Seth is a calyx guy, isnt it 03:09:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip daniel 03:09:30 Tux is a grapheneos guy tho. Fkn accrescent bullshit 03:09:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Probably stock android user 03:09:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sponsor ? 03:10:30 No, i just remember him posting guide abt calyx 03:11:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They still behind on updates ? 03:12:08 Did anyone figured out a sane way to use 24k gold bills with XMR yet btw? 03:12:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gold to xme atomic swap when 03:12:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Xmr* 03:15:39 i was looking into goldbacks, but it feels like a scam since they seem to artificially inflate the value of gold 03:15:40 You can atomic swap to PAXG for now 03:16:23 though apparently the gold paper gets printed things on it via the polyester that adds artistic things on it 03:19:18 https://youtu.be/pGBcfUiQu_w cuz it would be really cool if it could reliably hold value.. seems like great way to practical use for XMR without tech 03:21:10 and like it's gold if it can be obrained economically it's stripping power from the central bank 12:47:24 XMR nodes, how long to they take to sync? Mine is on day 6 at 92%. 12:51:54 If you have a spinning hard disk, this is not unexpected. An SSD is the single biggest boost you can do in that case, by far. 12:52:13 If you do have an SSD, then a week is very much unexpected. 12:59:49 My node is running on a mini pc, Ryzen 7 5860H mobile processor with 16GB of DDR4 and a 2TB NVME SSD. 13:04:17 Then you can run "top", and check the values of %wa, %us, etc. 13:04:52 Second of third line. %wa is I/O wait. If it's high, it's typically disk. 13:06:17 If %wa is low, then... sudo perf top -a, let it settle down for half a minute, and see what's taking time. 13:06:44 (this will usually be important if %us is high, or %sy) 13:07:30 If %st is high, it's your hypervisor that's the problem. Or it's trying to make up for something else, usually I/O, and failing. 13:08:27 "High" is a bit... vague... 10 for %wa would be high. 10 for %us would be very low. 13:09:50 You can also run "sync_info" in monerod, see what the moooo line is like. If it doesn't start with "mooo", then the issue may be your peers or network connection. 13:18:45 I am running my node on Start9 OS... 13:23:33 Nice, how's it working for you so far? 13:24:05 So is it fine to only have your node online when you are using it and maybe sometimes to sync, like you do with your wallet? 13:24:38 Saving up for an SSD is not as bad as saving up for a whole computer you can leave always on... 13:25:06 [@chiefprivacy:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@chiefprivacy:matrix.org) try asking here, it's the Start9 room for XMR discussions. Someone from the team may be able to get you on the right track there. https://matrix.to/#/%23s9-testing-monero:matrix.start9labs.com 13:25:52 #s9-testing-monero:matrix.start9labs.com 13:37:33 Still Syncing. It is so nice to manage Start9 OS over firefox as a headless PC. 13:51:08 ^^ this 14:57:00 what's star9 14:57:06 sounds north korean 14:57:47 North Koraen make great use of XMR 14:57:54 North Korea make great use of XMR 14:58:17 North Korea != North korean 14:58:33 the latter haven't discovered money yet 14:59:53 <5​igi0:matrix.org> 💀 15:00:40 exactly, that's the decoration outside the tourist circuit. 15:15:52 or spain 15:16:58 <5​igi0:matrix.org> spain != mexico 15:23:54 <5​igi0:matrix.org> tbh, i just remembered that i had seen a map of population density, and it's true that spain was very concentrated in the big cities 15:24:39 <5​igi0:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wemoaAIkEFvAZrGvSJHweacs 15:25:01 netherlands is the reddest xd 15:25:13 Funny how you can see Apls in 3D! 15:25:15 Alps 15:40:26 i only have experience with spain and mexico from movies so i judge myself as an expert to say that they are exactly the same 15:42:18 i only have experience with spain, and mexico from movies so i judge myself as an expert to say that they are exactly the same 16:58:49 In fact "Spain" means "my country" in Mexican. 16:59:14 It's a little known fact. So little known in fact that nobody I related it knew it. 18:13:37 <5​igi0:matrix.org> i have a mexican friend, i will do fact checking 18:17:06 <5​igi0:matrix.org> actually, i am learning mexican spanish with him 18:18:33 <5​igi0:matrix.org> te chingo pendejo, la chingada de tu madre 18:21:59 <5​igi0:matrix.org> being mexican = using "chingar" and hating "vosotros" 18:24:12 <5​igi0:matrix.org> ~~and saying spanish ppl talk like gay ppl~~ 18:24:41 <5​igi0:matrix.org> ~~and saying spanish ppl talk like gay ppl with their weird s~~ 19:33:48 i use spanish to avoid talking to people 19:34:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L174xUWK6bg 19:34:20 the internet has a great guide for that 19:43:40 Don't get too cocky, or a Frenchman might put you in your place: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJlPkeKz21hKqCN9QA5cfzsyJnJ6JEsb- 19:44:09 <5​igi0:matrix.org> i am french. 19:44:44 Je suis vraiment désolée de l'entendre. 19:45:02 <5​igi0:matrix.org> toi je vais te déglinguer 19:45:08 wesh 19:45:16 <5​igi0:matrix.org> weshhh 19:45:23 <5​igi0:matrix.org> ça va khouya 19:45:45 au calme au calme 19:45:57 C'est pas francais khouya 19:46:02 <5​igi0:matrix.org> anyway, france is the best country ever 19:46:12 Alors, c'est trop triste... 19:46:15 <5​igi0:matrix.org> du calme* 19:46:28 Non, seulement paniquer 19:46:30 le grand remplacement qu'il disait l'autre 19:46:39 <5​igi0:matrix.org> exactement. 19:46:42 French shitposting incoming 19:46:46 Je vois. 19:46:49 <5​igi0:matrix.org> la gauche appelerait ça "la créolisation" 19:47:00 j'aime pas les créoles 19:47:02 Ojoddi... 19:47:04 French are comfy~ They are kinda at the same sass and annoyance levels as me 19:47:30 I lived 10 years in France and i don't regret 19:47:36 <5​igi0:matrix.org> oui, mais t'inquiète moi, j'suis pas un... tu vois quoi, 100% européen 19:47:49 i wanted to abuse that the EU has a country in south america and live there for a while 19:47:55 <5​igi0:matrix.org> bien, vraiment très bien 19:48:02 Le francais c'est bien en amerique latine 19:48:02 Encryption naturel 19:48:11 PTDR 19:48:14 <5​igi0:matrix.org> oui 19:48:26 <5​igi0:matrix.org> la frontière la plus grande c'est avec le brésil 19:48:38 <5​igi0:matrix.org> donc techniquement... oui 19:48:50 Meme mon espagnol sonne tellement francais que le monde le comprennent pas. 19:48:55 le brésil c'est pas un pays déja c'est une fret 19:49:02 ensuite leur president il existe pas 19:49:08 The americans are gonna wake up in like 1 hour and be super annoyed about us doing french things 19:49:22 There already fuming 19:49:33 MAKE THEM SEETHE 19:49:39 Menerů cheathu 19:49:43 <5​igi0:matrix.org> leur pays existerait même pas sans nous 19:49:53 nou la reference de prank j'ai capté 19:50:11 <5​igi0:matrix.org> hein 19:50:12 ok désolé c'était cringe. 19:51:05 pourquoi il y a tant de francais deja de base ici 19:51:13 <5​igi0:matrix.org> aucune idée 19:51:30 Parce que il savent que leur gouvernement scam donc il on besoin du monero 19:51:38 vrai 19:51:56 <5​igi0:matrix.org> on est dans la zone euro, c'est pas le gouvernement qui décide d'imprimer de l'argent 19:51:58 Next month +99% income tax 19:52:04 <5​igi0:matrix.org> 💀 19:52:23 Commence pas a parler politique budgetaire tu m'enerve deja 19:52:25 less american garbage on the shelves whooo 19:52:30 invest in yellow vest stovks 19:52:30 stonks 19:52:34 <5​igi0:matrix.org> last time i did some calculation 19:52:35 IMPORT FROM JAPAN x200 19:52:37 <5​igi0:matrix.org> they tax +50% of our salaries 19:52:51 Pas tout les "francais" lol 19:52:52 Moi je viens de la ou on utilise les mots de l'eglise comment sujet, verbe et complement. 19:52:54 Il scam autant la haut 19:53:06 hola amigos 19:53:19 he no habla ingles 19:53:24 hola que tal 19:53:32 english pls 19:53:38 fuck 19:53:40 lol 19:53:46 baited 19:53:50 for real 19:54:07 xD 19:54:17 told you the mericans are gonna wake up 19:54:51 <5​igi0:matrix.org> who care 19:54:58 TL;DR of french session: 5IGI0 is scamming France's IRS and deserve to go in prison 19:55:04 <5​igi0:matrix.org> need europea monero community 19:55:07 <5​igi0:matrix.org> need european monero community 19:55:25 <5​igi0:matrix.org> èè_ééé don't say it 19:55:46 <5​igi0:matrix.org> bro wants me to get rekt 19:55:58 The Slavnero kurwa! 19:56:00 we're only waiting for a few Hawaiians to wake up maybe. other than that America is awake 19:56:11 #woke 19:56:12 who is canadian? 19:56:17 <5​igi0:matrix.org> kurwa 💀 l 19:56:22 <5​igi0:matrix.org> kurwa 💀 19:56:39 slav and canadian 19:56:50 i dip my nuts in vodka 19:56:51 epic mix 19:56:57 ROFL 19:57:00 i dip my timmies in vodka 19:57:09 i dip my timmies in vodka /s 19:57:12 Moi, mais j'ai crissé mon camp vla une decade 19:57:34 Meilleur decision de ma vie! 19:57:35 i don't speak that curse word generator 19:57:38 they will pardon you at some point don't worry 19:57:39 <5​igi0:matrix.org> ostii d'calisse 19:58:35 <5​igi0:matrix.org> mais est-ce que y'a quelqu'un qui parle vraiment français ici 19:58:46 Je pense que oui 19:58:54 <5​igi0:matrix.org> bah y'a moi 19:58:56 t'insinue que je parle pas français fdp. 19:59:21 <5​igi0:matrix.org> non 19:59:29 ok 19:59:34 👍️ 19:59:36 as the monero-francais group been made yet? 19:59:38 <5​igi0:matrix.org> t'es un agent du mossad 19:59:40 clipboard.png 19:59:49 <5​igi0:matrix.org> yes 20:00:02 <5​igi0:matrix.org> au calme is not french 20:00:04 100+ message backlog MDR 20:00:06 <5​igi0:matrix.org> du calme is 20:00:12 merde 20:00:16 bon ben c'est la fin 20:00:29 told you the mericans are gonna wake up <<>> imagine americans being awake :D 20:00:31 so you finally understand the consequences of saying the F word 🇫🇷 20:00:36 epic plowsof putting french internet slang in chat 20:01:04 <5​igi0:matrix.org> france >>>>> 20:01:17 these mofos have fast af trains to be here in seconds 20:01:21 <5​igi0:matrix.org> french are the worst person to talk about on internet ngl 20:01:31 <5​igi0:matrix.org> french are the worst people to talk about on internet ngl 20:01:42 can confirm, you even have 5IGI0 as a specimen 20:01:51 pardon me? 20:01:54 <5​igi0:matrix.org> yes 20:01:56 who have fast trains? 20:01:58 the French? 20:02:12 <5​igi0:matrix.org> talking about france -> going to get spam 20:02:38 BenDoubleU epic profile picture 20:02:39 <5​igi0:matrix.org> yes yes 20:02:46 <5​igi0:matrix.org> france had the fastest train for a long time 20:02:50 Yeah, in europe in general they have fast trains. 20:02:52 Not like Canada joke of viarail (amtrack equivalent) 20:03:01 What are you? 90 years old 20:03:11 SNCF have always been shit since its born 20:03:15 <5​igi0:matrix.org> under General De Gaulle's presidency 20:03:20 <5​igi0:matrix.org> è_é 20:03:35 in EU we have trains in US they have push cars on rails 20:03:37 <5​igi0:matrix.org> SNCF was the best thing ever 20:03:44 <5​igi0:matrix.org> just the EU and globalisation destroyed it 20:03:57 <5​igi0:matrix.org> because of "competition" 20:04:18 <5​igi0:matrix.org> don't talk about politics or i will get kick 20:04:40 even without competition these lazy asses would still put syndicalist BBQ in their schedule just to piss off the hierarchy. They are unrecoverable. 20:04:47 wat 20:04:49 <5​igi0:matrix.org> france has the best train, it's a fact 20:05:04 thanks, it was a pretty cool cow 20:05:09 build some in Czech rep too 20:05:28 build some? 20:05:32 mind to elaborate? 20:05:36 ye our trans suck 20:05:44 WOW 20:05:46 i wanna be in Berlin in less than 30 min 20:05:48 LIBERA RULES BROKEN 20:05:57 xD 20:05:59 jk continue 20:06:15 * Respecting each channel's intended function and purpose. 😭 20:06:21 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 20:06:23 <5​igi0:matrix.org> '-' 20:06:30 i thought germany had good trains system 20:06:33 <5​igi0:matrix.org> we are talking about how monero can finance trains 20:06:46 What about trains that accept monero 20:06:54 what 20:06:58 plowsof why did you removed it 20:07:27 <5​igi0:matrix.org> no, 1/3 of their trains are 1h+ late 20:07:36 ? 20:07:52 literally *plowsof removed 5lGl0* in chat 20:08:03 <5​igi0:matrix.org> yes 20:08:04 <5​igi0:matrix.org> he kicked me 20:08:11 alright then let's spam in offtopic then 20:08:16 yes, and you also, #monero-offtopic:monero.social 20:08:18 <5​igi0:matrix.org> yes 20:09:19 you see this? https://www.blesk.cz/clanek/zpravy-krimi/801574/deti-v-zabrehu-malem-smetlo-pendolino-rodina-z-videa-promluvila-jak-vysvetlili-hazard-se-zivoty.html 20:09:20 our trains are too slow 20:19:19 so... 20:19:27 are you guys gonna buy a monero nodo 20:27:02 Why? 20:27:04 I already have virtualy unlimited ressources 20:27:06 I like VMs 20:27:13 same 20:27:30 And it's not like used Lenovo thinkcentre cost like 1/4 of the price of a nodo on ebay 20:53:01 I hate all lenovo think user 20:53:17 if you could replace your furnace with a lenovo think you would do it 20:54:08 I have like 5 in front of me. 20:54:10 But Of course I use the funace for gaming (but other than that the furnace is not required) 20:59:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Are they out yet ? 21:00:08 Bro why is noones racist 21:00:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nodos 21:00:29 You mean? 21:00:30 They blocked USSA? 21:00:40 And vpn 21:01:02 I cant even browse to the website over vpn or tor 21:01:18 I guess they want to be sure to not get fscked by uncle sam 21:01:18 (that's the only way they have to protect themself) 21:01:20 VPN block is anoying but still doable if you make your own 21:01:46 My vps is in the ussr 21:01:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> USSR 21:02:30 <5​igi0:matrix.org> VPN in the past 21:02:32 <5​igi0:matrix.org> VIP 21:02:46 Virtual Past Network 21:03:02 Virtual Past Server 21:03:26 Very Pasta Suspicious 🍝 21:14:40 They could at least allow tor or smthn. :) 21:15:05 what site? 21:15:37 noones.com 21:20:17 Ask that ray dude 21:20:18 I think they Blocked US and all country US hate 21:20:20 And also tor 21:20:22 To be sure USSA can't say that they allowed americans using some derivated way no complaining they allow sanctioned country. 21:20:33 Ask that ray dude 21:20:34 I think they Blocked US and all country US hate 21:20:36 And also tor 21:20:38 To be sure USSA can't say that they allowed americans using some derivated way nor complaining they allow sanctioned country. 21:21:14 Thinking about all the shit that did append to other services, I think it's the only way (for a clearnet service with doxxed operator)