05:44:45 Hey fam! Wonna share good news with you: Quickex fully got back "C" rate on Trocador. Also we get premium listing on Cryptwerk which is placed as merchant on official monero website. Always welcome! 18:48:27 After a bit of time I need to transfer some fund, using local daemon ( synced). Using CLI wallet connect, syncs and I can see all the history and whatnot. I exec a simple transfer 8xxxx 1 and I receive the Error: no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running. How should I troubleshoot this? 18:49:35 What does running `status` return? 18:50:52 Refreshed 3325352/3325352, synced, daemon RPC v3.14, SSL 18:51:08 Just try the transfer again 18:51:20 Sometimes it doesn't work for no apparent reason 18:51:21 Tried five times in a 30 minutes time span 18:51:41 What about running `refresh`? 18:51:48 It refreshes 18:52:04 Starting refresh... 18:52:05 Refresh done, blocks received: 0 18:52:05 Currently selected account: [0] Primary account 18:54:02 hmmmm idk 18:54:11 anyone? 18:54:17 maybe try posting in #monero-support ? 18:57:02 done.. but my hope is on some of the names I still see here after a long time 19:07:08 in monerod: set_log 1 19:07:12 then try again 19:07:19 in monerod: set_log 0 19:07:45 then check the log to see what error, if any, was output. 80% chance one will. 19:09:32 I don't have logs.. I ran monerod after download and compile from github 19:09:51 I set log at 0 in console but nothing is showed there 19:10:33 He's saying you should run the command `set_log 1` before you try transferring this time, which will turn on the logs 19:11:04 sorry I thought that was a correction on the log level.. 19:11:05 Then run `set_log 0` after you're done to set it back to normal 19:12:03 allg 19:12:59 it's quite a lot of lines.. 19:14:32 I'm quite sure there's no error or reference to that transaction 19:18:57 what else could I check? 19:20:12 I tried a different wallet.. same results 19:25:46 https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/s/sWUBTK17fY 19:25:47 wait! Is that even possible in a trust-less manner? 19:26:41 Glad to see these privacy topic coming to surface though 19:26:54 monero and bitcoin (cash)'s design are both completely different 19:27:21 i don't get when people say "peg" or "atomic swap" 19:27:34 I figured that out but the topic suggesting two way peg 19:27:49 Why? 19:28:13 this would make randomX completely redundant 19:28:38 if you could mine BCH (with an extremely optimized implementation of SHA256 in ASIC) 19:28:42 and move it to XMR 19:28:55 then why bother doing randomX 19:29:27 Monero cant do everything maybe for DeFi and othee stuff? 19:29:37 Monero cant do everything maybe for DeFi and other stuff? 19:30:08 There is more than one reason people want to be in and out of monero 19:30:51 i doubt it'll be possible in a trustless manner 19:31:00 considering it's two completely different blockchains 19:31:19 Two way peg doesn’t change the algorithm though its not like drivechain 19:31:38 Its just like permanent bridge 19:32:01 Interesting i was wondering about that also 19:32:38 But in that case the current implementation of atomic swap scheme is not trustworthy or trust-less then? 19:40:30 moneromooo this is the part of the logs while trying to send the tx: https://termbin.com/gqkb 20:10:57 oldie: then another try: run monero-wallet-cli with --log-level 2, try again. Maybe the wallet is confused by something the daemon sends 20:16:36 Hey 20:17:03 How is everyone? 20:17:46 good and you 20:17:49 in need off more cooffee 20:17:59 not too bad, not too bad 20:18:15 lol 20:20:20 do the admins mind if I'm inactive on in this server? I don't really use Matrix as my main social app yet 20:23:36 moneromooo it's a very long log in just a couple of seconds 20:26:17 This was already present in the log before enabling level 2: INFO    logging    contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:274    New log categories: *:WARNING,net:FATAL,net.http:FATAL,net.ssl:FATAL,net.p2p:FATAL,net.cn:FATAL,daemon.rpc:FATA 20:26:17 L,global:INFO,verify:FATAL,serialization:FATAL,daemon.rpc.payment:ERROR,stacktrace:INFO,logging:INFO,msgwriter:INFO 20:30:41 Are you built from master or release 20:32:08 excuse me sir, it's actually le bad to say "master", the branch should be renamed "main" 20:33:34  moneromooo could there be a problem with a too big number of inputs for the tx? 20:35:55 this a p2pool recipient wallet and has 2039 input to consider for the tx 20:38:09 if I reduce the tx amount to a number that is around 10 inputs it works 20:39:03 it seems that over 20 inputs or around that it fails 20:39:24 💢 lol. I asked that a long time aho 20:39:48 "Are you sweeping a lot of outputs?" 20:40:15 I probably missed that 20:40:21 is there a know limit? 20:40:28 Yes. Sweeping a lot of outputs causes it to create numerous transactions 20:41:04 The max inputs per tx is 146-148, and it has to generate a new ring for every input 20:41:19 I would prefer to find a way different than creating hundreds of tx on my own 20:42:11 i might be wrong, but might be able to get it to work with a restricted rpc 20:42:15 (I would also suggest to write specific output for these cases) 20:43:36 Add --rpc-restricticted-bind-port=18089 to your monerod, then add `--daemon-address= --trusted-daemon` to your monero-wallet-cli startup 20:43:59 Might not work, i dont remember 20:44:06 ok, I'll try that but I need to leave for 1h.. 20:44:12 thanks for the support, really appreciated 20:44:22 be back with a feedback for that test later 20:44:28 Sech1 strawberry might have a better way 20:45:08 Ok, but make sure you spell restricted properly (and not how i did above) 20:46:07 I never had problems with sweeping many inputs. Even 20k+ inputs on a testnet wallet 20:46:31 One diff between restricted and unrestricted is that unrestricted tries to send everything at once. If your node is running on a hdd, its probably not responding 20:47:42 Sech1 we has a stressnet wallet that was near impossible to do a "sweep_all" on (a lot of tint outputs). Strawberry was the one who eventually managed to empty the wallet. Not sure what they did 20:50:22 2039 inputs here is 14-15 transactions only 20:50:34 it can be slow on an hdd, yes 20:54:21 an extended time with no response (due to hdd) is probably why its erroring with no connection. Restricted might help it send info in smaller chunks (unrestricted tries to do everything at once). I dont know if the latter only applies to txpool, or to all requests.. but worth a shot 🤷‍♂️ 20:54:50 Otherwise, probably need to use an ssd node 20:57:53 Those categories are log level 0. Any error will be after it. 21:36:24 wanna run my own node, but my node just can't keep up with syncing. IT'll get to 91% then go back to 71% repeatedly. Seem to need a lot of bandwidth for it. 21:37:19 That doesnt sound possible. 21:37:49 That would imply that it synced 20% of the blockchain without saving 21:38:11 I'll show you the log 21:39:49 oh wait I don't know if this compromises my security 21:41:33 probably does 21:43:29 Not unless the log has your user paths in it. Not much else is specific to you 21:45:49 no, it's just the log of monerod 21:46:13 oh wait, I don't know actually 21:46:50 well there's nothing on this wallet so I Guess it doesn't matter 22:18:38 moneromooo sech1 I can't see any errors just trying to create txs to accomodate for the amount using inputs.. 22:19:15 could it take too much time or something like that? Is there some kind of wait parameter to adjust? 22:19:58 No parameter to set afaik. 1.Did you try a restricted node? 2. Is the node on an hdd? 22:26:52 Just trying with resticted node and port and had the same results after a bit more delay: Error: no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running. 22:27:32 4.2 MB wallet log file just to connect, transfer, exit 22:31:21   there is a Start of loop with 2040 inputs (so 2040 loops) 22:35:20 at the end of everything there is this error: 22:35:28 https://termbin.com/7ck7 23:16:11 ... hdd?