00:11:24 Todos todos 00:11:41 I have a nvme drive from 2017, like usage : 95% and it already began to use spares. Work just fine for mining ;) 00:12:20 SSD ideally you don't want SSD without DRAM (same for nvme) 00:12:38 Else yeah, it's easy to saturate 00:14:14 Espacially if you use LUKS and don't allow discard 00:36:45 what is the best blockchain explorer site? 00:38:00 https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer 00:38:01 Clone that and host it yourself (you asked for the "best") 00:42:43 it's interesting but how about a site that exists already? Thanks 00:53:12 https://p2pool.io/explorer/block/3326200 00:53:13 I think that one is safe 00:53:54 I see thank you 01:28:54 Thank you will tell m2049r: 04:32:08 Welcome only tested onion address, imagine its the same for clearnet 04:51:27 Where can I track xmr transactions 04:58:56 Like trace them ? Or check if they're confirmed ? 04:59:16 I swapped some xmr hours ago 04:59:24 Still no swap 04:59:38 You'll have to contact the swap service 04:59:40 I want to check if it aroved 04:59:50 Did they give you a TXID? 05:00:03 I can get it 05:00:13 I mean, post paste it here 05:00:17 *don't 05:00:26 *don't paste it here 05:01:39 but if your wallet is fully synced, and it's not showing up in your wallet, chances are they haven't sent it yet 05:02:11 But if they sent a TXID, you can try this guide: https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/scan-txid.html 13:32:04 Hi all 13:32:05 I lost my wallet, but have managed to generate a small list of possible seed phrases. So I can quickly generate whatever keys and adresses I want from them. 13:32:07 I also happen to have access to a wallet from where I sent a transaction to the lost wallet. I don't have the wallet data so don't know the address just the tx hash. How can I quickly check which of the wallets in my possible list is the recipient? 13:35:11 I don't think you can. You'll have to regenerate the wallet from a recent height since when you had at least one transaction so it can be done in less time, and when you'll find your correct wallet you can regenerate it again from an older height to have the entire history. 13:35:21 Start scanning each wallet from the block that contains your known transaction 13:37:02 Or you can send me all the seed phrases and I'll check them for you ;-) 13:39:19 i got like 5 backups of not just my wallet's seed 13:39:22 but my wallet data 13:39:30 and have it written down on paper 13:39:50 please screenshot it and post here so we can backup it as well :) 13:40:01 more backups = better 13:40:38 So I cannot use my keys to decode the outputs and see the recipients? You certain? 13:41:45 If need be I'll create a little tool to do it with the python library. Just need to know how roughly. 13:42:07 you can decode outputs with a view key and a public address 13:42:46 Recipient view key right? 13:42:58 you can do it at https://xmrchain.net/ or https://p2pool.io/explorer/ - find your tx and enter the data in "Decode outputs" 13:43:06 yes, recipient view key 13:43:14 but be aware that it will be sent to the server 13:43:39 It's not logged (at least on p2pool.io), but you can't have 100% guarantee it will not be logged anywhere 13:43:46 Yeah, that's why I wanted to do it in python. 13:43:58 you can always spin up a local explorer 13:48:48 But aren't there web explorers that do things client side? 13:50:13 No 13:50:46 you can spin up your own explorer 13:58:57 How? Is there ready made software for this? 13:59:42 https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer 14:00:54 There is also that fork (used on p2pool) 14:00:55 https://github.com/SChernykh/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/tree/devel 14:01:14 I think the one in p2pool is better (remember missing TX issues on the other one during the stresstest) 14:06:50 The missing tx was due to txpool limits 14:07:20 Oh could be 14:07:25 Iirc. I was running the .onion stressnet explorer and had to increase my txpool limit to like 1gb 14:07:42 I take a look 14:07:43 thanks 14:08:40 My explorer fork is just cosmetics changes + a few heavy APIs disabled 14:22:34 And if I need to scan just a few thousand possible phrases, can I automate it through that software or would writing something in this be better? https://monero-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html 14:23:53 Xyproblem.info 14:24:05 What are you trying 2 do 14:24:20 If you have a public wallet address saved somewhere, you can just write a simple generator and check which phrase gives you this address 14:24:43 Kind of a vanity address generator, but with restrictions 14:25:48 I do know know the address. I just have a transaction I sent to that address, but I lost the wallet data. 14:27:44 See first message 14:28:30 Are you trying to brute force the keys that generate a specific address? 14:29:20 If you know the address, then you don't need to scan transactions 14:29:20 If you have lost _several_ words due to a damaged paper wallet, featherwallet has a seed recovery tool to help 14:29:24 bob got arrested. alice got arrested. Sam wants to prove that bob sent funds to alice's boating accident 14:29:48 If you want to brite force the leys for an address then tey the general fund 14:29:56 povl does this sound right? 14:30:02 Brute* try* 14:30:12 keys* 14:30:25 Oops thanks 14:30:32 Kek 14:30:36 Sam needs to generate wallets using the seeds. And using large lookaheads 14:31:03 The txid will match for bob and alices wallets 14:31:23 can you even get the input of a transaction? 14:31:30 I do not know the address, I have a large possible list 14:31:36 Explain "managed to generate a small list of possible seed phrases." Maybe you can get help 14:31:37 i can't even see the address of incoming transactions 14:31:47 dont need the address 14:31:54 Again, the txid will match 14:32:07 "I do know know the address. I just have a transaction I sent to that address" and then "I do not know the address, I have a large possible list" 14:32:10 something doesn't add up 14:32:14 If i send you N*xmr, we will both have the same txid in out wallets 14:32:45 smells like pork_ or green eggs and ham, idk. But RTFM 14:33:09 Use a lookahead when generating the target seed wallets 14:33:16 how many words are you missing? 14:34:12 plot twist: they are missing the offset 🙃 14:34:22 Q: so you have less information than the general find (address and private viewkeys) 14:34:37 monero's english mnemonic dictionary has like 14:34:38 1626 words 14:36:50 povl? 14:37:05 did that answer your question? 14:37:38 what's povl? 14:37:39 I do not* know. Sorry. Have the seed and keys I sent from, just not the wallet data. 14:38:13 You dont have the seed or keys you sent TO? And you want to recover what, exactly? 14:38:41 sorry i got confused wth the blue colors in matrix bot.. :/ 14:39:22 Please add disclaimer about who youre working for. If were helping trace transactions, i want the 625k up front, with an extra 0 on the end 🫡 14:40:56 inb4 the cops are here pretending to be someone to recover a criminal's wallet 14:40:57 But it's a full monero address, not a polyseed. I just lost one word. But I'm only 90% on the location so wanna check all possibilities for all locations. 14:42:00 I said that already, cindy 14:42:32 Use featherwallets seed recovery tool 14:46:08 I have a list of 24 words and a really ugly word in the middle of it. I don't know what it could possible be that I wrote. Several of the words took minutes for me to decipher but I'm almost certain I got them. Then I just generated a list of valid seeds with a script I found online. 14:46:47 Is it easy to generate the txid for all the recipients though? 14:50:19 I do have a list of possible seeds and keys I sent to. I need to know which. I do not have the wallet data so my wallet says "unknown recipient" 14:52:49 It's a 25 word seed, so their tool does not work for that I think. 14:56:47 plowso 14:59:50 So this is jist a case of not having the original wallet cache and you need the recipient info?? :D 15:00:29 But the list of 24 words and 1 ugly is exactly what featherwqllets recovery tool was made for 15:00:53 Yes. I'm sorry I could have been more concise in my first message. 15:03:34 https://featherwallet.org/ has the recovery tool 15:03:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VEDCRtciZQWkSrLXRmptZFwg 15:04:08 I have a 25 word seed though. 15:06:16 Oh right, i assumed legacy was also supported, maybe it is? tobtoht 15:11:37 povl who owns the recipient wallet 15:13:00 You have the full seed for the sending wallet, correct? 15:13:01 you do NOT have the full seed for the recipient wallet. Also correct? 15:14:46 I have the full seed for the sending wallet. Yes. 15:14:47 I do not have the full seed for the recipient. Yes. Just 24 words. 15:17:56 And you dont have the cache file for the sending wallet, so you also dont have the recipient addresses 15:18:20 Correct. 15:18:44 You want to generate 1626 * 25 wallets until you find the right seed in the location 15:18:58 Right seed word* 15:20:50 Yes, I can generate the seeds, but now I want to quickly scan which of them is correct. 15:23:43 i'd assume youd only find 1 wallet with funds 15:26:03 There might be something I'm misunderstanding here, but doesn't scanning for funds take a long time? I thought the check might be near instant if I just tested with that specific transaction and moved on. 15:27:10 you can use scantx for all of the potential txids 15:38:50 Is that something I can do with the python library or else what should I use for that? 16:44:57 wallet-Cli, i think wallet-rpc maybe 16:46:32 Either way, youre trying 40000+ wallets 16:47:33 Thats 112hrs if it takes 10sec per wallet 16:53:16 Yeah, I was looking for a way to make it take far less than that. I also found some sub addresses that I sent myself, can those maybe be converted back into main addresses? 17:09:40 pigeons: although we can no longer see matrix media here it can be seen on the OFTC IRC network 17:09:51 .hmmm 17:10:14 *matrix media links 17:47:29 Oh, weird. 17:47:58 So is this a server setting or a protocol change? 17:57:43 server 17:58:05 Oftc is based 17:58:16 You can also still dm from matrix to oftc 18:05:28 Yeah, the official matrix IRC bridge software 18:05:29 I don't remember what what the Libera drama... Just remember that it stopped being reliable for some reason then it got replaced by that m-relay thing 18:06:54 Oh, OFTC has a different bridge? Didn't know! 18:07:02 Libera killed the official bridge 18:07:20 I assume it's because it was making one IRC connection for each Matrix users 18:07:37 Which it required for things like DM 18:07:52 libera kinda sucks imo 18:35:13 https://x.com/SyntheticBird_/status/1879948440844791823 18:35:22 you are welcome 18:48:45 Don't forget to ask microsoft for a cve 18:57:39 couldn't you just copy that here 18:58:21 no its not as funny 19:04:59 eh ok it's just... xitter 19:35:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Screenshot ! 19:40:10 Is your pasta a shell? 19:41:01 And is it pronounced Passta or pahsta 19:41:17 What is your pasta's pronounce 19:42:04 peista 20:11:08 Passtuh is the fake New York Italian pronunciation. Pahsta is most pronounce. 22:30:20 why did you backdoor your own 0 stars scripts? 22:30:45 experimenting before backdooring Cuprate 22:30:56 gl 22:31:09 this is a joke btw guys 22:31:17 th 22:31:27 thx 22:31:53 (yeah we're joking, i won't backdoor cuprate for Mr.Smith holding my cat hostage) 23:35:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Will you fix my issues for free ? 23:35:43 rusty? 23:36:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I have wd-40 for that