00:11:24 synthticbird: I am wondering where I can do them, aka, what site can I use to do some? Or even just documentation in general. 00:26:29 https://github.com/nahuhh/basicswap-bash 00:26:54 rojiro ^ 00:27:22 If you specifically want to swap btc, theres unstoppableswaps 02:00:50 Thank you! What is basicswapdex? There is no link in the readme on that github and very little context 02:20:28 Its an atomic swap dex 02:20:38 Basicswapdex.com 02:46:28 ROJIRO OFRNXMR ALT CONFIRMED 02:52:22 The shilling hasn't started yet 02:53:24 Rather suspicious that he asked "syntheticbird" to reply, but the response came from "ofrnxmr"! 02:53:57 its public knowledge that i am myself 02:55:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please verify 03:01:02 Anyone have a running tally of all the confirmed ofrn alts? I've been lurking for half a year and it's already a looong tuple 03:31:44 Why 03:35:30 https://www.wired.com/story/trump-frees-silk-road-creator-ross-ulbricht-after-11-years-in-prison/ 03:36:19 the one trump order i stand behind 03:36:34 the following are the conformed alts of ofrn...... 03:49:25 ha - I would have bet a substantial amount of money on the orange monkey never pardoning ulbricht. 04:13:02 oh shit donny followed through 04:13:32 glad Ross is out 04:13:46 Yea 04:15:17 hope he squirreled something away for a rainy day 04:19:43 will he pardon snowden though 04:35:57 I doubt Snowden will ever get a pardon 04:36:45 It’ll be interesting to see what Ross does now that he is free 04:36:46 I predict there is going to be some actually fire documentary series coming out in the next couple of years 04:59:58 upgrade his opsec to start 05:03:36 Lol 05:04:12 Hey now he gets to see all of the tech people that have clowned on him the past decade 😂💀 05:10:37 probably sell his BTC stash on Haveno 🤑 05:11:26 Well….if we suddenly see all Monero liquidity dry up….on a *Monero* platform…we probably know what happened 05:11:49 I doubt that he does anything like that 05:11:50 At least not in this decade 05:12:19 yeah i'm just shitposting 06:22:57 fucking hilarious 09:38:22 Podcasts 10:26:15 Streams 10:29:01 cdrom 10:31:26 Podcasts sponsored by VPN providers 10:32:36 I need help, can someone tell me the algorithm to mine monero 10:33:04 RandomX 10:34:15 Monero is RAD! 10:35:35 as they say, monero is the only cryptocurrency 11:06:13 Pluuug 14:42:19 https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1i7aadn/silk_road_founder_ross_ulbricht_leaving_prison/ 15:05:31 that website is fucking cancer 15:06:10 but yeah, lfg, crime is legal again boys, ross is free 15:06:57 $TRUMP to the 🌜️ 15:07:03 this feels like the mother of all bull runs starting 16:15:46 Gday 16:21:59 hi 16:22:04 Hi 16:22:08 cryptography is a hoax 16:23:24 summon her 16:53:24 "bull runs"? 16:53:31 what is this, cryptobro general? 16:55:48 I prefer horseruns 16:58:39 note that i use cryptobro as a derogatory for people who see cryptocurrencies as stocks or something like that to bet on 17:00:04 Whats a cryptosis? 17:00:39 female version of that 17:01:22 um, you would be happy if graph go up right 17:01:22 xd 17:02:17 It's fine if it's slightly deflationary, but a "rollercoaster with extreme airtime" would be concerning because this disincentivises using it as a currency. 17:03:18 ^ 17:22:54 i don't know who you are Cindy but will you marry me? 17:23:42 i don't know who you are 17:24:03 But she will find you 17:24:25 we have our whole lives to learn! 17:24:48 Sounds more like a disease 17:24:52 let me guess 17:24:56 you're doing this for tax benefits? 17:24:59 citizenship? 17:25:20 what are "taxes"? 17:25:54 Oh he’s a keeper 17:26:15 not a he but thx bby :* 17:27:11 then who are you? 17:27:36 i ask myself the same question every day 17:32:43 Do you get a different answer back every day? 😵‍💫 17:33:22 ita_metes: how can i marry you if i don't even know your gender 17:45:34 i installed arch linux, so i'm definitely atleast not straight as an arrow lmao 17:46:46 every "girl" on irc is a tranny 17:46:55 . 17:46:56 >.< 17:47:01 Shit I guess I’m gay now 17:47:28 not like thats bad or anything xd 17:47:41 it is bad 17:47:49 Yea arch is cool 17:53:16 great_taste loves checking genitals at the door lol 18:00:35 papers please 18:00:39 except pull down your fucking pants 18:03:58 you see, there's no way a girl is interested in monero and shit 18:04:03 it's probably just a guy LARPing 18:05:40 Sigh 18:05:42 *unzips* 18:06:04 you got a license for that thing? ;) 18:06:29 Shit am I being watched?? 18:07:36 I knew the cia was monitoring my genitals for evidence of WMDs on my property 18:08:17 defending the 'rights' of trannies is a favorite sport at the company 18:09:50 ah yes, the CIA is well known as a defender of human rights 18:10:06 yes 18:10:13 waterboarding? torture? 18:10:23 they are just trying to defend your rights 18:10:24 of course the 'rights' of trannies are not human rights at all - that's the point 18:10:37 as2333: what are the rights of those you call "trannies"? 18:10:45 that you disagree with? 18:12:56 human righs, life, liberty, property. Tranny 'rights' don't belong in that category. 18:13:06 again, can you like 18:13:10 explain what are "tranny rights" 18:13:20 i really am confused what it includes 18:13:26 ask the tranny nutcases, not me 18:13:52 you don't know what it includes? 18:13:59 and yet you find disagreement with it? 18:14:07 The right to bear cocks 18:14:13 "tranny" word detected 18:14:19 its offensive you must comply to the law 18:14:25 its le bad 18:14:35 Or maybe that’s beastiality rights 18:14:43 (it's really pejorative for nothing pls avoid) 18:15:45 Cindy, fwiw I'm also confused about wtf trans rights are human rights really means? They don't have any more rights than any other humans 18:16:04 this make no sense 18:16:08 well, maybe i'd like to think they mean like 18:16:20 right to have meds? 18:16:26 or something 18:16:28 OOooooh 18:16:31 maybe 18:16:40 if that's the case then lmao it will never happen 18:16:46 like being able to buy and have meds 18:16:51 without intervention 18:17:07 sounds like a good idea with zero side effects whatsoever 18:17:23 you say this and like 18:17:35 you know that the majority of monero users probably use it to buy illegal drugs 18:17:37 lol 18:17:52 i'm cool with it tbh 18:17:59 i don't give much of a fuck 18:18:13 Cindy im part of the people who believe government and tyrannical organization, that drugs are bad and that Monero shouldn't be represented by its illegal use 18:18:22 Cindy im part of the people who believe government are not tyrannical organization, that drugs are bad and that Monero shouldn't be represented by its illegal use 18:18:29 yes 18:18:34 sorry i just killed you with the audit 18:18:36 monero shouldn't be represented by its illegal use 18:18:39 edit* 18:18:54 🤭 18:18:59 but i was joking with that lol 18:19:16 haha 18:19:35 like holy shit, if trans people wanna buy meds, who am i to judge them 18:20:34 Trans wouldn't receive so much hate if their activism wasn't about kids 18:20:53 if you talk about kids, parents shows up 18:21:26 buy meds if you want but don't make it so that my kid think he should take at any doubt he might have 18:21:59 hmmm i guess 18:22:01 what tf 18:22:07 off topic 18:22:12 yeah off topic 18:22:25 moderators once said that #monero is just another offtopic channel 18:22:32 multi-threaded 18:22:46 but yeah i'll stop 18:23:00 Choosing to do something that compromises your health, especially if you’re young, because of psychological discomfort or issues is sad though 18:23:27 agree 18:23:59 but I always hear good use of Monero 18:24:02 well from their pov it's sad that they are accused of doing such. And from hater pov, they are just putting themselves into the victim blanket to fill like they are worth something. 18:24:04 this whole convo reads like one channer talking to themselves 18:24:05 duality of man 18:24:07 so idk 18:24:33 basses: yes good use of monero 18:24:37 I miss the r/monero kebab posts 18:24:42 it was so great 18:24:52 let me tell you, if we could like 18:24:57 the only people making shit about kids are the ones legislating genital checks in schools 18:25:05 make those online pharmacy sites accept monero 18:25:10 how very libertarian 18:25:11 we would be seeing more usage from these people 18:25:24 umask777: lmao what's that 18:25:29 umask777: exactly 18:25:37 i've already see na bunch of meme tell me its not true 18:25:44 Hell yeah brother 18:26:17 "i support freedom and that's why every highschool girl needs to be groped by the gym teacher" 18:26:35 Well hold on now 18:26:46 I can't i'm being groped by the gym teacher 18:26:59 i don't get why libertarians are the ones limiting others' freedoms because of the "kids" 18:27:02 or "trannies" 18:27:09 He’s holding on apparently 18:27:11 it feels very ironic 18:27:49 Where are libertarians doing that? 18:28:20 yeah needs to be more precise 18:28:38 You’re probably thinking of what Americans think libertarians are 18:29:00 yup 18:29:04 Aka conservatives who don’t know what they believe in 18:29:05 MAGA vision 18:29:38 trump feels ironic 18:29:52 The Classic case of everyone conflating authoritarians with libertarians 18:29:57 hot take: trump is a criminal 18:30:01 i know i know 18:30:09 very controversial indeed 18:30:26 "i support freedoms, so i'm gonna ban those transgender people from serving in the military yet again" 18:30:35 because of what? 18:30:40 but 18:30:42 thats republican 18:30:45 not libertarian sir 18:30:54 hm 18:31:06 wasn't trump in some event with libertarians? 18:31:12 that's why he pardoned ross? 18:31:23 i like to assume he is, in addition to being republican 18:31:27 no 18:31:29 ah 18:31:33 well i stand corrected 18:31:43 donny's a salesman, he'll tell whomever what they want to hear 18:31:53 in true american fashion 18:32:02 np Cindy. I once thought watermelon was a brand 18:32:05 remember when donny was a democrat 18:32:35 remember when he said twenty years ago if he ran he'd do so as republican because they're rubes lol 18:32:47 'serving in the military', means murdering children for wallstreet profit. No doubt trannies have the 'right' to do that. 18:33:16 taking bets on the primary genre of porn on as2333's computer 18:33:22 as2333 where do you come from ? 18:33:29 It's just like any other drug use or auto destructive behavior, I believe most Monero people are libertarians at heart and do find it sad but wouldn't prevent people from doing what they choose. 18:33:30 my brain need to do pattern association 18:33:48 what do you mean, where do I come from 18:33:58 as2333: do you like 18:34:02 as2333 what continent/country? 18:34:08 Ah yes, the freedom to join a nation states’s military 18:34:10 if you wanna say 18:34:31 I was born and live in argentina. What about you 18:34:37 i don'teven know how you manage to figure out a way to bash on "trannies" 18:35:07 because "murdering children for wallstreet profit" is what many people did 18:35:10 as2333 born and live in europe 18:35:27 mark: holy shit, that's RIGHT! 18:35:37 that's the point of monero, freedom! 18:35:39 and privacy 18:36:12 enought 18:36:15 wtf 18:36:21 yes, enough 18:36:26 love how many people in the privacy coin channel demand identifying information from other users 18:36:34 def not glowie behavior 18:37:04 ita_metes I've always assumed to be a CIA agent back in 2023 when I explained to people on r/monero that intel ME was just a conspiracy 18:37:16 I'm proud to spy on monero users 18:37:19 and will continue to do so 18:37:31 " intel ME was just a conspiracy" 18:37:33 lawl 18:37:46 that's a whole new level of idiocy 18:37:47 Monero Offtopic 18:38:01 If you paid attn, youd know the genre already 18:38:05 backdoored hardware is at least more on topic than trannies 18:38:10 Yea that’s pretty much what I think. Except a lot of people also just don’t understand the biochemistry well enough. Plus side effects in general across pharmaceuticals are undermined. So relatively to “safe” medicine it seems insignificant to people. Although even relatively to most drugs under similar urgency of care I’d say it’s not safe for young people 18:39:01 so how do monero users deals with backdoored hardware? 18:39:06 deal* 18:39:47 By not trusting the hardware 18:39:48 Use hardware wallet so an attacker will need to use more than one backdoors? 18:39:50 Or use airgapped wallets 18:40:49 Get AMD hardware and pay people to reverse engineer PSP (it's a lot easier than intel ME to do, and it already did get mostly done for Zen1) 18:41:08 i thought anything goes here or is that just when talking about da jooz? 18:41:18 I remember a post on r/gamingcirclejerk turning into war because members of the subreddit were claiming that hormone blockers had zero side effects. Many have explain in comments that it was both completely stupid and wrong, at best naive and at worst purposeful disinformation. 18:41:26 hello is this the krusty crab? 18:41:34 couldn't a hardware/airgapped wallet generate preprogrammed private keys? 18:41:39 ravfx can psp be disabled? 18:41:41 Here as in #monero? No, only monero topics 18:41:47 Nah it’s supposed to be mostly directly related to xmr on this channel 18:42:04 funny 18:42:06 good lord, do any of you actually know a trans person? 18:42:08 #monero-offtopic for non-monero related goodies. Still has to follow libera CoC 18:42:14 monero.arbo: i do! 18:42:20 thx ofrnxmr 18:42:23 nah they'd need to leave their basements 18:42:24 So no tranny, joo whatever stuff is allowed there either 18:42:37 can discuss trans just don't say the bad words 18:42:44 nor scream for their death 18:42:49 you aren't retarded are you 18:42:54 so 'libera' has a 'CoC' dictated by the CIA - what a surprise 18:43:04 as2333 Yes I wrote it 18:43:12 monero became /pol/ in one big fucking topic shift 18:43:17 LOOOL 18:43:18 can we like 18:43:20 stop 18:43:30 "became"? it's always been like this... 18:43:50 move to offtopic folks 18:44:03 what are you guys going to do when fcmp++ testnet go live 18:44:07 for Zen1, if you run old uefi, you can fsck the keys after boot to render psp unusable (prevent the OS to talk to PSP). 18:44:08 Only thinkg Zen1 PSP seam to do is to take the system on (do the memory training and that shit then bring up the cores) so that part still have to run. But then it only have facility for security stuff (encryption things, RND, etc etc). So by preventing the OS to communicate with PSP, you just won't have access to these features. 18:44:10 gonna test ? 18:44:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Run 18:44:34 thx rav 18:44:47 or better yet 18:44:51 use RISC-V! 18:45:02 you don't have to worry about some bullshit 18:45:06 Good thing with PSP is that's a ARM core inside the ryzen 18:45:06 So one can extract the relevents bit from the ROM easily (look for arm opcodes) 18:45:09 quick everyone post large blocktext with acronyms to bury the fact 18:45:10 and reverse engineer it 18:45:43 rav: this is the dumbest thing i've seen AMD do 18:45:45 RavFX, known attempt yet? Do we know if PSP is devil? 18:45:55 so thy spent money on not just the x86 license 18:45:57 but the ARM license 18:46:03 Cindy: at this point i'm inclined to believe amd engineers made it on purpose 18:46:15 From Zen1 reverse engineering of PSP, it is not malicious. 18:46:16 At least again, for Zen1 18:46:44 i came here to talk about the technical aspects of monero 18:46:53 but ended up staying for the political off-topic talk 18:47:08 Good job Cindy 18:47:26 I reassure you its pretty rare to talk about political stuff 18:47:39 for more often technical discussion i invite you to go over #monero-dev #monero-research and #monero-community 18:48:34 well i'd like to talk about how to use the multisig APIs 18:48:38 i guess i will 18:50:04 Synbhebird (no paper, maybe too hard for a cat) 18:50:04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKH5nGLgi08 18:50:30 [36C3 - Uncover, Understand, Own - Regaining Control Over Your AMD CPU ] 18:50:37 y'know i've mostly learnt how it works from haveno's source code 18:51:01 thx 18:51:16 i'll be making something new with this :3 19:19:27 ravfx do you have a source for reverse engineering of psp and it not being malicious? 19:20:51 The 36C3 video I linked 19:20:52 I think you can find the papers some programs to mess with it too 19:21:11 * papers and some 19:21:19 oops sorry I missed it my bad 19:27:41 https://github.com/PSPReverse/PSPTool 19:31:02 PSPReverse also contain a few other interresting things 19:37:51 thanks! 20:20:37 ravfx I'm halfway through the talk - so apparently the psp firmware isn't encrypted, and further, they somehow have code execution on the psp? The psp runs unsigned code or what? 20:29:10 ok, the thing is 'hacked'... 21:21:53 when ross will tweet Monero XMR ? 21:23:16 Never 21:25:34 hey, this is joe biden here 21:25:39 nothing to sell, just bragging 21:46:54 hello people of #monero! 21:47:20 meow 🐱 21:47:28 meow 22:25:06 meow 23:50:50 Hi 23:53:13 hallo 23:53:25 hey :) 23:53:31 whatsup gamers 23:55:16 all goes well 23:56:15 nice