00:47:40 we are monero! 00:51:20 ong 01:35:45 🧐 01:59:31 In cake wallet when i view my seed phrase, the mnemonic phrase listed is different from the one I wrote down when I made the wallet. Is this normal? 02:00:27 WORT WORT WORT: same amount of words ? 02:01:12 No. 02:01:48 you made a wallet with a 16 word seed, but cake show you a 25 word one ? 02:02:22 Yes 02:02:46 Did you restore this wallet before? 02:03:09 No i made it on this device 02:04:38 How did you restore it 02:04:55 i hope by copying private key directly 02:05:00 otherwise cake wallet bug 02:05:01 using key, 16, or 25 words? 02:05:46 wait no he said its on the device 02:05:51 so he didn't restored it 02:05:53 Ive never restored the wallet. I still have the wallet on this phone im basically just auditing my crypto rn. I wrote down I used polyseed. I think that means cake wallet is converting it to a 25 word phrase? 02:06:29 Just want to make sure i have the right key written down 02:07:17 basically the 16 word polyseed can be used to calculate your private key back. The 25 word seed is just a mapping of this key. In theory, since you cannot go from PrivateKey to Polyseed (16 words) your wallet should just store the 16 word polyseed in a safe place. Assuming he lost it, he might fallback onto mapping your private key into the lgeacy 25 word seed format 02:07:47 showing two different seeds 02:08:09 But that would be a bug, Cake Wallet shouldn't suddenly loose your polyseed from storage 02:08:39 or maybe something else and your polyseed is stored but internal bug make it so that cw think he doesn't 02:09:17 best way to verify is to create two wallets, restore with 16 word and the other with 25 word. Then check in settings if the private key is the same 02:09:45 Ok Ill try that 02:09:56 if you created using polyseed, then there are 2 seeds on cake's backup page 02:10:26 Polyseed can be converted to legacy(25word) seeds, to ensure compatibility with other wallets 02:12:31 Yeah mine definitely only listed the 25 word phrase in the "Security and Backup -> Show seed/keys". 02:12:38 *lists 02:13:47 sus 02:13:51 must be a backdoor 02:13:54 vik sharma is a cia agent 02:14:00 Mine shows "wallet seed" (polyseed) and "legacy seed" (25nword) 02:14:17 ofrnxmr: works on my machine 02:14:19 whats going on here? 02:14:26 Mine shows "wallet seed" (polyseed) and "legacy wallet seed" (25nword) 02:15:08 Were sharing seeds 02:15:27 uh huh 02:17:17 This is not ideal. Ill update once I try recovery. Im hesitant to recover to the same instance of cake wallet 02:21:19 hi 02:23:02 ? You dont have to delete the current wallet 02:23:20 you can restore the same wallet 10x and it will create a new copy for each restore 02:24:43 Economists don't want you to know this one simple trick to duplicate money 02:27:00 Im using a different device to restore it not deleting it. 02:29:31 ^ 02:30:10 You can restore on the same device multiple times. It wont overwrite existing wallet, it will create a new copy 03:18:51 * m-relay <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> is taking his monero node down and is exchanging XMR into physical currency until XMR manages quantum 03:27:48 🤣🧐 04:13:34 I tried restoring from the polyseed key I wrote down when i made the wallet, as well as the legacy key which is what is listed in the wallet settings. The polyseed recovers my funds but the legacy key shows a 0 balance. So, I know I can access my funds with the polyseed key but im wondering why the legacy key it lists doesnt work 04:28:41 Iiuc you cant go from 16->25 but you can go from 25->16. So if a wallet shows a 25 word seed for a wallet that was created from 16 words, sounds like bug in the wallet 04:33:30 Is this true for feather tobtoht? 09:00:10 other way around 09:00:24 hello! 09:00:38 16 -> 25 = yes. 26 -> 16 = no 09:00:44 25* 09:01:47 WORT WORT WORT the 25 word seed you entered doesn't show tour funds because you entered the wrong restore heigt 09:04:14 i wanted to ask, does monero really need smart contract stuff like other meme "currencies"? 09:04:42 Idk if this would impact anonymity. It exists without just fine... 09:05:18 i mean yeah 09:05:26 besdies there are some difficulties in implementing it 09:07:06 No, doesn't need 09:11:48 It asked me for a date and restore height. I selected today's (yesterday, now) date and the restore height auto-populated 09:11:48 thanks for clarifying ofrnxmr. on the subject of other cryptos / smart contracts, you may find rekt dot com useful. im currently reading through this one https://rekt.news/trump-casino/ 09:12:01 dot news rather* 09:12:38 monero is already powerful with spend proofs, transaction proofs, multisigs, etc. 09:15:09 plowsof: this makes me hate ethereum more 09:21:59 Monero group-chat on Nostr: naddr1qvzqqqyctqpzptvcmkzg2fuxuvltqegc0r4cxkey95jl0sp9teh95azm77mtu9wgqyv8wumn8ghj7emjda6hquewxpuxx6rpwshxxmmd9uqpqsnwgccng7rvdf6ywn6wtpa9j5sna9f4a 09:22:12 https://chachi.chat/groups.0xchat.com/BnF14xljtGONXzYR 16:23:02 test 16:25:43 why are messages in monero-dev instantly deleted? am i shadowbanned? 16:25:58 wdym 16:26:20 when i send a message, it disappears instantly 16:26:32 you're triggering a certain filter 16:26:32 . 16:26:46 for example, you can't send messages consisting of entirely dots "." 16:26:47 . 16:26:50 even if i send a message containing only the text "test" 16:26:51 they get deleted instantly 16:26:56 test 16:27:01 uh 16:27:04 this doesnt get deleted 16:27:08 it works fine in this channel, but not in monero dev 16:27:23 guess its stricter there then xd 16:39:06 fede: we literally see your messages 16:39:15 they only disappear on your side 16:39:20 i don't see them 16:39:30 blame matrix protocol 16:39:33 blame zcash 16:40:10 ok i restarted element and now it works 16:40:29 turn it off and on again, amazing 16:55:36 Dev is broken a bit 16:56:21 kicks ppl, room name disappears etc 17:01:59 Matrix is broken a bit 17:02:15 shit protocol and client, overfunded org etc 17:11:09 From what I understand so far, it's apparently better for the developers but worse for the users than XMPP. 17:11:27 The official server is heavy AF and Conduit isn't as feature-full. 17:11:37 While XMPP never broke for me in ways Matrix did. 17:34:41 what is the least shit matrix protocol ? 17:35:47 Are there other ones? 17:37:07 IRC 17:37:17 😜 17:38:12 but if you're not nostalgic for the MSDOS days probably SimpleX but its scaling isn't great 17:38:22 large rooms are very slow to sync 17:40:45 we should return to BBSs tbh 17:45:01 nioc there are none 17:45:07 He said "matrix protocol", which confused me. 17:45:10 SimpleX have zero useful SDK 17:45:31 I prefer IRC and XMPP. 17:45:42 BlueyHealer, enjoy 17:45:50 * BlueyHealer doesn't really know what a BBS is 17:45:56 I can't stand user interfaces from the 5th century 17:46:34 User interface does not depend on the protocol tho. There are modern-looking IRC clients out there, including web ones. 17:46:46 And Weechat looks timeless. 17:46:54 i can stand user interfaces from the 5th century 17:47:00 i like sending.. mail by foot 17:47:10 and paying someone gold or wheat to do so 17:47:10 I am being serious. 17:47:20 sorry i'm making fun of the hyperbole 17:47:30 syntheticbird said 17:47:34 ye I get it 17:48:15 s​yntheticbird so there is no difference between them ? 17:48:17 For example of a modern one - The Lounge. 17:48:27 BlueyHealer, i know there are relatively good looking UI for IRC (tho still too old to my taste). Also IRC isn't federated nor encrypted 17:48:55 we should move montero to the OFTC IRC network, the haz a working bridge \o/ 17:49:23 *they haz 17:49:24 irc no emojis ;c 17:50:19 🐱🦒(❁´◡`❁) 17:51:17 As for encryption - yeah, I have only seen OTR addons. I use it mostly for group chats tho so it largely doesn't matter, and for DMs ask people to connect on Jabber. 17:53:47 nioc is a legend, using a cat emoji as example 😻 17:55:09 (。Ó﹏Ò。) 17:55:34 wearethelifersyetagain, what is hv-bridge? 17:55:59 A bridge from Discord, iirc. 17:56:14 that appears when messaging through https://hashvault.pro discord's monero channel, under the "irc bridge" category 17:56:30 woow, interesting 17:56:41 o.o 17:57:14 I wonder if Discord can ban bridges like it bans custom clients... 17:57:33 it's just a bot application, which are allowed 17:57:46 ah 17:58:17 I just wondered because it might blur the lines between "just a bot" and "using a custom client". 17:58:17 can bots be banned? 17:58:47 selfbots are illegal in the ToS 17:58:52 but rarely banned 17:59:17 unless you don't spam PM everyone you don't know 17:59:31 you spam* 17:59:36 you'll never get banned 19:00:05 Revuo Monero Issue 224: January 12 - 23, 2025. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-224/ 22:12:09 Any reason why my wallet would be stuck on block 3289035? I've deleted rebuilt my wallet twice thinking that may be the issue. Using monero-gui-linux-x64-v0.18.3.4 22:13:03 Plent of HD space 22:13:12 i'd say slow connection? 22:13:24 it's probably not the wallet, just the copy of the blockchain 22:16:22 1g up & down fiber unless you mean whatever I'm connecting to. streaming works fine... Do I need to find & delete my copy of the blockchain - I thought rebuilding the wallet did that but never truly understood how this wallet thing works. 22:18:20 rebuilding the wallet doesn't affect the blockchain 22:18:58 the wallet client has to refresh and download blocks from a node, in order to stay up to date and check on the transactions related to that wallet 22:19:07 doesn't affect the local copy of the blockchain* 22:19:41 So delete this then? Sorry for being ignorant. 22:19:41 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/645553495184900106/1332112549335924831/image.png?ex=679411fd&is=6792c07d&hm=333aeb33859c3ed209735eda97859cfdcd99e0d0ebcb9c86da28550c8af876ea& 22:21:34 well, judging by the large size, i assume that is the local copy of the blockchain 22:22:19 though the "lock.mdb" is there 22:22:34 which probably means the monero client is still on 22:23:29 that's what I figured lol. Just trying to understand how to get it finish updating. I exited it but still showing the lock. 22:25:13 well, you can just delete both if you want 22:34:22 Done, restarted & waiting to sync. 22:34:28 Thank you! 22:35:08 np