05:23:17 damn a blackhawk and an airliner colided above DC? 05:23:39 inb4 china ww4 05:23:58 One the same day XMR pulled a 8% 05:24:00 Something happening or something 05:24:08 Is that why xmr went up? 05:24:09 On the same day XMR pulled a 8% 05:24:10 Something happening or something 05:24:12 red team needs a false flag to keep everyone occupied 😏 09:29:28 hello, new to Matrix. hope everyone is well. 09:29:30 I have XMR on a Trezor affected by an old firmware bug which prevents me from sending large amounts to integrated addresses. 09:29:32 I could update the firmware now as it was solved Nov. 2022, but I don't have the backup seed phrase, so I'd like to transfer all coins off and wipe the Trezor before updating and setting it up again. I have a new wallet set up not using the device so it can serve as interim storage. 09:29:34 Following this comment: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/issues/2213#issuecomment-1240998465 09:29:36 I was able to use monero-wallet-cli to run 'integrated_address' which provided payment ID along with an integrated address. I then used github.com/luigi1111/xmr.llcoins.net to decode this into an old-style payment address with the payment ID. 09:30:43 Unfortunately even with monero-wallet-cli's transfer command I'm unable to perform a test transaction using the payment ID. 09:30:44 shows as a parameter, but transfer fails and says that's an invalid parameter. I assume it's disabled even in the cli. 09:33:03 Would anyone be able to assist further in re-enabling payment ID transfers temporarily if you agree it could be a temporary workaround? I'll do small test transactions to confirm it works. 09:33:04 If not, any other suggestions please? I'm not very familiar with the Monero CLI but am with the terminal generally. 09:35:20 hello, new to Matrix. hope everyone is well. 09:35:22 I have XMR on a Trezor affected by an old firmware bug which prevents me from sending large amounts to integrated addresses. 09:35:24 I could update the firmware now as it was solved Nov. 2022, but I don't have the backup seed phrase, so I'd like to transfer all coins off and wipe the Trezor before updating and setting it up again. I have a new wallet set up not using the device so it can serve as interim storage. 09:35:26 Following this comment: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/issues/2213#issuecomment-1240998465 09:35:28 I was able to use monero-wallet-cli to run 'integrated\_address' on my interim software wallet which provided payment ID along with an integrated address. I then used github.com/luigi1111/xmr.llcoins.net to decode this into an old-style payment address with the payment ID. 09:35:44 Would anyone be able to assist further in re-enabling payment ID transfers temporarily if you agree it could be a temporary workaround? I'll do small test transactions from Trezor to interim software wallet to confirm it works. 09:35:46 If not, any other suggestions please? I'm not very familiar with the Monero CLI but am with the terminal generally. 09:45:05 Why do you want a payment id ? 09:47:08 because my Trezor is affected by the linked firmware bug which prevents sending large amounts to integrated addresses. (my rough understanding) 09:47:10 and updating firmware to fix this endangers the coins present as I lost the backup seed phrase. 09:55:27 Does this bug prevent sending large amounts to non-integrated addresses ? 09:59:53 I don't believe so, based on the bug thread and ph4r05's comments. Here is the fix (applied to firmware): https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/pull/2479 10:04:36 Then why do you want a payment id ? 10:09:05 so I can send all coins from my device to a software wallet unaffected by this issue while I wipe and update my Trezor. 10:13:39 that's not related to the payment ID 10:13:56 do you have the wallet seed? then, you can just restore the wallet using that software wallet while safely wiping your Trezor 10:13:56 i mean, you're better off trying to export the keys out of the hardware wallet 10:17:46 [...] but I don't have the backup seed phrase 10:19:26 That might be the way to go, good idea - so since I lack the seed phrase, I could export the keys for Monero specifically? 10:19:28 then import those into a software wallet? 10:19:30 any pointers? 10:20:43 my understanding from ph4r05's comment in the bug thread was by using a payment ID transaction I would avoid this bug. Hence why they described using xmr.llcoins.net to generate such. 10:20:55 Send your monero to that new wallet (without a payment id, which you do not need). Reflash your trezor. Send coins back. Done. 10:21:01 Oh. 10:21:14 That's the opposite of the first claim :D 10:23:03 To enable payment ids again, you'd need to revert the patch which removed them. Hopefully there's just one of them and it reverts cleanly. 10:23:08 git log 10:23:41 revert and compile :P 10:23:56 Scratch what I said, we're not in -dev. 10:24:50 I'm familiar with patching and compilation if anyone can help me identify the commit to revert please. 10:24:51 I'd say... download the earliest monero binaries that are compatible with the current fork. Check whether it still has payment id support. 10:27:16 Odd. The source in release-0.18 still seems to have integrated address support. 10:27:47 What exactly are you missing ? 10:28:09 Huh. I'm using 18.3.4 and the help text when I try `transfer` shows in the syntax but when I try it tells me that parameter is invalid. 10:28:33 Ah, those are for *long* payment ids, long obsolete. They're unrelated to integrated addresses. 10:29:01 Use: transfer INTEGRATED_ADDRESS_HERE AMOUNT_HERE 10:29:47 ...sorry, so the entire idea was that I was creating a non-integrated address along with a payment ID and then sending to that, to avoid the firmware bug? per ph4r05's comment 10:30:15 Lemme go read the bug quick... 10:30:45 See his comment and example - so for the integrated address 4LuUffWR5Qmefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwZdd2TwKx3ZQ7u3ZeTv, he was able to produce 4BCoergvU9Fefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwP5m7Fzy with payment ID 17238a896634173d 10:30:56 Thank you very much. Check the linked comment if you can please. 10:31:04 Ugh. I see. 10:31:33 See their comment and example - so for the integrated address 4LuUffWR5Qmefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwZdd2TwKx3ZQ7u3ZeTv, he was able to produce 4BCoergvU9Fefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwP5m7Fzy with payment ID 17238a896634173d 10:31:38 See their comment and example - so for the integrated address 4LuUffWR5Qmefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwZdd2TwKx3ZQ7u3ZeTv, they was able to produce 4BCoergvU9Fefh1czD4yEHUKZ17g1ziXVB2NCPoUH8kiCwwWLRTSFNrdphQgxB4seHLv6HYJ2AqyP2bH4xU12QQwP5m7Fzy with payment ID 17238a896634173d 10:31:45 Then, in simplewallet.cpp, search for LONG_PAYMENTP_ID_S 10:32:18 Then after the half dozen lines that define it, add #define LONG_PAYMENT_ID_SUPPORT_CHECK ((void)0) 10:32:19 please don't edit too much 10:32:37 That ought to do it, assuming the rest of the code hasn't rotted away. 10:34:37 sorry, just realized it's probably spamming IRC. 10:35:38 tyvm moneromoo. I think I understand. 10:35:40 I'm not sure if it'll help since I never got to that error msg, "Long payment IDs are obsolete". Hopefully that's still what it was hitting and just outputting bad parameter 10:36:06 Maybe there's another check first. Lemme see if I can fnd it quick. 10:38:05 What's the actual error message you were getting about "parameter is invalid" ? 10:39:34 sure, just a sec. 10:42:57 Error: Invalid last argument: ...... 10:42:58 where ...... is my payment ID 10:43:41 my syntax was: 10:43:42 transfer unimportant
10:49:28 No obvious other check for it. Does it work if you remove "unimportant" ? 10:49:53 (you get prompted before sending and can cancel) 10:52:07 Nope. Invalid last argument again 10:55:09 Right. It's not popping the payment id, so it's trying on a second address/amount pair. But there's no code to actually encode that payment id anymore AFAICT. 10:56:07 gotcha. do you think I should pursue the key export idea? I'll have to logoff for a few hours soon, I can check back if anyone has pointers later for attempting that. 10:56:11 9768e96d7447f8afa443347b9532d0f4a1bab17c will need reverting. 10:56:31 Possibly. I dunno how trezor works. 10:58:00 Thanks for all thus far including finding that commit. I can sit tight here for the moment and hopefully someone with Trezor-fu stops by today. 10:58:02 If not I'll attempt revert, new define on LONG_PAYMENT_ID_SUPPORT_CHECK, and rebuild. 13:16:46 Hello, I am asking this question after reading this : https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11522/how-to-get-the-balance-of-an-integrated-address 13:16:48 Are integrated addresses deprecated ? 13:17:59 Hello, I am asking this question after reading this : https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11522/how-to-get-the-balance-of-an-integrated-address 13:18:00 _Are integrated addresses deprecated_ ? 13:18:07 Hello, I am asking this question after reading this : https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11522/how-to-get-the-balance-of-an-integrated-address 13:18:08 __Are integrated addresses deprecated__ ? 13:18:18 Hello, I am asking this question after reading this : https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11522/how-to-get-the-balance-of-an-integrated-address 13:18:18 **Are integrated addresses deprecated ?** 13:27:22 ^ 13:35:35 ok ok thanks 🙏 🛌🚶‍♂️ 18:30:37 Hi, I just synced the blockchain onto a ubuntu server that I access via ssh. It seems to be running ok, but when I use the command to start_mining, it prints this error message: Invalid syntax: Invalid combination of parameters. 18:31:01 does anyone know of any good guides out there for newbs like me? 18:31:56 with clear instructions on how to use the monero cli (monerod and wallet) 18:32:03 thanks 18:34:56 https://docs.getmonero.org/rpc-library/wallet-rpc/?h=start_mining#start_mining 18:36:40 sorry, the correct one for monerod Isaac Marsden https://docs.getmonero.org/rpc-library/monerod-rpc/#start_mining 18:42:30 sorry again, just type `help start_mining` 18:46:32 Easiest is to run monero-wallet-cli and send the mining command from there 18:48:56 Thanks so much you guys! I will get on it :-) 21:11:27 From my limited research it seems I may not be able to export the keys for Monero from my Trezor, so I may need to patch the code and transfer to an old format address as discussed prior. If anyone is available in the next hours to assist it would be deeply appreciated (and I can kick you a little xmr after). I'll attempt rebuilding monero shortly. 21:16:53 why would you need to patch any code? 21:17:58 Problem: you have trezor that have a bug that prevents sending large amounts to integ addresses 21:18:00 Solution: send to a normal address, 21:38:22 That's what I'd like to do. I think there's a small chance I could be overcomplicating it. 21:41:44 Per ph4r05's comments here: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/issues/2213#issuecomment-1240998465 21:41:46 I am using `integrated_address` in monero-wallet-cli to generate a payment ID and integrated address, which I'm feeding to luigi1111/xmr.llcoins.net, producing an address which I'm providing along with the payment ID to `transfer` from my Trezor. However, I get "Invalid last argument" when I include payment ID, and so it seems code must be patched. 21:41:48 Are you saying there's a different address format I can use without payment ID that won't trigger the firmware bug? 22:30:07 tiny 22:30:21 Use `address` 22:31:07 How to get a normal address? Open monero-wallet-cli and create a new wallet. Then type `address`. Send funds on trezor to the `address`. -> do whatever you want with trezor (wipe, update, create new wallet etc) -> send funds back to trezor 22:32:10 Theres no reason (that i can see) for you to want to use an integrated address.. so just use a regular one, which should work. The bug is only concerning integrated addresses 22:32:37 That does give me the same address I decoded using xmr.llcoins.net, just without a payment ID. 22:32:38 I think I see - I can send to myself without a payment ID. It was only necessary on services that needed a way to differentiate incoming funds. 22:33:08 Only on _some_ services. Mose use subaddresses these days 22:33:31 Tradeogre and fixedfloat use integrated addresses. Almost everyone else uses subaddresses 22:34:16 Huge thanks. I'll test shortly and request your address if it works. 22:34:21 Integrated addresses arent officially deprecated afaict, but the preferred method is to replace integrated addresses with subaddresses 22:42:29 What's the best resource on the differences between those? I didn't fully understand. If you have handy 22:45:04 1 sec 22:47:02 https://106.md.monerodevs.org/public-address/ 22:48:06 ^ this is the (slightly) updated version of https://docs.getmonero.org/public-address/standard-address/ 22:48:46 Integrated addresses are not "deprecated", that should be updated 22:50:28 Moo thought they were, as did i 22:51:05 But its been like that for years, even though the integrated addr page says that merchants should use them 22:51:06 https://docs.getmonero.org/public-address/integrated-address/#integrated-addresses-vs-subaddresses 22:54:37 That page is mainly correct: subaddresses for users, integrated addresses for mercahants 22:55:14 Unless your business needs to maintain confidentiality between receipts 22:56:47 At any rate, support for integrated addresses is continuing into Carrot at least for some period of time. But business will finally be able to get rid of integrated addresses once support for Carrot-keyed subaddres generation is implemented in wallets 22:57:27 I think at that point we could finally discuss deprecating them without losing real needed features 22:59:10 Most merchants these days are using subaddresses (like btcpayserver or 9/10 swappers) 23:00:55 The benefits of integ addresses (such as generation w/o a view key) are still pros though. 23:01:18 Though 23:01:50 For payment verification, it makes sense for the merchant device to have a view key