13:39:32 I've just launched a decentralized IRC chat written my Amir Taaki. It is supercool. 13:45:11 Is there an app for this? 13:46:59 Yes 13:50:44 https://github.com/darkrenaissance/darkfi/releases/tag/0.1-alpha 15:16:07 ofrnxmr shilling darkfi? 15:16:11 :o 15:16:40 No 15:16:47 Answering a question :D 15:17:53 * m-relay has banned ofrnxmr: `Shilling` 15:18:08 I only shill wow, bro i swear 15:26:38 whois spit 16:09:44 I don't get Darkfi. What is it that they do exactly? 16:21:58 from what I understand, darkfi = zano but better 16:22:24 dapps, smart contracts platform that aims to provide monero-like privacy 16:25:00 "DarkFi uses Halo 2 for its proving system, which requires no trusted setup" 16:25:10 darkfi uses... a game... for its proving system? 16:25:37 https://darkrenaissance.github.io/darkfi/misc/faq.html 16:28:49 mining on darkfi: whoever in halo 2 has most kills gets the block reward 20:07:37 Can somebody confirm txs are only broadcast using dandelion++ if your node accepts incoming connections? 20:22:04 yes 20:23:04 more accurately, nodes will only stem to outgoing connections 20:23:50 So if you dont have incoming connections, you will only stem tx that originate on your node 20:25:22 Basically, if you dont have incoming connections, you should use --tx-proxy to gain relay privacy 20:26:21 If you do have inc connections, then its plausible that the tx being sent from your node in stem phase might not be your own tx 20:29:30 assuming no ISP level surveillance, I believe, given that p2p connections are unencrypted 20:32:38 So it does broadcast using dandelion++ but an observer knows it has to come from my node since I don't accept incoming, or it doesn't even bother broadcasting through dandelion 20:34:24 the former I believe 20:35:02 ok thanks 20:35:39 Are rpc connections encrypted by default? 20:36:31 It uses dandelion, but the only "stem" phase tx coming ftom your node will be your own 20:36:57 Using self-signed certs. Easily MITM'd 20:37:21 And "by default" = autodetect. If you use http:// then no. If you use https:// then yes 20:38:47 What is the benefit of the encryption if self-signed certs can be easily MITM'ed? 20:39:10 cli allows cert pinning 20:39:17 other wallets dont 20:39:58 If you want securely encrypted rpc, you have to generate static ssl certs for the node (default will generate a fresh cery at every startup). Specify this cert in your flags or config, then also use wallet-cli with the pinned cert 20:41:57 Using random generated certs and/or a wallet that doesnt support cert pinning = the traffic isnt in plain text, but the traffic van be intercepted and have the ssl cert replaced with a third parties 20:42:08 Without the self signed cert, its plain text 20:42:21 you need some sort of way to verify the cert 20:42:29 You'd have to be targetted for someone to strip the ssl from your connection 20:42:34 (like how tor does it, by embedding the public key int he tor domain) 20:42:49 Cindy, only cli has cert pinning (verifying the cert) 20:42:52 but tbh, just use tor at that point 20:43:00 Even gui and feather dont 20:43:08 no i mean, cert pinining without CAs 20:43:11 Ah so still better to use a node on your computer if you can. 20:43:37 not if you dont have inc connectiobs :P 20:44:15 Setup your node to use tx-proxy for i2p and tor, and also to access rpc over onion/i2p 20:44:21 And sleep easy 20:44:28 yes 20:44:33 just access RPC over onion or I2P 20:44:44 tor does encryption better tbh 20:44:55 +1 20:45:36 Sync your wallet however you want, but send the tx over an onion/i2p if you want privacy for your tx 20:46:03 And if using your own node, either ensure you have inc connections or enable --tx-proxy, or both 20:53:26 honestly, tor/i2p is the best way regardless of MITM or not 20:53:37 because the remote node could be a spy node 20:54:21 i'd like to see monero embed tor in their wallet lol 20:55:05 stack wallet does! 20:55:32 Not gr8 tho 20:55:57 How do i use i2p w/o disabling tor for the external stuff 20:56:01 I dun like it 20:57:19 i prefer external tor - which doesnt work anymore(!) 20:57:42 Cant connect to an onion unless you use their tor 20:58:24 If you "vpn" stack over tor, you end up doind tor-over-tor if you need to connect to an onion 21:01:41 I have --tx-proxy via tor on laptop/desktop, but to connect to remote vps node via .onion rpc is a pain. The monero.com wallet isn't set up for that. Will hope I'm not being MITM and also have VPN on the phone always. 21:08:21 try Stack wallet tbh /shill 21:08:46 if you are using monero.com on mobile at least 21:19:58 Stack Wallet number 1 wallet 21:22:41 can an outside observer know that you don't have incoming connections? 21:23:01 I mean.... they can try to connect to you lol 21:23:58 nioc Yes because by default you have to advertize yourself as being able to receive incoming connections 21:24:12 but who am I? 21:24:37 please have patience :) 21:27:50 ask stupid questions and you get real answers, who knew :D 21:32:31 Hypothetically, Clover would fix this issue with Dandelion++ because it can stem-phase to both inbound and outbound peers, but we don't know yet if Clover is safe enough. Like I said in the last MRL meeting, I asked the lead author of the D++ paper to look at the Clover paper. She said she will take a look and get back to me. 21:32:50 That's just the next step in evaluating Clover. MRL would want to do a deeper analysis of Clover before recommending it. 21:57:44 Is that why you mentioned using Shadow on the MRL CC for simulating Clover behavior ? 21:58:12 Is that why you mentioned using Shadow on the MRL meeting? For using the cluster computer for simulating Clover behavior ? 22:01:01 It could be used for that. It could be used for lots of things. It would take time to set up. Someone set up one for Ethereum, called Ethshadow.