00:09:58 <m-relay> <c​rispycat:calitabby.net> https://web.archive.org/web/20060318215620/http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html
00:10:16 <m-relay> <c​rispycat:calitabby.net> didn't something happen with some planes back in 2001?
00:10:44 <m-relay> <p​reland:monero.social> Impossible; Windows 2000 was created by Jesus himself.
00:11:10 <m-relay> <c​rispycat:calitabby.net> no silly, templeos is the holy operating system
00:11:22 <m-relay> <p​reland:monero.social> Lol
00:11:41 <m-relay> <c​rispycat:calitabby.net> windows 2000 was created by clinton
00:11:42 <m-relay> <p​reland:monero.social> My bad; if they had TempleOS running on the planes then it wouldn’t have happened
00:24:11 <m-relay> <c​rispycat:calitabby.net> where were the power rangers on that terrible day?
00:30:40 <as2333> 2001 was the founding date for the US
00:35:49 <m-relay> <a​om20:matrix.org> greetings all
00:37:37 <m-relay> <a​om20:matrix.org> whats your view on integrated address
00:41:03 <m-relay> <e​longated:matrix.org> End of line, use subaddress
01:16:08 <m-relay> <s​yntheticbird:monero.social> End of line, use primary address always always make a new wallet you need a new wallet use a new wallet a new wallet is always a wallet to use a new wallet
01:19:48 <m-relay> <e​longated:matrix.org> Use accounts !
02:36:32 <m-relay> <s​hortcow:yatrix.org> Sorry if its wrong room. Im trying to compile sample code from woodser/monero-cpp. Library itselft compiles, but sample code fails with undefined reference to `hmac_keccak_hash'. Have someone encountered with this error?
02:56:06 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Monero Community Dev
03:15:54 <m-relay> <h​avenouser:monero.social> if you release a monero wallet for TempleOS you enter heaven and become divine
05:01:24 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> Hi, I need help. I'm trying to open an account on Monero and I'm stuck on creating a password. It's giving an error, the error says. error creating wallet via physical device, check the application logs. The wallet I'm trying to connect to is Trezor safe 5
05:02:38 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> which wallet and operating system?
05:05:38 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> My wallet is Trezor Safe 5. Operating system and windows
05:06:15 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> umask777: My wallet is Trezor Safe 5. Operating system and windows
05:08:56 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> ?
05:10:48 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> Hi, I need help. I'm trying to open an account on Monero and I'm stuck on creating a password. It's giving an error, the error says. error creating wallet via physical device, check the application logs. The wallet I'm trying to connect to is Trezor safe 5  My wallet is Trezor Safe 5. Operating system and windows 10
05:30:23 <m-relay> <t​eonas:matrix.org> What could it be? Is there anyone who can help me? Or if I hire a computer technician, can I solve my problem?
05:32:17 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> sorry not famliiar with trezor or windows
05:32:27 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> someone will chime in eventually
06:11:19 <m-relay> <p​reland:monero.social> Yeah second what the above said
13:12:55 <rahl> Is there a reason stagenet network bytes are not mentioned in docs? e.g. at https://docs.getmonero.org/public-address/standard-address/#standard-address
13:14:05 <rahl> At first I figured maybe they were just the same as the main chain. But then found a link to this https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/3ad4ecd4ff52f011ee94e0e80754b965b82f072b/src/cryptonote_config.h#L180
13:37:54 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> No reason
13:43:11 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:monero.social> #monero-docs if you find anything else
14:03:44 <rahl> Ack, thanks
14:04:08 <rahl> Didn't know about that channel. Shall try to remember it in future
14:10:09 <rahl> Is this something I should mention over there or not to worry? Just asking cos you said "anything else" as in don't bother this time.
14:46:05 <m-relay> <o​frnxmr:xmr.mx> Dont worry, i got it
16:52:36 <m-relay> <s​hortcow:yatrix.org> Do i understand right, that there is no need to use tor to anonymously use monero? Can i buy monero using my credit card and than pay from my monero account and nobody will correlate payments with me?
16:55:31 <moneromooo> It is complicated. If you can use Tor, you might as well. Your ISP can know which txes are originating from you. Same if you're connected to only spies. Or even just mostly to spies, though they can't be 100% sure.
16:55:58 <moneromooo> In general, it's private. But there are edge cases like the two above.
16:57:33 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> learn about opsec
16:58:12 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> actually, wait a sec, I got something helpful
17:00:00 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> shortcow read https://www.privacyguides.org/en/advanced/payments/#cryptocurrency and https://www.privacyguides.org/en/cryptocurrency/
17:01:08 <m-relay> <s​hortcow:yatrix.org> So, i can accept transactions without any anonymous network and if i i use tor for sending monero from same account, im safe?
17:01:22 <m-relay> <s​hortcow:yatrix.org> Thank you
17:04:36 <rahl> ofrnxmr: cheers
17:35:21 <m-relay> <s​hortcow:yatrix.org> Is MajesticBank just exchange platform?
17:41:14 <m-relay> <e​longated:matrix.org> Yes
20:16:37 <m-relay> <l​za_menace:monero.social> https://nitter.net/WatcherGuru/status/1887940873465278733
20:17:03 <m-relay> <l​za_menace:monero.social> > Tornado Cash co-founder Alexey Pertsev released from prison.
20:17:13 <m-relay> <l​za_menace:monero.social> crime szn
20:44:37 <m-relay> <m​arcusnewmanlol:matrix.org> is this an okay place to ask if anyone know what happened to the price today?
20:46:34 <m-relay> <m​arcusnewmanlol:matrix.org> seems extreme but maybe I'm just sensitive
20:50:26 <m-relay> <r​avfx:xmr.mx> could be whale dumping the nero to take a position on the betcorn
20:50:28 <m-relay> <r​avfx:xmr.mx> If they think it's going to move soon
21:11:18 <m-relay> <h​avenouser:monero.social> it propably is going to go up much higher soon
21:19:46 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1ijjlzo/does_this_feature_exist/
21:19:48 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> >Is there already an application out there that accepts spend keys and displays a history of Monero transactions? Basically the public Venmo feed but sourced from Monero spend keys. It would be cool to report some Monero transactions to this service to share history with friends or the public.
21:20:36 <parazyd> poomp eet
22:21:30 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> alternatively today's dip suggests bitcoin will also dip shortly
22:21:56 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> yes it was on exchanges with fake volume, but where is bitcoin's volume real? 😉
22:22:16 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> XMR leading indcator ftw get ur shorts in frens
22:22:34 <m-relay> <u​mask777:decred.org> 86k incoming
22:47:44 <m-relay> <b​asses:matrix.org> Anyone from RINO team here?
23:55:32 <m-relay> <3​21bob321:monero.social> Binary