00:04:52 wonder if they are going to open source server's code, it is waste to just let go all the time and code spent 00:05:03 wonder if they are going to open source server's code, it is waste to just let go all the time spent and code written 00:23:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Show me the moniez 01:13:46 rahl, its been updated. Thanks 01:44:27 > Tornado Cash co-founder Alexey Pertsev released from prison <- Hope he fully recovers from the trauma soon! 02:18:10 oh great monero chat is being used as a standard /biz/ crypto chat 02:18:16 monero doesn't make you money monero is money 02:50:31 I made quite a bit of money from Monero. 02:51:00 It's money in the same way fiat is money, but I also make money from forex fiat trading. One doesn't prevent the other. 03:02:05 One kills the spirit of the other 04:49:09 ofrnxmr: cheers. much appreciated 05:32:10 Is it possible to sent exact amount taking into account the commission? 05:33:06 I want to send exactly N xmr even if recipient will receive N-eps 05:42:57 you mean network fee? 05:43:07 yes 06:09:43 Yea but only using cli or rpc 11:18:28 Does any one have experience with integrated address with the rpc?. When ever i send to a integrated address, my unlocked balance goes to 0, unitil block confirmation 11:35:29 Notmal with any address 11:42:10 yes i know some funds get locked, but not all. for example on on the testnet i have 10 xmr i send 0.1 from that account to a integrated address, unlocked balance goes to 0. I do the same process but to a normal address only a few xmr gets locked, unlocked balance does not go to 0 11:58:12 If you only have 1 input in your wallet, then all funds are locked 11:59:15 1 input worth 10xmr -> "send 1xmr" == send 10 xmr, get 9 xmr in change == the 9xmr is locked 11:59:32 1 input is all funds are on one address? 12:00:17 no. Inputs are split per transaction received 12:00:42 So if you send 2 transfers of 5xmr to the address, you will have 2 inputs of 5xmr 12:02:04 If you were to then send 1 xmr, youd consume one 5xmr input, and youd have 5xmr unlocked + 4xmr change locked 12:16:54 ok thanks, i think i reed the docs again 18:15:47 First time i get the `There were X blocks in the last 90 minutes` warning 18:15:49 interesting 18:33:54 You need to watch more closely :P 18:34:35 rino had a block frequeny monitor, not sure id still up 18:35:39 But blocks are sometimes like 2x and sometimes less than half. When we had oscillating 1.5gh a couple years ago, it was a lil obnoxious 19:56:26 Please vote on the poll: https://matrix.to/#/!pBnQQFvuFhLffbKZpY:haveno.network/$dki8Q3ENddVIZ08PVaBQuThCCpYZ_yhI2wFm6-kL3DY?via=cypherstack.com&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 19:56:49 CRITICAL VULNERABILITY IN MONEROD!!!!!! 19:56:56 hope i get your attention like that 19:57:27 CRITICAL VULNERABILITY IN MONERO WALLETS!!!!!! 19:57:32 sry for spam irc 19:59:08 alright alright shortcow ill delete it 20:06:29 pardon me irc for the bad joke 20:30:35 some say lightning network is more private than monero 20:31:18 great_taste well i hope they don't use it for illicit purpose otherwise the FBI investigation is gonna be quickly resolved 20:47:56 Why all CC store ALL transactions? There is no way to maintain the state without it? Im afraid of blockchain growing, because it will not fit on consumer's hdd 20:49:06 CC? 20:49:23 cryptocurrency 20:50:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> CCS* 20:50:36 Bcuz if you have old tx you have to be able to reference them to spend them 20:51:29 and be able to prove they havent been spent 20:51:57 Isn't there a danger that the blockchain will eventually grow so large that it will become very difficult to store? 20:52:22 > Why all CC store ALL transactions? 20:52:22 Because per their protocol and consensus they need to have access to all historical information to verify/emit/reject a transaction/make the cryptocurrency work 20:52:24 > There is no way to maintain the state without it? 20:52:26 No 20:52:28 > Im afraid of blockchain growing, because it will not fit on consumer's hdd 20:52:30 If you follow ArticMine on scalability, this isn't an issue. Note that there is a well known solution called "Recursive zero-knowledge proof" which can permit to prune the blockchain up to a certain height, and then you can do your work with just a cryptographic proof of the past. In theory you could keep the blockchain size to under 1MB if you wanted but it comes with caveats lik 20:52:32 e having to keep your wallet online to receive your funds, otherwise they are lost forever 20:53:32 https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/110 20:53:50 see this issue shortcow for monero research lab discussion on the topic 20:55:52 is ArticMine real not anonymous man?! 20:56:07 I see photos on duckduckgo 20:56:22 lmao no 20:56:37 he was chillin in webcam hours long during latest monero talkk 20:56:39 he was chillin in webcam hours long during latest monero talk 20:56:45 he made several presentations at monerokon 21:04:10 Is he core member? Why he doent afraid of government bastards? 21:07:57 he is core. because government isn't really interested into Core. at least yet 21:08:01 the only anonymous member of core is luigi 21:15:58 Well, now I won't sleep peacefully, but will wait for the backdoors in next updates 21:18:11 The times you fail to sleep and stay up, you can spend the time auditing commits. Then you can be sound asleep. 21:18:27 He also doesnt have access to the infra 21:19:22 infra like dns, servers, github etc 21:20:14 Or wallets 21:20:28 Yah try find it in the code 21:21:56 Someone tried to convince me that the majority of monero core developers are known informants 21:22:37 it was proven in court documents, allegedly 🙃 21:23:59 they couldnt name any, or source which court docs, obv 21:26:19 About reviewing code... I have some global ideas how to solve this problems, not only about monero, but now its only dreams, so i dont want to talk about it now. But, obviously, its requires too much time for 1 man to review all software that he use 21:28:03 What 21:29:35 Never mind 21:30:03 SAST tools exist https://www.veracode.com/products/binary-static-analysis-sast/ 21:32:59 This is the first time I've seen this program, but obviously there is no analyzer that you can simply feed another program in regular languages ​​to and get an answer whether the program is written correctly or not. 21:36:32 oh you're right i forgot 21:36:42 binaryFate does have access and isn't anon fwiw 21:41:37 cc ofrnxmr 21:41:47 i failed my answer on matrix 22:43:18 Is using Monero as user-friendly as just using Cake Wallet? 22:45:07 It is, will get friendlier when wallets support lws 22:45:23 <1​7lifers:matrix.org> monero gui wallet is for desktop users and cakewallet is to put on your phone 22:47:41 Cake wallet is also released on desktop if you like the mobile experience and don't want to use another software. 22:49:00 <1​7lifers:matrix.org> hmm i live under a rock dont i 22:50:55 It’s still beta 22:51:05 <1​7lifers:matrix.org> that explains it 22:51:19 So is monero tho 22:51:46 And so is everything in life 22:52:00 Not really 22:52:16 Plenty of 1.0+ software 22:52:52 1.0 doesn’t meant not beta 22:53:23 Cake for desktop has same version as their mobile, but doesn’t mean they label it as stable 22:59:23 1.0 is usually the first stable release 22:59:36 You can have betas after that 22:59:58 like 2.0 beta 🙃 23:03:01 I hope you are not putting your money on beta coins 23:05:35 Monero is a bets 23:05:50 There are a lot of coins on exchanges that are literal testnets 23:44:27 So xmr is stagenet if its beta ? 23:53:16 No 23:53:18 Stagenet is identical to mainnet. Stagenet is for developers to build their apps on 23:54:16 The only diff between stagenet and mainnet is volume, hashrate etc. The code is identical.