08:26:29 when hardfork? 08:28:14 should be this year 08:30:49 anyone looked into arweave, also uses randomX and has cron jobs; meaning truly internet computer what evm wanted to be 08:31:06 would be cool to sync chain snapshot from there 08:31:18 once pay upload & forget 09:03:22 hello, i am thinking to create a email smtp service (with imap/pop and smtp) 09:03:22 hosted on my private server. 09:03:24 so people with custom domain or small scale use can point their domain to our server to use smtp for free, free large no. of alias⊙dc supported. 09:03:26 wll charge little yearly fee for large scale use. 09:03:44 anyone would be interested? if i purchase and hos it on my own server 09:07:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> @siren ^ 09:18:13 ? 09:21:06 siren spotter 09:21:08 ^ 09:21:13 siren spotted 11:01:20 hi 11:02:18 hi 11:15:21 hi 11:44:28 Hello🙂 15:27:20 Hello :D 15:32:52 Hello :D 16:58:28 This is probably a huge too-big topic but I wanted to know about XMR history, especially about the way development funds were setup, what good and bad happened with that stuff. 16:59:04 I know there was a heist not too long ago that might've had improvable opsec for the wallet that got drained. But otherwise I want to know more 17:00:42 XMR is cool because there's no dev tax, and it seems like things have run 'well enough' to get a lot done, but I want more specific knowledge. anything I can read that's out there by some smart people? 17:09:26 there is nothing to read really outside the entirety of channel from the beginning of its existence 17:10:57 regarding the way development funds were setup. there was no need for dev tax because core and other early members have a decent number of monero by mining, as it happens with all cryptocurrenct 17:11:32 here for you an image illustrating the curve emission of Monero: 17:12:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/OfzOkllrCwOFYqYYcCeiGPEY 17:15:25 oh i forgot there is also bitcointalk forum 17:26:06 The main thing about funding is the FFS, where people may find someone for work done for monero (of which I was a beneficiary some years ago). 17:26:36 This is separate from the general fund, but handled by an overlapping set of people (from the core team). 17:26:59 The general fund is used at core team discretion, and has been used to contribute to the FFS as well. 17:54:34 this is what I was afraid of 17:55:20 historian is a real job 17:55:37 ofc 😄 17:57:10 so there is a general fund, set up by earlier adopters and-or core devs. and then FFS was a separate thing for bounties. what else did the general fund do? 18:00:44 Re: " this is what I was afraid of " -- what? 18:01:00 imprevisto 18:01:34 and what is FFS? I'm aware of CCS 18:02:03 https://forum.getmonero.org/ 18:04:06 immediately saw this -- https://forum.getmonero.org/7/open-tasks/91750/need-help-seeking-a-gofundme-like-platform-for-crypto -- doesn't kuno do that? how do you close it, it's like on the homepage 18:04:41 Norrin that is a museum, kept online for archival purposes 18:04:49 6 years old and listed first on open tasks 18:05:01 :D 18:05:05 ok.... so FFS is irrelevant it seems 18:05:32 at this moment in time no 18:05:53 current funding is done via tha CCS https://ccs.getmonero.org/ 18:06:15 Thanks. 18:40:06 FFS and CCS is the same thing, got renamed. 18:44:19 ah 18:56:16 I take it that XMR stored on minergate is simply gone at this point? 18:56:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ask nioc 18:59:38 I should ask nioc? (just making sure you weren't replying to another post before I joined) 19:01:59 Dan Bob, sorry I m senile and no longer remember anything about minergate 19:03:53 were you involved in minergate nioc? 19:04:33 No 19:06:56 I mined some XMR with it back in its hey day, then left it there and kind of forgot about it. Went back to have a look and found it was gone. never got an email or any notice. 19:07:25 I realize this is #monero and not #monero-pools. banned there for some reason even though I have never been in that channel. 19:12:07 Pools channel moved to a different IRC network 19:12:08 AIUI #monero-pools was banned from libera.chat because people liked to talk nazi shit or something. 19:12:58 I would consider your xmr on minergate gone 19:13:02 what was minergate? 19:13:12 A scammy "mining" site. 19:13:27 thanks for replies all, I am curious, especially in contrast to other coins with premine or dev funds 19:13:35 Was 99.9% certain it was long gone, but figured it was worth an ask 19:13:47 wanted to know more about what went right what went wrong 19:13:51 Thought to be run by the bytecoin people. 19:13:56 obviously the chain survived and a lot happened 19:15:18 There was a recent "transparency report" about general fund usage. Lemme see if I can find it... 19:15:45 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/998#issuecomment-2639093067 19:16:16 I guess it doesn't tell you much about historical stuff though. 19:44:20 thanks moneromooo 20:57:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Didnt jeffro do something with history of monero in a diagram ? 20:59:24 The other J, John, yes :D 20:59:36 Johnr365 21:03:12 Proudly linked on our press-kit page https://resilience365.com/monero-timeline/ 21:18:56 awesome! Thanks Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Qbit Advocate) Backup and plowsof 21:19:22 I'm really interesting in the funding model, but the whole history is great to know too 21:23:02 big gap between 2010 and 2014.. finney right at the heart of things as usual.. also "BitMonero is forked away from thankful_for_today, after he failed to collaborate with the community" I would look at closer someday 😄 21:39:22 ofc there is a funding gap between 2010 and 2014 as monero was created in 2014 21:40:18 and tfc did not listen to the community so it was forked away, you will still see bitmonero name in the code 21:41:19 people just worked on it and shortly after, not sure when, a donation based funding model was set up 21:42:12 that is development funding 22:17:36 Did it go bytecoin -> bitmonero (tfc) -> monero (fluffcommunity) ? 22:18:15 tft** 22:23:00 bytecoin was the first cryptonote coin and an obvious scam as they claimed that it was being used on the dark wen for years, there way of trying to cover up the premine 22:24:16 so then bitmonero was launched as the second cryptonote coin and was a more subtle scam 22:25:09 the community tried to improve it and TFT ignored and it was forked to Monero shortly after launch 22:46:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I have crs like nioc 23:05:55 there is a new bridge being worked on by DataHoarder which is still being worked on but is already wonderful 23:06:06 if you would like to see and/or test >> #p2pool-bridge-test or https://matrix.to/#/#p2pool-bridge-test:bridge.p2pool.observer 23:06:35 (or on most p2pool-adjacent channels) 23:06:52 note as well it may timeout at any point as it's running in debug - so I can look it up once I wake up. it's, as mentioned, a test 23:07:34 ^ the above message should be read as coming from me, I don't think nioc will be looking at my editor code breakpoints 23:08:28 thx will include in my next shill 23:09:22 nioc; yes I get there wouldn't be funding from 2010-2014, and thank you for speaking to the development funding, so that would be about 2014-2015 probably 23:10:58 sounds like there was a lot of attention on it in 2014, so if the original dev was being difficult or trying a scammy thing, I could understand a mass of people just working on a better fork quickly 23:11:03 I would have to look but I think the idea for funding thru donations was from 2015 23:11:16 b4 that people just donated their time 23:11:25 very cool, thanks. this has already been really cool to learn about 23:17:36 wow, 250 contributors in oct. 2014