03:02:40 Hello 03:03:23 I'm trying to find if there is a way to atomic swap xmr to btc. Does that capability exist? 03:15:32 Yes 03:16:09 Do you have xmr or btc? 03:17:04 xmr 03:18:36 gofigga: basicswap dex 03:24:02 Does this require a copy of each blockchain to perform the transactions? 03:26:27 gofigga: yes. they can be pruned though 03:26:49 the purpose of your own blockchain is so you cannot be cheated 03:27:26 Alright thank you very much! :D 03:27:46 basicswapdex.com 03:29:41 Unstoppableswaps is probably easier to use if you have btc. Basicswap for anything else 04:58:29 Guys, i want to get sn official thanks from Monero HackerOne. I want to discover a security vulnerability in Monero - ethically. Where should i begin? 05:06:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you found one or want to find one ? 05:11:41 ... want to, as a hobby. 07:38:33 have fun: https://github.com/monero-project 07:39:25 @geheerte:matrix.org 08:19:27 One possible way is to write fuzz tests for bits that are exposed to attacker control. Like parsers for p2p stuff, that kind of thing. 08:20:10 Or think about extreme/pathological cases for some similar bit of code, and see how the code would behave in those cases. 08:20:51 You can also hunt for functions where the result is ignored, and see if that gets you anywhere if you can control the return (mostly errors). 08:21:24 If you're good, you can also read code and something might jump at you. 08:30:15 how to link p2pool with interfaces 08:30:23 all packets to go from there 08:30:32 when i start p2pool after 2min network stop and the only solution is to kill p2pool 08:30:41 i have 2 network cards 08:30:50 so i have 2 interfaces 12:16:57 read their hackerone's scope? 12:49:38 i have fun thx 12:49:43 fuck wrong alt 12:56:32 @rando thanks 12:57:52 m-relay: really useful thanks. Can you elaborate on the deadend function approach? 13:00:17 How would i examine a codebase for deadend / ignored functions in an efficient manner? Which approach is optimal? 13:01:23 Edge cases 13:04:46 Just out of curiousity. Wouldn't running the entire Monero repo through a security vulnerability AI Agent checker be worthwhile. 🤣😅😂 13:08:25 Good question. Ask an AI ? 13:10:42 Lol. 13:11:44 Good answer: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/ 13:12:23 It'd certainly be able to handle unit testing, deadend functions and probably fuzzing. 13:16:51 The author complains about hallucintionatory AI security vulnerability. Regardless, there has to be a quantum of value there in the hands of a techie... 13:17:43 m-relay is a bridge, not someone you can ping 13:17:55 there a no optimal one beside experience 13:18:30 I would hate you for doing that, if you want Official Monero hackerone thx then AI is the worst way to get such 13:18:55 That is of course supposing ChatGPT doesn't hallucinate and actually find something tho good luck 13:19:36 this is cringe 13:20:12 LLMs are still unable to pass the 'GUI for haveno' test 13:20:30 indeed, simple test 13:22:05 Can a random human pass it ? 13:24:07 moneromooo i believe GUI for haveno is of human polynomial complexity 13:27:30 Ah. Human polygnomes. Those are *hard* bastards indeed. 13:30:45 My bad. I'm not suggesting file a report on everything the Agent throws up. Only as a manner of automating things like Unit Testing and testing for function errors? Apologies... 13:33:10 yeah i asked one of the bots to analyze the monero code, and it assured me that it contacted the developers to inform them of its findings 13:33:10 Well, if you wan to sift through this for leads, why not. After all, coverity is also about sifting through wrong stuff. 13:33:13 I completely failed the 'GPG Kleopatra GUI' test. That was only at logarithmic time complexity... lol 13:35:56 I spent 3 hours trying to coax a private key out of the Linux Tails version... btw: does anyone know where the Tails community hang? 14:04:49 to the roof 14:06:04 btw wtf Tails have a community now? 14:06:12 Isn't it supposed to be Tor project 14:07:11 No 14:09:02 TIL 14:43:40 LMAO 14:44:37 The Monero will be very pissed when he sees the intelligence of LLM report! 14:44:57 The Monero CEO will be very pissed when he sees the intelligence of LLM report! 14:46:02 they are now joined https://forum.torproject.org/ 14:46:57 they also have an XMPP server https://tails.net/support/index.en.html 14:48:12 Umm... That explicitly mentions they host it on Disroot lol. Where did you read that they have their own server? 15:21:50 where did I say *own* server? 15:22:18 I probably should have called it a room rather than server 15:24:07 Yeah, they do have a room. Weird to say they have a server when it explicitly says they don't. 16:44:35 At least not as cringe as the fact of selling illegal goods on Telegram/Whatsapp/Facebook lol. Could just as well use the government services website for this. 16:44:54 m-relay: funny how people comes in here to sell their products of marijuana..... seems scammy like <- 16:45:08 Just realized I was replying to a message from a long ago lol 17:53:31 you shouldn't even keep a single penny in a hot wallet, do people really not store all their crypto on an air-gapped hardware wallet that they keep hidden up their asshole and only access crypto related things from a separate device on a separate internet connection? 18:18:26 meds quick 20:08:41 https://youtu.be/3sSDQ_wLSzM?si=9s0jIT7DmsIOMTjS 20:36:09 What's the best way to find out if there's any way to swap small amounts of xmr for fiat near me? 20:37:58 Question 2: if i run my device from Guest Mode on my router. The IP address would still be the same right? Ditto for a different channel? 20:40:02 Check market places like haveno dex or even xmrbazaar 20:40:21 Retoswap? 20:40:33 Yeah 20:40:42 I'd have to install right? 20:41:20 Yup 20:41:24 On desktop 20:42:08 Install on Desktop? Can i just do a quick search!? 20:43:52 I just wish to do a quick search. No install. No config. No deposit. Etc. 20:48:48 return Xmrbazaar() != 0; 20:50:22 Err... if (xmrbazaar() == 1) { exchangeXMR = TRUE; } 20:56:40 Its a desk , there is no central server where the market is hosted 20:56:48 Its a dex , there is no central server where the market is hosted 20:57:31 Also its supposed to maintain privacy and anonymity of users 21:04:25 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/tAmsMCjLVrhGAutWHVqWZmqO 21:04:30 This was our plan, we are computer science student, we are releasing 2nd issue of monthly magazine 21:04:32 which will be distribute to most of departments of our college. the "multi-disciplinary" is just a jargon, with technology (privacy, crypto, p2p, software) being primary. let me know if you would be interested in funding this 21:33:27 Can i post dev proposals here? 21:38:08 Pornhub were banished by the Payment Gateways and the Card Processors. They use a third-party Cryptocoin payment processor now. XMR would be perfect for them. Afterall who wants Porn to show up on their bank statements? 21:38:10 Would anyone be interested in teaming up on a Monero-based payment gateway built around a needs-analysis for Pornhub's specific use-case? 21:38:12 I'd handle the business side and contribute some code. Would any experienced devs be interested in exploring this? Maybe an xmrchat fork? 21:39:00 Its self hostable. Its not a fork, its just a self hosted instance 21:39:07 Go ahead and follow the docs and host it 21:40:54 "If you wish to travel fast - travel alone. If you wish travel far - travel with company." ;-) 21:41:39 I disagree. Too many backseat drivers and piss breaks 21:41:50 + the guy who wants to go home early 21:42:18 Handling the needs-analysis and business-side would be a team effort. Throw in the dev work and it'd be too much... 21:42:59 not much dev work to deploy an instance. Just need a systems admin 21:43:19 Porn drives a huge amount of tech innovation. This has the potential to be positive for the community? 21:43:30 Or a streamer who knows how to use obs 21:43:46 I'll have to look at xmrchat 21:44:15 You can try the "official" xmrchat instance first if you want 21:44:17 Its free 21:44:57 If you know anyone, let me know? 🤔😉 21:46:00 Theres a bunch of streamers already using the official instance. Most notably monetotalk. Not many ppl have self hosted it 21:48:56 When you say 'self-hosted', it runs it's it's own monerod and handles transactions by interfacing with the Monero network? Why would it be self-hosted? 21:52:25 Apologies if this is a stupid question. Why self-host? 22:01:29 Because porn is probably a no-fly-zone for xmrchat.com's official instance 22:16:15 porn is evil - censorship is good 22:16:16 What? Why? /j 22:18:19 Payment gateways, VHS, Web infrastructure in general. It's hard to think of a global Internet tech revolution that can"'t be traced back to porn... 22:26:41 A fork of the repo. New name even. Besides, the instance would need an overhaul based on the Adult Entertaiment industry's specific needs. 22:33:06 Why dont you just... self host it 😯 22:33:37 Go head and fork the repo and modify it however you feel 22:37:14 I'm a Monero noob. Besides, you need at least 3 people to start a successful business IMHO... 22:50:59 are you coming on to me 22:54:23 I love you long-time! 30 mins (for 2 XMR only) lol 23:35:51 Rip-off 23:36:25 1.5xmr take it or leave it 23:36:47 1.5 XMR take it or leave it 23:45:20 Bro, yall charge too much 23:45:43 0.5xmr n i'm all yours 23:51:15 I'm sure they won't mind if you make your creator profile private. They already host pretty controversial people. 23:54:57 question for you smart devs - i am tinkering with a proxy for monerod to communicate with multiple nodes. for whatever reason after third request to `/getblocks.bin` my wallet hits some issue, disconnects, and has to request `/json_rpc` and start again. any ideas as to why that could be? i can share code 23:54:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/FGanHrEjlQRtuNDyPaZIRhvM 23:55:37 To proxy rpc? 23:55:52 yes 23:56:56 When you say "for Monroe", you mean, for monerod's bootstrap mode to use multiple nodes? 23:57:21 s/monroe/monerod 23:58:16 (Monerod doesnt connect to rpc, so thats where im confused abt this proxy) 23:58:48 no, my use case is to have a local service listening on port 18081 to mimic monerod so a wallet can interact with it. it's on a VPS and i don't want to purchase extra storage and download the chain for several days, i just want to be up and running. i don't want to use a single remote node, i want to be able to use a plethora (from monero.fail), so i am tinkering with a reverse pr 23:58:48 oxy to use multiple nodes 23:59:36 i think there exists software for that