00:32:02 When 0.18.4 01:07:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Very soon ™️ 01:14:13 It broke 01:15:19 first: nuked blockchain on windos 01:15:20 second: crashed repeatedly on windows 01:15:22 so, re-soon tm 01:19:02 What changes will 0.18.4 bring? Is there somewhere I can read about it? 01:19:21 no 01:19:30 cry about it 01:19:31 🚀 01:19:48 (I would also be curious to see the whole changelog) 01:21:06 I'd love to review the relevant pull requests so I can look at the code 01:22:53 Background sync 01:25:12 powpow https://github.com/monero-project/monero/compare/v0.18.3.4...release-v0.18 01:25:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pewpew sir 01:25:37 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9758 01:25:59 powow* D: 01:31:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/UhhfHUCTrAWRNrFUzFqvOIBP 02:04:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Windows defender deleting it ? 05:50:54 does xmrig-proxy support monerod's block notification feature (--block-notify '/usr/bin/pkill -USR1')? 05:55:33 discovered this interesting feature from jtgrassie's monero-pool 06:00:09 my relationships with crypto 08:43:42 plowsof Ty! 11:03:54 good morning 11:03:57 XMR pls 11:34:58 You looking for someone or a place to exchange FIAT? 11:56:34 Killercat103 due to scams, this is not the place for trading - use a trusted escrow service for fiat. 12:12:20 retoswap.com 12:20:28 for those still dealing with this ddos, you can add this to a fail2ban filter and other processes can deal with this stuff before monerod has to: CONNECTION FROM REFUSED, too many connections from the same address 12:22:07 took my monerod mem usage from 80% down to 31% 12:22:23 googefu your way into fail2ban filters 12:22:28 googlefu 12:22:53 and don't forget to play with recidive 12:23:56 this 8gb box will survive! 12:25:41 of course i say that and it just froze. lulz 12:27:09 Maybe just update your node to have the ddos fix? 12:28:40 i did. on master at least. 12:29:02 with the 1 write instead of 2 pulled in 12:29:20 it made it more stable... it kept running instead of crashing, but i had like 6k connections 12:29:33 Do you have public facing RPC? 12:29:45 nope. 12:29:58 why do you have 6k connections then 12:30:25 --in-peers 10 --out-peers 10 and you'll be good 12:30:33 gotta run though. i dunno. maybe the zmq port. i noticed i have it bound in the conf file for some reason 12:31:22 How? 12:31:46 turn off zmq port then 12:31:52 zmq is a push server, isnt it 12:31:57 at least you can check which port these 6k connections use 12:32:11 and its localhost by default 12:32:44 the fix pr limits to 100 rpc connections. 12:33:16 and p2p is 1 connection per ip 12:44:28 i wonder if its also because the node is still synchronizing? would the new http blocker not work until syncd for some reason? 12:50:34 nope it work whatever sync situation you are in 12:50:49 6K connection on RPC is unlikely because there is a limit per IP 12:51:04 6K connection onP2P is also unlikely because same 12:51:18 Effectively ZMQ is the first suspect 13:16:18 Would need zmq to be bound to 13:16:25 By default its localhost 13:18:59 Something tells me a) youre not running the fix (maybe accidentally reverted it b) youre crazy 14:20:23 c) ofrnxmr is living in a simulation 14:21:31 hello 14:21:37 this is monerochan speaking 14:21:41 need support 14:21:44 for my 14:21:45 job 14:37:08 what support 14:38:46 warning for being dumb plaiwanone 16:37:02 can i be mod 16:37:08 pls 16:45:44 Try harder 17:21:23 Yeah I wasnt going to but thanks for the heads up 18:08:44 Can the json file used to specify a wallet in monero-wallet-cli specify keys instead of seed? I've seen mention of 'key_data' in wallet2 but couldn't find the actual format 18:18:42 Hbs yes , a view only wallet can be restored from keys in the json file 18:26:21 Hopefully this makes sense https://github.com/plowsof/flipstarter-waas-wip/blob/255719c09ed2b7c33044ba73cf358607dd2702b5/app/setup_wallets.py#L323 18:27:39 Just include spendkey (i think) 18:39:20 anywhere I can find the expected syntax? 18:54:56 hbs ignore my json, you want generate_from_keys https://docs.getmonero.org/rpc-library/wallet-rpc/?h=generate_from#generate_from_keys 19:00:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gonna need a pgbouncer for monerod soon 19:04:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So you can run ntopng and map all the nodes to countries with geomind