07:19:37 is the new monerod binary out ? 07:51:26 Not yet, there's still a few more items on the to-do list: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9758 08:40:07 🤡 08:40:35 2027 T.T 08:43:05 I dont know, maybe its just me, but it seems super far away? 08:44:14 Worry not. It's *in* year 2027, not in 2027 years. 08:46:41 2027 feels like a looong way off. If fcmp will take this long, hows monero going to become quantum-proof? 08:48:01 That's the one that's going to be in 2027 years. 08:48:07 Does anyone remember that monero dev who was all about quantum-proofing asap... 08:48:46 Was that... isthmus ? They looked a lot at quantum stuff. Though not a dev strictly speaking. 08:49:38 Ive forgotten their name, but all I remember is that it starts with kayb something 08:49:53 Ah, kayabanerve then. 08:50:23 Yes, thats the one