00:19:58 its crazy to think that monero's hashrate will be 5GH/s at some point: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-hashrate.html#alltime 00:25:40 Botnets 00:28:29 5 years for 1 audit. Extremely suspicious. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a darknet administrator waiting to exit scam with Feather Wallet 00:29:23 Interesting name hahah 00:29:37 Zcash is backed by the ECC. All developers are doxxed. We can never introduce any backdoors, or else it would put the developers at risk of imprisonment 00:30:31 bonnets! 00:30:53 zcash seems to be a scam from the beginning 00:32:31 lza_menace: my seed node always seems like its being attacked 00:32:58 i just grep the logs and do a bunch of awk this's and thats to count how many log entries from each IP 00:33:12 of a particular type. 00:33:27 and then make a fail2ban rule for that kind of log entry, and then things seem better 00:33:34 Chainalysis confirmed that at least 2 billion dollars' worth of Monero usage is related to crime. It's not a bad assumption 00:33:50 Have you used the IP blocklist? 00:34:01 yeah 00:34:24 Chainalysis is getting better 00:34:30 what about wownero? 00:34:52 Wownero is used less than Zcash 00:35:36 less in usage related to crime? 00:35:50 How are they attacking your node? 00:36:00 Good bot. You want a medal ? 00:36:11 Wonero is currently broken. I've forgotten what the vulnerability is 00:36:50 that does not answer the question. zcash is broken since it's inception 00:38:16 lza_menace: , here's a nice one liner to get the ip ... groups, whatever they're called, for monerod : 00:38:16 sudo netstat -tnp | grep monerod | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d. -f1,2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n 00:38:30 subnets? 00:39:07 find ones that have the largest number, see what those are doin in your logs, and then fail2ban em 00:40:33 Fine, I won't try to persuade you 00:42:13 "The popular privacy coin Monero, although an increasingly important part of the DNM ecosystem, is not included in the analysis for this report." 00:42:14 "Many operators have since moved to accepting only Monero (XMR), a privacy coin with features designed to boost anonymity and reduce traceability. XMR activity falls outside the scope of this report." 00:42:16 Chainalysis is hiding the fact that it can trace Monero perfectly, as revealed in the 2025 crime report 00:44:31 you deserve the ***FUD Award 2025 🏆️*** 00:45:16 "DNMs received $2 billion as opposed to close to $2.3 billion in 2023" 00:45:50 All Monero I'm sure Chainalysis knows 00:46:13 How do we know how much the DNMs get? 00:46:14 They fill taxe reports or something? 00:46:41 https://www.chainalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/the-2025-crypto-crime-report-release.pdf 00:46:57 Oh lol I see 00:47:22 Not clicking on that link 00:47:26 no you don't, he linked a 135 pdf 00:47:41 135 pages pdf without any more explanations* 00:48:15 Monero was not included in that report, though. Chainalysis uses Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other transparent chains to track volume. They can then infer how much Monero is used on the darknet market. Also, darknet administrators who get busted reveal volume of Monero 00:48:56 dnm.png 00:49:44 wow! who composes 135 pages of trash. either composed by AI or by AI controlled chimps 00:50:38 These markets are stupid enough to show sales for each item. Most of them accept both Bitcoin and Monero. If an item has 30 sales, Chainalysis can track that 5 came from Bitcoin, therefore the rest must be from Monero. By combining data from OSPEAD, spy nodes, metadata from CEXes, and other techniques that have not been revealed, they can perfectly track Monero transactions 00:51:04 the main question is: "why is wownero missing in that pamphlet?"zcash 00:51:18 zcash is a bot 00:51:20 If you weren't bothered reading the report, I just summarized it for you 00:51:34 Ah yes, the spy nodes and metadata from CEXes 00:51:47 inherent vulnerabilities of Monero obviously 00:51:59 ROFL 00:52:00 >Chainalysis does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of the information 00:52:02 in this report and will not be responsible for any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies of any part of 00:52:04 such material. 00:52:27 You're ignoring issues with Dandellion++, spy nodes, OSPEAD from ring signatures being problematic, and other vulnerabilities that are inherent 00:52:30 This is the award you deserve zcash: Take real elements and assemble them into a complete lie or utter bullshit 00:53:24 ai is sophisticated but is slow in logic 00:53:38 No one uses Wonero. It's the same reason why DOGE wasn't included in the report. 00:53:38 No one uses Wownero. It's the same reason why DOGE wasn't included in the report. 00:54:14 I'm real 00:54:16 are you smart enough to read? 00:54:23 but tipping meme creators can also be considered a crime 00:54:36 I can DM my Twitter handle 00:54:51 I don't think anyone give a fuck about you 00:55:00 You're being insulting 00:55:04 But can you try to be funnier? 00:55:08 too bad 00:55:31 You're scared of the vulnerabilities, so you resort to insults. Your shill days are over 00:55:54 meownero was fixed 00:56:02 please try to keep up 00:56:19 From now on, every post about Monero will feature a rundown of those same vulnerabilities shared by the Zcash community. Good luck trying to promote a vulnerable coin 00:56:42 nioc, launch that coin! 00:57:05 lol 00:57:15 nioc, premine? I want my fair share of MEOW 00:57:16 give zcash access to the @monero twitter account 00:57:23 tsmt 00:58:13 It's on GitHub, so anyone can fork and try contributing. However, to be honest, I don't care either way. tobtoht is the only developer who is actively making contributions. Most others seem to ignore it, leaving it essentially to one person 00:59:01 \> make FUD 00:59:02 \> someone call this out 00:59:04 \> "I don't care either way" 00:59:06 \> \* more non-sense \* 00:59:17 I am currently rewriting monero in AlgolW 00:59:37 It's also signed only by tobtoht using his private key, which has a fingerprint of: 8185 E158 A333 30C7 FD61 BC0D 1F76 E155 CEFB A71C 00:59:45 zcash can you confirm if you have access to the @monero account already 01:00:01 Keep talking and I'll turn you into a Markov chain just like Mr. 24/25 01:00:28 I'm not sure. No one knows, and that's even worse for Monero. Instead of promoting products, they keep advertising and failing to report on vulnerabilities or actual contributions 01:00:59 mhm 01:01:04 i think we can be friends 01:01:05 zcash is larping hard fwiw 01:01:12 could be Juliu 01:01:15 I swear this is the russian guy who was trolling a few months back 01:01:25 yeah could be 01:01:35 This person is actually a Monero user, he's one of us for sure 01:01:42 100% 01:02:02 tho who is pitiful enough to do that 01:02:21 As I've mentioned before, I can share my Twitter handle with you. However, I'm not sure who you're referring to, as I'm actively involved in the Zcash community, not Matrix 01:03:04 zcash what is your opinion on how the monero core team scammed kewbit out of millions of dollars? 01:04:54 do you want monero to be integrated into unstoppable wallet with zcash? 01:05:39 does zcash have better music videos than monero zcash? 01:05:54 Kewbit was a scammer who used AI-generated code to deceive people. He also attempted to sabotage Monero by creating an alternative CCS variant that he controlled, reported Rust crates owned by developers such as boog and kayaba, and spread FUD. Core did not scam, but it is now largely inactive. Luigi struggles to approve merge requests 01:06:14 LLM tier response 01:06:19 LOL 01:06:32 All of this demonstrates the vulnerability of Monero's CCS system and explains why the Zcash Foundation's approach to funding is superior 01:07:08 I WAS 1000000% SURE HIS TWITTER HANDLE WAS GOING TO BE A LUFFY PROFILE PICTURE 01:07:12 zcash thank you sir , can you please compare the music videos of zcash and monero? it would show 01:07:13 mandatory 01:07:16 obvious 01:07:18 Oof the Luffy 01:07:42 I literally said that 01:07:57 "literally"is trademarked by syntheticbird, literally 01:08:02 stop writing like me 01:08:06 literally a creep 01:08:26 All I know is that there are rap videos about Monero featuring drug dealers flaunting its use on the darknet. That's not ideal 01:08:53 There was some guy in a ski mask, but I forgot his name 01:09:25 @syntheticbird:monero.social 01:09:39 I didn't see it 01:10:18 you just sound and act like a guy who would put a luffy profile picture 01:12:08 Anyway 01:12:11 The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on 01:12:46 Is this the idiot who believes that cryptography is fake and that NP = P? 01:13:16 I know him 01:13:16 I was wondering if Juliu was mentally ill or self-aware, i guess I've my answer 01:13:37 I bet you do 01:14:05 OK Kewbit 01:14:11 This 01:14:15 I'm 100% Kewbit 01:14:26 clown mask down 01:14:39 Juliu believes encryption is a hoax first and foremost 01:14:48 Only 5 real people exist in this channel, and we're all individuals who temporarily switch sockpuppet accounts to speak 01:15:20 привет андрей 01:15:47 He isn't wrong. Eventually, quantum computers will validate his claims 01:16:08 In 20 years 01:16:19 Now 01:16:27 I've a quantum computer 01:16:30 ofrnxmr: 01:16:49 Intelligence agencies have the entire blockchain being saved by people around the world. How convenient! They can easily break Monero transactions in the future 01:17:00 bro cracked the truth 01:17:02 Were all ofrnxmr 01:17:13 Unblock me on Twitter 01:17:21 LMAO 01:17:24 @In4Crypto 01:17:27 I dont have you blocked 01:18:00 Have I blocked you? I need to check 01:18:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/SRKOKokSOrxJShiGFvEIIZXs 01:18:22 I also got super_testnet account suspended for fun 01:18:31 He was spreading misinformation 01:19:17 I don't block people. Easier if they block me @rottenskunk 01:19:41 I'm larping as a Zcash account. When FCMP++ or a future upgrade for Monero arrives, I plan to transfer all my content to Monero and make the switch. I'm excited 01:20:06 the FUD guy judging someone else of spreading FUD, I gotta follow super_testnet he sounds to have good arguments 01:20:39 super_testnet is a Bitcoin maximalist who claims that Lightning network is more private than Monero 01:21:30 He's also a super testnet 01:21:35 bruh 01:22:22 @seen super_resistant 01:23:01 You also don't grasp the full scope of the Monero iceberg and its backstory, Mr. Bird 01:23:08 You're a newcomer 01:23:34 My FUD is completely valid 01:23:58 Its not tho 01:24:31 argument of authority 01:24:37 it's not your fud, it's our fud 01:24:51 It's exactly what people will use to argue against Monero. Irrelevant claims don't matter. What matters is having thoughtful, well-reasoned responses to counter these unfounded criticisms 01:25:03 we discovered it and told everybody 01:25:03 COC 01:25:14 off-topic 01:25:18 You wanted to become authority 01:25:22 I will never forget 01:25:25 Nah, what matters is "i dont care" 01:25:34 ok so I suppose you don't know what is an "argument of authority" 01:25:41 or maybe you are dumb enough to try changing the topic 01:25:52 i would bet on the latter 01:26:09 "well-reasoned responses" you said? All I can see is logical fallacies 01:26:16 like.. if you told me there was 2 rings instead of 16, what diff does it make? 01:26:32 We could reduce the blockchain growth by lowering ring size to 2 01:26:40 W/o any loss in privacy 01:26:47 Eventually, people like Bitcoiners and trolls will come around because Monero awareness is growing. They'll spread misinformation and propaganda campaigns against it, trying to ruin its reputation. Unfortunately, Nazis are already using astroturfing tactics to harm Monero's image. Peter Todd, a core Bitcoiner, is one example of someone who might try to discredit Monero too 01:27:19 I'm preparing my responses 01:27:25 Peter todd is a warmongering retard 01:27:30 And a fed 01:27:46 He said monero needs to make compromises on its ideals 01:27:47 HE IS JUST LIKE ME FOR REAL 01:28:01 Retards gonna retard, what can i say 01:28:26 I get it. He actually stated that, saying that without our shared ideology, Monero would surpass Bitcoin 01:29:03 He is highly respected by many. He has also contributed to Zcash's implementation of a trusted setup 01:29:10 soon™ 01:29:11 He was one of the key owners 01:29:30 in da woods 01:29:35 so was edward snowman 01:29:41 snowman 01:29:53 whistleblower just spawned through 1 pumpkin and two block of snow 01:30:42 wen next btc block, 40 min is too long 01:30:56 tomorrow 01:31:08 $1 fees are cheap on Bitcoin 01:31:45 lol @ the people that want 1sat to = 1$ 01:32:37 Peter Todd actually supports tail emission, but he said Bitcoin is stuck 01:33:31 He's not a stupid guy, just a fed rat 01:33:46 Yknow btc created a lot of the tech we use 01:34:11 They just dont use anything that would actually improve btc 01:34:24 Like p2pool or confidential tx 01:35:26 Satoshi had ring signatures in mind 01:36:00 Then you have coins like ltc, devs cant tie their damn shoes. Bch, wants to be everything and the kitchen sink. Doge, stuck in 2017 01:36:40 The btc amd btc fork scene is a joke. Just a free development for governments to use the code in a cbdc. 01:36:53 Monero is only project that wants to compete with fiat 01:36:54 Blockstream* 01:37:39 blockstream? No. Like 989/990 projects in the top 990 01:37:56 It's hard. Monero faces a high risk of failure 01:38:27 The other projects followed the money. 01:38:28 In doing so, they lost sight of….money. 01:38:44 preland BUTTCOINER 01:38:54 Not really 01:39:05 were like, 1 city away from world domination 01:39:21 I hang out there and discuss yeah 01:39:43 Ladies and gentlemen 01:39:50 file image.png too big to download (13245325 > allowed size: 1000000) 01:39:50 image.png 01:39:52 Edward Snowman according to Ofrnxmr 01:40:02 Monero’s values are somehow more in line with them than with the broader crypto group 01:40:07 I won't take you seriously for being actively involved with the Buttcoin community 01:40:31 AmericanScream is FED 01:40:44 Also question: why did you even know that I was in there? 01:40:48 Edward snowman 01:40:48 AmericanIcecream 01:41:02 I like the joke 01:41:03 You're in the Discord 01:41:04 very elegant 01:41:31 stalker behavior 01:41:38 As an original member of the Monero community, I have knowledge of its active participants 01:41:40 The mods are so-so; they clearly have their “power tripping” moments, though they also kinda get f-d over by bitcoin maxis and the like 01:41:42 preland pretend to be offended and call out harassement 01:41:55 Lol 01:41:57 Mr. Bird you're mentally ill 01:42:02 I am 01:42:07 👍️ 01:42:11 No offense intended 01:43:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/LUlvNowVnlcWJozDaIbFAmpX 01:43:18 "I just wanna say hello" 01:43:29 "No offense intended" 01:43:52 There's controlled opposition within the cryptocurrency space 01:44:23 M_NOT_FOUND 01:44:38 You are going to need to be more specific on, well, nearly every noun in that statement 01:44:54 monero.social is currently experiencing technical issues, with images failing to display 01:45:21 Blame ZCash backing company ECC for stopping to funnel middle east money into Element client and Matrix synapse 01:46:21 AmericanScream has a history of targeting individuals who have any association with cryptocurrency, regardless of how critical or supportive they may be. If you're even slightly connected to crypto, he'll offer you a special role or ban you from the social platforms he manages. He's even clashed with prominent figures like Coffeezilla and Crypto Critics' Corner 01:46:52 In other words, it's a FBI agent 01:48:47 Lurk more 01:49:10 Nah I was busy reading in the 20 other element channels 01:49:48 I’m already aware the Feds watch Discord 01:49:48 I mean….after war thunder, why *wouldn’t* they 01:51:09 It depends. The Feds generally don't actively monitor Discord channels unless they're investigating a specific individual without proper evidence yet. If they have evidence, they often rely on subpoenaing encrypted chat logs rather than conducting real-time surveillance. But if there's no pretense of legitimacy, they may resort to stalking 01:51:20 It depends. The Feds generally don't actively monitor Discord channels unless they're investigating a specific individual without proper evidence yet. If they have evidence, they often rely on subpoenaing unencrypted chat logs rather than conducting real-time surveillance. But if there's no pretense of legitimacy, they may resort to stalking 01:52:00 This conversation is starting to stray off-topic. From now on, let's keep the discussion focused on Monero 01:52:23 Monero Offtopic is useful too 01:53:16 When Juliu is not online 01:57:12 Who? 02:00:06 Juliu N = NP 02:00:53 I know, i was joking 02:01:42 The lines between humor and factual information are often blurred 02:02:22 Too bad you give zero factual informations, we could have at least try to laugh 02:03:03 Mr. Bird lurk. If you look closely, you will understand. I am being indirect 02:03:22 You've only been part of this community for a few years. Not enough 02:04:03 MEOW 02:04:28 Mr. Random. If you look closely, you will understand. You are the random altcoin shiller 02:04:30 you spread FUD in this community since yesterday. Not enough credibility to make me believe you were somehow there before me 02:04:32 Remember when you attempted to help with Cuprate? What happened? Let's avoid getting sidetracked by false narratives 02:04:55 Oh 02:05:00 I'm interested into your version of "fact" 02:05:03 what happened 02:05:11 enlight me 02:05:12 I'm not going to expose your personal issues 02:05:28 personal issues? 02:05:31 but please proceed 02:05:40 OFFTOPIC 02:05:56 You mean NON EXISTANT 02:06:16 what was that thingy for P2P exchange on monero? 02:06:24 retoswap 02:06:28 that shit 02:06:57 wait not this one 02:06:59 isn't haveno the same shit? 02:07:21 Yes, Retoswap is an implementation 02:07:28 retoswap is the illegal unregulated mainnet fork of haveno 02:09:55 wdym? 02:10:16 we are hackers n shit? 02:11:19 https://retoswap.com, https://haveno.markets, @RetoSwap on X, #haveno:monero.social and https://boldsuck.github.io/haveno-reto-docs/haveno-ui are good guides @fijxu:nadeko.net 02:11:32 cool 02:11:34 And additional resources 02:13:39 Note that there isn't a legitimate Haveno instance maintained by the original developer (woodser), as he wishes to avoid being targeted. There are only unofficial forks. Retoswap is currently the most trusted one, having millions of dollars in volume 02:14:27 I see 02:15:36 The majority of trading volume on Retoswap is in Euros (EUR) and originates from European markets, as many centralized exchanges in Europe have delisted Monero. However, most currencies are still supported on the platform. If you're unable to find an existing offer, you can create one yourself 02:21:49 If you're wondering why Monero is being delisted, btw, it has nothing to do with its illegality. It's actually equivalent to Bitcoin in terms of legality. Centralized exchanges are forced to delist from LE and chain analysis companies because it's infeasible to track in most cases. There are still vulnerabilities. Monero is not perfect 02:24:22 It's very costly for Chainalysis to track Monero transactions because they have to run spy nodes, hire statisticians to do OSPEAD, and hire other workers to then program implementations as seen in the Chainalysis video of custom XMR block explorers that allow decoy elimination. This approach allows them to increase their chances of identifying individuals. However, this strategy i 02:24:22 gnores the constant upgrades happening on the Monero network. That's why shutting off the on/off ramps is easier 02:25:06 DYOR. I'm just providing a little backstory 02:28:05 This includes ignoring the price manipulation tactics that have been tested. The Monero rabbit hole goes deep 02:28:56 Hopefully, this information will help steer you away from Monero and towards Zcash 02:43:24 ^ 02:43:26 > Chainalysis is hiding the fact that it can trace Monero perfectly, as revealed in the 2025 crime report 02:43:30 zcash is bipolar 02:43:51 @vtnerd:monero.social I love your work. Can you please let me know when lws is scheduled to arrive? 02:44:09 Its here already 02:44:31 I haven't reviewed it in a long time 02:44:44 Which wallets currently support it? 02:45:40 I recall that there was a CCS entry for lws just recently, which led me to believe that it was still in development 02:45:55 😭 02:46:15 Edge and mymonero 02:46:26 Are you serious? 02:46:47 Edge is trash spyware and mymonero is barely alive 02:46:57 Honeypots that do not allow running your own server 02:47:00 IIRC 02:47:24 Both allow your own server 02:47:31 Fluffy is moving onto his next fleece with Tari 02:47:44 Edge wont connect to it w/o calling home first 02:48:55 I will wait for official wallet support to be available 02:49:30 probably will be cake next 02:49:40 I don't even trust Feather Wallet 02:49:56 I'm limited to using either the Monero GUI or monero-cli 02:50:25 why 02:51:02 Not enough eyes on the code 02:51:08 Lws isnt in monero-project, so i doubt it will be impl into cli or gui 02:51:31 Possible though, like p2pool 02:51:48 If tobtoht conducts an audit of Feather Wallet in the future, I may reconsider using it 02:52:32 What about Polyseed? 02:52:53 tob will add to cli/gui 02:53:04 Trevador's repository is also not listed 02:53:30 Tevador's repository is also not listed 02:54:06 How is that allowed? 02:54:10 Randomx is a submodule , polyseed perhaps as well 02:54:47 Hes a core xmr dev who has experience with the lib 02:55:26 You know, feather was created by dsc and tob, and dsc used to be maintainer of gui, right 02:56:08 Yes, I trust dsc, but I'm skeptical about darknet tobtoht 02:57:19 I personally review every pull request submitted by tobtoht. He raises some suspicions. Personal opinion 02:57:41 I'm unable to review all of the work done on Feather Wallet 02:58:11 What kind of suspicions ? 02:58:24 He was active on Dread 02:59:31 And? 02:59:43 @zcash LWS is used by a couple of businesses currently, so it's theoretically in released state despite the lack of easily downloaded binaries. They seem to like the multiple wallet watching + webook notification features. The biggest blocker to LWS usage is probably no frontend API, like cake wallet et al use for non-lws wallets. The other is that LWS needs some plan for the carr 02:59:44 ot/fcmp++ upgrade, so there's that. The frontend API is like 40% done, the fcmp++ hasnt start yet. 02:59:46 I've commit war crimes 02:59:54 I don't understand why you guys find this weird 03:00:04 Stop suspecting my PRs 03:01:09 Thank you for the update. Will all the work be done on this repository so I can watch it? 03:01:10 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws 03:02:39 CoC doesn't count. That's not real work. You also stopped contributing meanfinglly to Cuprate. Boog and hinto are carrying the work. I'm being brutally honest Mr. Bird 03:02:44 Mostly. I started a separate repo for the frontend https://github.com/vtnerd/lwsf 03:02:50 CoC doesn't count. That's not real work. You also stopped contributing meaningfully to Cuprate. Boog and hinto are carrying the work. I'm being brutally honest Mr. Bird 03:03:15 imagine you had a talent for baiting 03:03:34 just imagine for a sec 03:03:42 I'm blocking your account from now on 03:03:52 Lurk more 03:05:26 him saying i'm lurking make me think of kewbit more than juliu 03:07:02 ofrn has surpassed you in terms of productivity. At least he is proactively updating documentation and supporting the development of BasicSwap. Your involvement has been relatively scarce. I want to assure you that my intention is not to provoke or bait 03:07:41 My last message to you 03:07:43 I think your myriad of FUD spreading from yesterday prove otherwise 03:08:00 Go on I believe in you, you can block me 03:08:34 all of which are currently funded by the CCS, other than.... these voluntary workers need to do better 03:11:14 I've read through all of his messages, and I must admit that I strongly disagree with them. Please note that this is my personal opinion. I found some connections, which led me to question his credibility. You're smart enough to work on Carrot, so don't be naive 03:11:47 I need a guy named piratechain in here. I am sure he would have nothing but the best intentions. 03:11:59 nonstop high quality monero discussion 03:13:33 plowsof You need to start by building your reputation through volunteering 03:13:57 i will try my best thank you 03:14:05 People who receive funding from CCS typically have a proven track record within their community most of the time 03:14:19 What should I do? 03:14:19 Sometimes, people like Kewbit can slip through 03:14:30 I also require instruction 03:14:38 nioc Japan 03:15:21 I mean if you've got some actual legitimate concerns about tobtoht's credability, then I'd like to hear them. But I also don't have time to stalk through all of his old Dread based on vague concerns that one guy has, of which he is also not willing to enumerate 03:15:38 はぜひ日本人向けのMoneroリソースに貢献してみてはいかがでしょうか 03:15:46 Good job ChatGPT 03:17:10 My concerns are based on my opinion and potential connections that tobtoht may have with darknet administrators. However, I don't want to make unfounded accusations, so I will refrain from pursuing this further for now 03:17:41 sounds like you already made unfounded accusations 03:19:05 LE can help found or establish them. Not my job 03:19:16 If you don't want to then why are you doing so? 03:19:53 Oh wait 03:19:57 People often recommend Feather Wallet, but I think they should exercise caution and not blindly trust the developer. This is simply my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to agree 03:20:34 Just an opinion, just asking questions lol 03:21:10 Cat remains unconcerned 03:21:39 Feather Wallet, along with Edge/MyMonero, is listed as a wallet on the getmonero.org website. Similarly, Edge/MyMonero has faced criticism from users. Feather Wallet also warrants scrutiny 03:21:57 hehe 03:22:01 he can't block me 03:22:05 behind relay 03:22:13 hehe 03:22:45 anchoc indeed marvelous unfounded accusations 03:23:08 Just an opinion 03:23:17 whats so sad is that it could have been actually genuine and somewhat real indicator if he didn't just spawned in the channel to spread logical fallacies all over the place 03:24:54 i love how in a few hours you passed from "zcash is 100% better and monero is completely insecure" to "I'm the guy that is in the monero community since the beginning, cope with it" 03:27:03 Time to be of service to Cat2 03:28:10 Monero welcomes everyone from other privacy projects. My heart goes out to them. It has to be brutal to see Monero addressing every objection anyone could possibly have about it. 03:30:11 wow anchoc 03:30:22 you managed to make him quit with a welcome message 03:30:31 incredible 03:30:36 :gigachad: 03:33:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/FpCcxEUBNhKksoGfpzMqJspy 03:40:24 tokens will reset in several hours 03:43:24 Welp now I know I have a secret admirer in the buttcoin discord server lol 04:06:55 jersey shore levels of drama 06:45:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> IRS left out feather wallet 11:37:12 zcash is back, they have a crush on us ((: 11:47:51 I guess the attacks om tob and feather make sense since it's one of the best things in the ecosystem. I don't think anyone here would suggest blind trust anyone though 12:26:50 Tor having issues? 12:34:02 It works for me. 12:40:47 Mr. tob is friends with HugBunter, has moderated the Monero Dread community for a long time, and has helped many users with technical issues that ended up purchasing drugs. Personally, I don't have a problem with this, but LE may take an interest in his activities, which could potentially compromise his identity 12:40:59 It's clear that there's a significant issue at play here 12:45:04 "helped many users with technical issues that ended up purchasing drugs" Lord help me I've probably done the same lol 12:45:29 not intentionally mind you, I just mind my own business 12:48:06 LE doesn't care. Take note of how Roger Ver, Fluffypony, Ross Ulbricht were handled in the past. They have a history of misrepresenting the truth, which can now be used to hijack Mr. tob 12:48:55 There are countless other examples like Tornado Cash developers and Bitcoin Fog, among others 12:50:02 okay? I just don't see how that's my business. LE can do what they want, we all know this 12:50:18 The main issue is that there is a clear case of 'guilty by association' linking Mr. tob to darknet market activities 12:51:18 github is public, builds are deterministic, like, people wanna spin conspiracies about people being compromised but everything is done in the light of day so??? 12:51:44 it's not like fp getting arrested compromised the project 12:51:45 Open source is not magic 12:51:57 nobody said that 12:53:25 Feather Wallet has not undergone any audits. I know that the official wallets have also not been audited, but they have been available for a very long time under lots of scrutiny. No one has really verified Feather Wallet and all the frequent commits. I'm not going to repeat my points again. You can read the rest above 12:56:00 if you don't trust it don't use it. it's been under really active development so an audit wouldn't really make sense but I think it's intended to try to fund one at some point probably after fcmp 12:56:00 and shit, it's not like you have to wait around for tob to do an audit. the code is right there. Open a CCS for funding if you're so passionate 12:56:24 It needs to be removed from getmonero.org 12:57:03 Alternatively, Feather Wallet may be placed along Edge or MyMonero as distrusted 12:57:05 speaking personally I was slow to trust feather over the GUI but trust has been built up over time, watching pull requests, participating in builds, interacting with tob, not to mention I still don't jump on new versions right away for anything but my daily spending wallet 12:57:15 lmaooooo no way 12:57:28 lame 12:57:41 "placed with Edge" u trollin 12:58:08 You seem like a sock puppet. I'm blocking you 12:58:14 lmao 12:58:19 been here for years but have fun ok 13:13:21 Monero has a Dread community? That is a bit unsettling to mention... 13:13:37 Over 60,000 members 13:14:39 But yeah, just because it has disgusting uses doesn't discredit the tool. Just like Tor itself. It's just a bit... off-putting. 13:15:08 I agree. I don't like criminals 13:16:00 Also I do visit Dread to follow some news because sometimes markets fail in funny ways. 13:16:15 like Incognito 13:16:45 how tf do people actually use those markets and live in such conditions 13:16:58 But they tend to be early adopters of new technology. John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson used high-performance cars as part of their getaways from law enforcement 13:18:25 Yeah, this is kind of fascinating indeed. Although I don't research specific markets because it is still disgusting. 13:18:32 I've thoroughly examined numerous busts. Users exhibit extreme variety. Some are high-rollers who use cocaine solely for parties, while others are drug addicts or engage in arbitrage by selling on the streets. I find investigating this aspect fascinating, though also disturbing 13:19:27 Ew, I don't read into specifics of drugs, just how OPSEC fails. Because a lot of the time it's just human error so it's amusing. 13:19:32 like the incognito guy 13:19:55 although I wonder if LE got "help" because he turned so many people against him 13:20:13 I make a conscious effort to investigate as much as possible to assist effectively 13:21:20 Are you working in police or something? 13:26:06 Bluey idk if you can see this IRC side but greeny left the room right after you asked that which, idk probably means nothing but is funny to me 13:31:38 lol 13:35:33 Sorry, my internet connection broke. I'm not LE 13:37:11 @monero.arbo:matrix.org I sent you a direct message to verify some information 13:38:50 So just to resume your concerns (according to your informations): 13:38:50 - Toboth_ is linked to DNM and drugs through Dread and is therefore vulnerable to association of guilt. 13:38:52 - Feather Wallet has not been under any scrutiny 13:38:54 Therefore your conclusion are: 13:38:56 - toboth_ cannot be trusted as he could be coerced into backdooring feather. 13:38:58 - toboth_ is legally vulnerable and one OPSEC mistake can condemn him to prison. 13:39:00 is that it? 13:40:18 That's your opinion, I've shared some additional information that might be true, and I also have an opinion on the matter 13:40:47 That's not my opinion, that's my understanding of your message. Please clarify if i'm wrong. I want yo get your opinion right 13:41:00 I won't make unfounded claims. I'm simply sharing my viewpoint 13:41:48 yes... I understood that. However it is unclear to me how your viewpoint link the facts to their conclusion 13:41:58 informations to their conclusion* 13:42:00 Lyza, please respond to my message so I can verify that you're a legitimate user 13:42:19 OFFTOPIC 13:42:23 He is a legitimate user 13:42:28 They* 13:42:40 Can we stay on topic and discuss Monero? 13:43:14 what I asked isn't offtopic as related to your messages about Monero ecosystem 13:43:20 That's asking too much man, please lower your expectations 13:43:28 tho you can feel free to say "I don't wanna answer" 13:43:39 I don't want answer 13:43:41 sounds good 13:43:55 I'm not going to mention Feather Wallet or Mr. tob again 13:44:00 alr 13:44:18 Lyza is a legitimate user fwiw as they are in the Cuprate channel 13:44:28 (i verified their handle) 13:44:43 Yes, they proved it. I'm sorry, Lyza 13:44:50 <3 13:53:25 on one hand, it would be a cool test of skill to figure out some info about a DNM and maybe help with a bust... But on the other, that might piss off dangerous people. 13:53:59 There are protections in place 13:54:30 Like eyewitness protection laws 13:54:44 It depends on the country, though 13:55:23 Some countries, like probably mexico and usa, the police are the sellers 13:55:47 Back on topic. @lordx3nu:matrix.org when will you release the darknet maximalism series? 13:55:49 greeny, idk just how safe that would be given the demographic operating there. 13:55:55 Bust the wrong person and end up on a milk box, lamp post, or t-shirt 13:56:06 Also yeah, the LE are very much on it here. 13:56:36 At least I suppose so 13:56:46 dnms sell drugs, but could/should be used for everyday goods and services imho 13:57:37 at this point they actually do sell some legal stuff 13:57:53 Yeah but mostly drugs. We're not talking about normal marketplaces that just happen to be onion and use Monero. Let's just be honest, the ones like Archetyp are so much drugs and overall gross stuff that the rest is negligeable. 13:58:03 BlueyHealer, they're not really, unless they're targeting someone. There are tools they use that automatically scrape all messages from Dread, skid hacker forums, Telegram chats, and other platforms, that they can search through. There is a bot here that automatically logs all messages on almost every Matrix channel 13:58:35 Normal MP that happen to be onion and use monero ARE DNMs 13:58:45 Think monerologs on a massive scale 13:58:52 How to be a DNM? Be on the DN 13:58:58 idk, seems more like semantics - I wouldn't associate legit ones with the term "dnm" 13:59:03 And be a market 13:59:08 it should be out in late april ! also, dark net market maximalism isn't pro illicit crime but instead a reframing of the current crypto narrative, because from the perspective of the state there is no difference between a privacy advocate and a drug dealer. 13:59:23 Good to hear 13:59:32 Technically yes. But in practice everyone would associate "DNM" with "a market that doesn't ban drug listings" 13:59:53 good. we filter out the lames. 13:59:58 I disagree. A lot of the drug dealers are feds 14:00:13 I'm not concerned with drug dealers 14:00:22 Darknet administrators are more important 14:00:28 Real drug dealers dont use crypto or postal services 14:00:50 On one hand - I adore privacy and anonymity technology, and would love to eventually contribute. On the other... We have to actually fight the people using it for crime. Usually not via breaking said technologies. 14:00:50 Real drug dealers sell to the pharmacy 14:01:10 using postal services for drugs is just cringe 14:01:11 It's impossible to stop drug dealers 14:01:19 here everyone uses couriers and dead drops for a reason 14:01:28 Darknet administrators are more feasible for LE not me 14:01:40 I'm not a glowie 14:01:44 sorry, i don't understand what LE stands for ? 14:01:48 I just research for fun 14:01:52 Law enforcement 14:02:01 law enforcement 14:02:02 Law enforcement 14:02:14 thx 14:02:21 Real drug dealers dont use crypto or postal services <- Imagine signing the paper when receiving the package. The buyer has to choice but to confess "yes I expected this box". 14:03:06 Anyway, the DNM busts show that we don't have to break technology itself to find the criminals. 14:03:21 in my younger days, i signed for random stuff all the time 14:03:30 in America, we literally have pharmacy commercials on television lol. most euros don't even know that 14:03:38 shlling ssri stuff too. 14:04:03 "this may cause heart attacks, infertility, or blindness" 14:04:46 "talk to your doctor to see if blindbrokenheart is right for you" 14:04:51 "Are you sad capitalism is killing the planet and the human spirit? let us sell you drugs for that" 14:04:56 oops I got political 14:05:34 "or are you sad that socialism is killing the fish? we have a drug for you too" 14:06:05 "is monero price getting you down? try numgup" 14:06:23 literally 1984 14:06:53 i have that 14:07:00 I love taking meds 14:07:21 Somehow I doubt people on this channel watch television 14:07:23 I'm a satisfied individual living an healthy life and I can' thank enough pharmacy companies for giving me what i need 14:07:25 But whatever... As much as it would be interesting to investigate, it would probably be the most rational to not interfere. 14:07:39 mark, yeah, adblocking doesn't work there 14:07:44 It must be a generational thing because I'm not sure I can name a friend that actually has a TV 14:08:01 I just watch through Internet for free 14:08:08 muh public pirated streams 14:08:40 Clearnet** tho, so its ok 14:08:41 Yeah - I wish I could get a Raspberry Pi to get my movies and streams on my actual TV but not found a good enough secondhand one yet. 14:09:01 ofrnxmr, onion or i2p streams would be unusable because of speeds lol 14:09:04 I'm not watching cable or watching ads but I still like to put it on the big TV 14:09:32 i generally dislike sofa so I can't imagine watching a big tv on my gamer chair 14:09:37 but yeah I basically end up connecting a whole tiny PC to it cause all the streeaming devices suck 14:09:41 I only watch the ads. the hard fork OFFTOPIC :D lolol 14:09:53 for real 14:10:03 I like to watch things with friends =p 14:10:16 oh that explains a lot 14:10:26 I don't have IRL friends 14:10:32 ): 14:10:33 unless pharmacy companies 14:10:39 they are my beloved 14:10:42 i love them 14:10:53 Yeah I just have a 10 meters HDMI cable across the living room for when I want to watch stuff on the projector with friends 14:11:18 fwiw im kidding i have irl friends 14:11:28 Which is usually just an old movie or the UFC 14:11:37 You're lucky to have a room suitable for a projector... 14:11:38 i was jk 14:11:50 whats UFC? 14:11:58 Not sure I'm lucky as much as I'm paying for it lol 14:12:21 It's MMA fights, Fork. Martial arts. 14:12:41 HELL YEAH 14:13:06 war pereira 14:15:11 @z​cash:unredacted.org: Total nonsense about tobtoht. It is completely unimportant which administrators tobtoht is in contact with. Only his work on feather and monero is important. 14:16:20 Chama 🗿 15:16:49 bridge is back \o/ 15:16:59 but with it the troll 15:17:18 well they do live under bridges so..... 15:18:34 TIL alcohol is no longer illegal and therefore I am no longer a criminal \o/ 18:41:22 Can anyone help me where to get an installer for Haveno? 18:41:32 I'm curious to try it out 18:41:53 Retoswap.com 18:42:08 Thank! 18:42:10 sµ 18:42:39 So if I understand correctly haveno is like the "engine" and there are different clients? 18:43:35 haveno is like a protocol, and you can have different networks implementing that protocol. Just like there's a monero mainnet and a testnet 18:43:50 oh ok, I wasn't aware 18:44:07 retoswap is currently the only one? 18:44:20 or is there a list somewhere I can choose from? 18:45:04 yes 18:45:20 there were three others that never managed to materialize 18:45:46 Ok, I see 19:33:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Surprised localmonero didn't do one 20:15:52 Do we yet have any explanation as to why localmonero folded? 20:17:33 yes, they gave one at the time 20:50:25 What is the Monero equivalent to blockchain, it's integrity check, 21:20:16 blockchain 21:35:19 whoa, I thought monero runs off of a sqlite table 21:35:41 and every block is added as a new entry to the table 22:00:40 they literally told people to use haveno 22:00:59 but i dont think the software was quite ready, it released like 2 weeks after the LM shutdown 22:03:53 I miss LM sm