15:52:45 Hey! Just a quick message to all monero enjoyers. I have recently launched a website with some partners and we are looking for some things to sponsor. If you have a project, or a following somewhere we would like to sponsor it! Please message me if interested. (Website is a gambling website, Unsure if i am allowed to link here so if interested please ask in messages.) 15:53:49 Hey! Just a quick message to all monero enjoyers. I have recently launched a website with some partners and we are looking for some things to sponsor. If you have a project, or a following somewhere we would like to sponsor it! Please message me if interested. (Website is a gambling website, Unsure if i am allowed to link here so if interested please ask in messages.) 15:53:50 Please note, Exclusively Monero based 15:55:29 Hey! Just a quick message to all monero enjoyers. We have recently launched a website and we are looking for some things to sponsor. If you have a project, or a following somewhere we would like to sponsor it! Please message me if interested. (Website is a gambling website, Unsure if i am allowed to link here so if interested please ask in messages.) 15:55:30 Please note, Exclusively Monero based 16:52:38 How many characters of a receiving address should you check before sending? I appreciate any links to resources. 16:54:36 4 at the begin .. middle .. and end ... then close your eyes and begin moving them rapidly left to right for at least 3 seconds. then open your eyes, which ever character is closest to your center of vision , pick this one and confirm that matches too 16:56:09 That's what you do? 17:41:20 Tbh I should probably start doing this too; there are tools out there to generate “vanity” addresses that match a certain number of characters. While the number of characters that you know in your address reduce the chances of someone being able to replicate it…..it doesn’t eliminate that chance. 18:09:54 I think I never saw an XMR vanity address generator where you could specify characters at the end of the address. 18:11:20 Also, everything beyond 6 or so wanted characters at the start gets prohibitively expensive, I would say nobody is able to easily trick you with an address they generated that has all the right 10 first characters 18:29:38 it could burn the xmr though 18:30:06 how many to check? all of them. use diff 18:39:33 It leaves less to memory 18:41:08 Same goes for onion/i2p, vanity addr lets you configure the first ie 8 chars. Meaning if you remember the 6 following that, its a low chance that someone generated it 18:41:23 much easier than remembering 14 chars 18:44:53 https://zola.ink/blog/posts/how-monero-fulfilled-satoshis-promies 18:45:09 was shared on HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43290408