localmonero05Raised 70.23 of 95 XMR
crypto_grampy[m]<localmonero05> "Raised 70.23 of 95 XMR" <- selsta... so hot right now
selstalocalmonero05: faster than I expected :D
string111[m]FYI: The big exchanges get their liquidity directly from the miners, in ETH or BTCs case they have contracts with miningpools, to keep a steady supply going.
string111[m]I am not yet too deep into XMR, but mining pools seem to be a lot harder with the non-ASIC friendly PoW. This can also hit liquidity.
IngeBut there *are* big mining pools in XMR
localmonero05selsta: It will be fully funded before Revuo 104 gets posted. I am confident.
bridgerton[m]<hagisi56> @everyone You need to join this professional and highly profitable trading chat room. It will help to improve your trading results.!!!... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…d749bc54333b6586e1c0988fc926aa6a443)
localmonero05Raised 95 of 95 XMR.
localmonero05selsta: What did I tell you? :) Congrats.
selstalocalmonero05: yay
selsta1 day must be a new record lol