bridgerton[m]<MeHow> is anyone here is interesting in volunteering work to improve (mo-xmrig and gui android miner?)
bridgerton[m]volunteering means you do some task during free time (so the whole project will take some time)
bridgerton[m]if yes then ping me
midipoetcomments and questions welcomed!
jonf3n[m]Is anyone here attending cart.dollarvigilante.com/2022-monerotopia-live ?
Rucknium[m]jonf3n: Yes. I bought virtual tickets through the Monerotopia website though, and no sign of login credentials yet. Probably better to buy through the Crypto Vigilante website. I expect that I will have to send a support email...
plowsof[m]moneromoo has been active recently, i think this ccs proposal should be payed out and moved to completed ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/mooo-2020-12.html luigi1111
onionsplowsof[m], the Monero renegade holding to-be-paid or rectified CCS proposals accountable.
luigi1111wthe hero we need
midipoetrottenstonks: replied to your comment
midipoetwould be good to get your views
idk[m]Will there be a Monero Village at Def Con this year? old.reddit.com/r/Defcon/comments/tx…on_info_for_your_planning_enjoyment I was badly under-prepared last year but this year I'll at least have a banner and a bigger stack of stickers, wherever I can put them down
midipoetidk[m]: i think the application for a Village has been submitted. it is not the Monero village though, and will by the Cryptocurrency village, as far as i understand it
idk[m]Oh good to know. I'll keep an eye out for it
mj-xmr[m]<luigi1111w> "the hero we need" <- What would The Management do without him?
r4v3r23[m]MRL meeting today was jokes
monerobull[m]CEO of Monero, explain this
» monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (46KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…qExPFWXvighXsMiivhrAOohL/grafik.png>