NorrinRaddah it's still down?
revuoxmrRevuo Monero. Issue 136: September 1 - 8, 2022. revuo-xmr.com/issue-136.html
selstacryptogrampy[m]: this will be a lot of work to integrate
malineroHi selsta, what do you mean by "lot of work to integrate" ?
selstamalinero: did you work on android specifically?
selstawhich program are you using for i2p?
malinerothe java one
selstai2p-zero or normal i2p?
malineronormal i2p
selstai meant getting this working on all OS will be a lot of work
selstabecause as far as i know the normal i2p requires java to be installed which makes it unsuitable for us
selstabut starting with android seems like a good first step
malineroI think it's impossible to have the same code for all the OS.
malineroAndroid requires to run long running tasks as "android services", which is a mechanism specific to android
malineroI've looked at orbot, and they don't reuse code between Android and IOS
plowsof$5k from the community matched by MAGIC would take the ETH<->XMR to 14kusd raised, creeping ever closer to the 24kusd goal
zounds[m]i2pd seems like it would be the way to go, but I'm not smart like some of you
monerobull[m]<plowsof> "$5k from the community matched..." <- This is literally double your crypto by sending it to us. Just like what you see in Elon musk's Twitter replies but we actually do it ;)
sgp[m]1matching cap was reached in only ~1 hour!
plowsofAnonymous strikes again with +5kusd
monerobull[m]<sgp[m]1> "matching cap was reached in only..." <- Wow, that was quick
malinerozounds[m]: imho, it's really not that simple. There's no doubt that C/C++ is better than Java, but that's just one aspect. There are lots of details left to implementation and not strictly part of the I2P protocols (SSU, NTCP, I2NP ...), exactly like the decoy selection algorithm is not part of monero's consensus. So, it's impossible to have 2
malineroimplementations that offers the same level of privacy. I can't objectively affirm that the java one is more private/secure, but that's my choice between the 2, ymmv
DanIsnotthemanBr<plowsof> "$5k from the community matched..." <- Is this the project they were talking about on monero talk?
monerobull[m]With Elizabeth? Yes