RavFX[m]why monero observer switcher to a "blow up the eyes" backgroud color? Was was wrong with block?
DanIsnotthemanBrbrb get sunglasses
plowsof11RavFX: is this a new issue? not related to monero.observer/monero-observer-dark-theme-feedback ?
RavFX[m]<plowsof11> "RavFX: is this a new issue..." <- did not see it. Just that monero observer use to have a dark theme by default and now it load with a white theme.
RavFX[m]But Thanks, I just modified my dispvm browser default setting for dark and now it work.
ossaix[m]A question . anyone know a monero wallet that let's u pay to a lightning invoice. I know cake does normal BTC payments
DanIsnotthemanBrYou want to use monero to pay through a lightening channel?
bridgerton[m]<Bon 💗> Sin
DanIsnotthemanBrYeah i m a confused too
cockliuser[m]<ossaix[m]> "A question . anyone know a..." <- You could try FixedFloat to pay an LN invoice ig
plowsof11nitter.it/WatchFund/status/1642419180124135425 waiting for confirmation if the 96.221 xmr donation to the General Fund today is legit or change 👍️
ossaix[m]<DanIsnotthemanBr> "You want to use monero to pay..." <- Yea I am travelling south America in places where they accept the BTC but want to pay using xmr
ossaix[m]Can use xmr to pay for normal BTC services but I think a lot of the sellers accept BTC lightning
plowsof11Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: also v1docq47 (if you can offer alternatives) reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/129gqj…ce=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
monerobull[m]Here, replied
plowsof11the 96.221xmr donation is confirmed legit
CidadodoMoneristI am allowed to shill my monero portuguese focused project?
Rucknium[m]Cidadão do Moneristão: Yes please do.
CidadodoMoneristThank you very much
MajesticBank96 xmr is amazing