n1ocVostoEmisio Animated Tail Emission Core Concept Video is now fully funded! ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/VOSTOEM…SIO-TailEmission-Concept-Video.html
niocThx n1oc
jonjones2000[m]What is the best way to sign monero transactions offline?
r4v3r23[m]<jonjones2000[m]> "What is the best way to sign..." <- feather wallet makes it pretty easy
r4v3r23[m]you can also do it with the cli command sign_transfer
roooooocc[m]Hi, is unsigned it 64 enough to store piconero for an application?
roooooocc[m]Or should I user NUMERIC to store the amount of piconero in postgresql?
roooooocc[m]If NUMERIC is enough, what should the precision be? Also if I use numeric, should I even store monero as piconero or can I just store it as monero?
rbrunneruint64 is what all the Monero code uses internally, so I don't think you can go wrong with that
hardenedsteel[m]monerodocs.org - I can't access any page other than main page, is it only for me?
ofrnxmr[m]Not just you