m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Thank you Duke Nukem. Love that game
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> Hey guys I just made the MoneroNodeMonitor. Its a simple go app that gets some info from monerod and then just shows it in a simple ui on port 8080. You can grab the latest linux executable from github.com/4rkal/MoneroNodeMonitor/tree/main/build . If anyone wants to test it out and provide some feedback that would be great!.
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> Need some ideas for a ui though..
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> dark AF
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> dark AF
m-relay<spackle_xmr:matrix.org> 4rkal: I haven't used visual node monitoring, but I could imagine a bunch of neat stuff someone could do. I suppose it just depends on what you want to sign yourself up for. My only real input is that dark themes rule.
m-relay<spackle_xmr:matrix.org> Without knowing what you are going for, maybe these will give you some inspiration:
m-relay<spackle_xmr:matrix.org> github.com/jnbarlow/monero-dashboard
m-relay<spackle_xmr:matrix.org> github.com/ditatompel/xmr-metrics
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> Yeah it's already dark only lol. Looks kinda shit though..
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> Xmr-metrics looks great!
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> A node monitor can have like a million different metrics and stats the hardest part is finding the most important ones
m-relay<4rkal:matrix.org> If anyone has a lot of experience with go and some free time. I would greatly appreciate it if they could just review my code to see if I'm doing anything stupid or if it could be done more efficiently. I'm quite new to go..
m-relay<siren:kernal.eu> There's also a Grafana dashboard and a Prometheus exporter github.com/cirocosta/monero-exporter#grafana
m-relay<siren:kernal.eu> I suggest looking into prometheus, zabbix and nagios
m-relay<siren:kernal.eu> Though nagios is a dinosaur
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> Checkmk