m-relay<shortwavesurfer2009:monero.social> matrix.to/#/!EgloDEIddVeJLsnQmW:mon…&via=matrix.org&via=hackliberty.org
geonicsomeone drunk-retweeting from the @monero account?
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> again
dukenukemwhat's wrong with that retweet, mr. scammer?
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> Funny, coming from the guy who still keeps using several alt accounts
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> Multiple personality
dukenukemso funny, my sides...
nioCati haz no tweeter
nioCat1 month until monero's 10 birthday/anniversary
dEBRUYNEgeonic: To which tweet are you referring? I don't see anything unusual
pigeonsj #monero