m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cats_%26_Dogs ?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> fake news
m-relay<lm:matrix.baermail.fr> Hey how can I get in touch with the writer of themoneromoon.com ?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> johnfoss68 or johnfoss69
m-relay<lm:matrix.baermail.fr> thanks
m-relay<lm:matrix.baermail.fr> johnfoss68: johnfoss69 A small correction for your latest newsletter. If you could rename Gupaxx version from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 and correct the link to it, since I renamed it shortly after because it made more sense (1.5.4 is now just a tag) 🙏
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> dEBRUYNE: Can you post about the MRL-recommended spy node ban list from the `@monero` Twitter account? monero-project/meta #1124
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> what
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> he is the owner of @monero
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> he is the owner of @monero?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> doxxed
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> for real
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Wizard of oz wears no clothes
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> I would have expected a plot twist not gonna lie
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> x.com/MoneroKon/status/1869794622450610633
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Just a guess
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Based on libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20240706#c396932-c396939
nioCatisn't there a monero - twitter room on matrix
nioCatmaybe you asked there already
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Yes, I asked there a week ago.
nioCatdid you mention that this would be a very exciting announcement? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nioCatguess we need another tweeter account @realmonero
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> @therealmonero
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Mrl have a twatter account ?
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Maybe qbit took it ??
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> lets pencil in a meeting for this Saturday 21st (not 23rd). XMRchat had some breakthroughs - TipXMR have handed over the torch, backed out of their open CCS, and there some other great ideas to present monero-project/meta #1130
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> plowsof: would like to highlight in meeting… Monero Hackerspace Survey- s.42l.fr/XMRhackerspace
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> And progress of bounties.monero.social/posts/159/10…ss-monero-point-of-sale-android-app
plowsofajs my heart goes out to you having attempted to get people to fill in a survey once before... i promise to complete it tomorrow
m-relay<rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Re: OpenMonero, see comments in bitcointalk forum. bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5522702.new#new