m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> We're excited to announce Monerokons call for presentations! Deadline 24th March! reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1j4u89…ferenco_2025_call_for_presentations
NorrinRadd"with me" 🤣
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> github.com/everoddandeven/monerod-gui/releases/tag/v1.2.0-1
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> "Move to Tauri" soon™️
dukenukemplowsof: thanks for sending the letter. decrypted OK. For how-to, refer to upstream repositories' README's files and copy paste templates from your repository's README?
dukenukem<@plowsof> Thanks for the pong dukenukem, after i add a license file to the irc bot incan get on that
dukenukemI thought you were indeed going to add a muh license to it! :-P ... and for some odd reason understood you were going to add a readme as well. Must've mixed sentences up.
NorrinRaddwho died