revuoxmrRevuo Monero Issue 231: March 9 - 16, 2025. revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-231
dukenukemplowsof: it seems to be working. 🥹 ^^
dukenukemplowsof: you had paid for that pluja paid nostr relay and the revuo nsec, right?
m-relay<kmkpxgfjcz:matrix.org> How to use
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…matrix.org/xFUpzHDEqwhWzmYQfVlYECsq
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> before i get accused of being a communist (lol?) again: XMRGlobal, you are free to bribe the mod team to smuggle these garbage shill post through automod (15 xmr per post, we are 3 active mods, 5 for each :D)
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> obviously /s
m-relay<aremor:matrix.org> They somehow got Twitter to spam their cap too, even though you don’t follow them
m-relay<aremor:matrix.org> They somehow got Twitter to spam their crap too, even though you don’t follow them
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> hmm
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> site looked sus, now ...
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> spamming
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> I could come around to pay a little to get access to all the garbage that hammers the Monero subreddit all the time ... mind you, not becoming a mod, Heaven forbid, just a way to satisfy my curiosity and see things like in this screenshot. Can give really important background info.
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> New subscription: pay to not get spam posts
ErCiccionesgp: Hi, could you clarify the differences between your research firm "Moonstone Research" and a chainanalisis company that tracks Monero users and transactions for profit?
ErCiccioneFrom the website: "Moonstone Research Provides Actionable Reports and Tools for Tracing Transactions". This sounds a lot like a chainanalisis company offering tools to track Monero transactions.
ErCiccioneIf that's the case, isn't this a big conflict of interests, considering your involvement in the community? Thanks in advance
ErCiccione"Moonstone Research products may be covered by one or more pending patents. ". Could you also clarify what tracking tools you have developed and patented if any?
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> sgp playing the long game
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> eventually he'll sue chainalysis companies into bankruptcy for patent infringement
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> :P
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> nintendo will sue sgp
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> people don't realize it yet but with nintendo lawyer every patents can be related to "catching cute creatures into small balls" patent
NorrinRaddgeneral fund balance trends up and down over the years?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Up, obv
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> (Cuz its minimaly used to fund development)
niocWill be used to wholly fund the upcoming contest to optimize/speedup FCMP++
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> Nice
dukenuke1321bob321 sus but they sponsor kon?
dukenuke1What is the screenshot the Matrix plebs uploaded anyways? What did Global do now?
m-relay<lordx3nu:matrix.org> Tornado Cash removed from Ofac sanction list: home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sb0057
NorrinRaddthe wild world of propaganda
NorrinRaddslander their name to get what you want
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Mbll showed 4 new post shilling xmrglobal from “customers” similar to what openmonero does in monerotopia room.
dukenukem321bob321 I see, interesting...
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> But you and midi tested it ?
dukenukemYes ?
dukenukemAnd it worked ?
dukenukemWhy are we closing sentences with questions now ?
dukenukemNow I want to test another one of these, but haven't found the one volunteer yet. :)
niocis xmrglobal sponsoring monerokon?
dukenukemThey already paid.
dukenukemthey are on website.
niocare you going to monerokon rotten(?)
dukenukemnioc: maybe?
nioci hope to
19 minutes ago