ndorfThe export_transfers CLI wallet command truncates integrated addresses in the output csv file to 100 characters. I assume this is undesired, but thought I'd check here before filing a bug?
xtuxyatlmdfzWhat kind of person steals from own community? shorturl.at/jmDM4 Your own leaders are laughing at how stupid you are falling for thier 'Magical Crypto Friendship'.
ebdvxkseWhat kind of person steals from their own community? removeddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d…ds_to_give_up_his_commit_access_and (changed link to removeddit since /r/monero mod removed to try to cover it up - maybe fluffy himself?)
hycoh great, PyPI repos abused arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/06/cou…00-downloads-installed-cryptominers
hycstrange that they'd choose to target gpu mining
sarangmatplatlib, eh...
Guest34Hi everyone!
gingeropolouswassuuuupp and gone
selstaAt what point does the shared ringdb folder get generated? Trying to add setRingDatabase to wallet2_api
moneromoooIt's also written to when sending a tx.
moneromoooAnd on some commands like set_ring etc.
igmnzpprbinbDid you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin?
selstaHow would I set this from wallet2 api? github.com/monero-project/monero/bl…/master/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp#L497
selstaSetting `set_ring_database` before wallet opening seems too late as it already gets created in the default location.
selstaAdding a function arg to `make_basic` for a shared ring db path feels wrong.