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selsta_[14:36:14] mj-xmr: will take a look later
mj-xmr[14:38:24] Thanks for confirming. No rush from my side, as I already will be using 1.76 for my local builds, so I won't break anything.
mj-xmr[14:50:14] selsta_: the libwallet-merged is no more. Does it still make sense to run the libwallet-ubuntu job and keep the BUILD_GUI_DEPS option?
mj-xmr[14:50:22] Occurrences of the variable:
mj-xmr[14:50:23] paste.debian.net/1203470
selsta_[14:51:15] hmm
mj-xmr[14:51:49] From what I see there's a lot of various stuff done under this var.
mj-xmr[14:53:39] libwallet_api_tests is the most prominent one. The rest is mostly about installation directory.
mj-xmr[14:54:38] of the libwallet.
mj-xmr[14:57:27] And I'm not really sure if the libwallet_api_tests are really being executed. At least not automatically.
selsta_[14:57:28] I still want to test if libwallet compiles correctly, will have to check how to do this
selsta_[14:58:18] (these files here)
mj-xmr[15:02:16] this dir is now unconditionally included by the parent CM.txt file:
mj-xmr[15:05:53] I'm not sure if it was different, but the BUILD_GUI_DEPS in this case was responsible for merging the library.
mj-xmr[15:07:15] So what I take from it, is that the variable shouldn't be removed, neither the job, but the installation directives sound like good candidates for now, since no libwallet is being produced anymore.
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