moneromoooselsta: done
dEBRUYNEThoughts on performing a scheduled network upgrade at the end of the year (e.g. end of November) with BP+ and a minor ring size bump?
sech1that would be more than a year since the last fork, so it makes sense
ErCiccionewe were discussing a hard fork during the last MRL meeting. Maybe there are logs somewhere.
Rucknium[m]Is there a plan to update the vulnerability response process, given fluffypony's legal situation?
moneromooomonero-project/meta #598; for the login, you'll want a core team person.
coinstudent2048[MRL log from monerologs: libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20210804
selsta.merge+ 7786 7792
selsta.merge+ 7795
utxobr[m]sounds like monero-project/monero #7834 can be closed
dEBRUYNESomeone on Reddit asked me if this account can be added to the approved submitters list for the monero repository? github.com/crocket
dEBRUYNEThe user would like to open an issue
luigi1111wI don't think it should be blocked anymore
RustyLumberjack[does anyone know the absolute smallest amount of xmr you can send?
RustyLumberjack[after tx fees
RustyLumberjack[trying to debug something and want to send a lot of micro transactions
hycsmallest denomination is a piconero, 10^-12
hycbuilding on ubuntu 21 needs some tweaks. libzmq uses strlcpy which is no longer in libc, it moved to libbsd