MeowingCatis there a way to recover wallet from private seeeeed in wallet2 API?
plowsoflets get ctrl+fing for restore_deterministic_wallet or deterministic
MeowingCatplowsof, you mean wallet2_api.h?
MeowingCatvirtual bool isDeterministic() const = 0;
MeowingCatthere is only this
plowsofyou're getting closer, lets try searching for 'restore' meow
MeowingCati think i can use my MoneroSharp thingg to get 24 words from private seed
MeowingCati added EncodeMnemonics() to my library
welcomeworld[m]MajesticBank: you the real one?
selstakayabaNerve: can you put on one last approval squashed the commits? monero-project/monero #8149
selstawanted to change the sentence but i guess you know what i mean...
kayabanerve[m]Probably a few hours selsta, if it's not urgent, but then yep :)
selstanot urgent, just adding it to the merge queue soon
real_me[m]Is there anything like Coinjoin for Monero? Would it be possible? I don't ask because of the anonymity of course but because merging transactions could help reduce the size of the blockchain.
rbrunnerThere once was a serious attempt to implement something very similar which was dropped, as far as I know, because no way was found to hide in the resulting
rbrunnertransaction who delivered which output(s)
rbrunnermoneromooo knows more :)
UkoeHBreal_me[m]: there is TxTangle in ZtM2 (last chapter), which should solve the problems with prior proposals
UkoeHBbut it is not implemented, and probably won't be (a ton of difficult/advanced work for something that would have low adoption)
UkoeHBAlso, I don't think you would reduce avg tx sizes (per output) by too much. You'd be batching bulletproofs more, but CLSAGs aren't batchable.
real_me[m]I see. I didn't know about ZtM2, only about Mastering Monero. Thanks for the info!
real_me[m]* I see. I didn't know about ZtM2, only about Mastering Monero. Thanks for the info!
moneromoooIn the scheme I know about, the real spends were leaked to the other participants (not the the world at large).