chillbruhHey, not sure if this is the right room for this, if not could someone point me to the right place? I have a "private" (i.e. no port-forwarding, only accessible within my network, and rpc is restricted with a login) monero node running on my local raspberry pi server. Everything works mostly right, except I can't seem to exit or close the monero daemon when I don't want it running. The full command I'm using is `./monerod --rpc-bind
chillbruh192.168.x.x --rpc-bind-port 18081 --rpc-login=someUserName:somePass exit`. Doing this command, it'll say "Error: Daemon did not stop-- rpc_request:". The only way to exit the program has been to forcibly kill the monerod process. I can get this same command working with say `status`, but I can't use `exit`.
moneromoooogdb into the process after that, see if it's stuck on some mutex somewhere, or just timing out.
moneromooooYou might need a debug build for good enough info.
moneromooooYou can also set log level to 2 or even higher right before the exit command, might give hints.
chillbruhSetting log level to 2 outputs:... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…70a2fdf5250afdb128805fa7092314efa6d>)
moneromoooo404 likely means the daemon is running in restricted mode.
moneromooooIf you need this, you can have a restricted port and an unrestricted port.
chillbruhWell, I was able to get a stop signal sent. Had to check my config file, and I realized that while I did have a restricted port and an unrestricted port, I was using the wrong port number for the stop signal... Previous attempts were at 18081 and 18080, when in reality I only have 18081 and 18082 set, 18082 being the unrestricted port.
chillbruhThanks for the help! I feel like an idiot now lmao