xmr-prselsta opened pull request #8700: daemonizer: don't uninstall windows service on exit
woodser[m]1selsta: mac
woodser[m]1I'm getting undefined references to protobuf during the final linking on a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04
woodser[m]1I've run `sudo apt update && sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler` so I'm not sure how the link is wrong?
woodser[m]1nevermind it needs the PR to fix static builds on ubuntu, #8564
selstawoodser[m]1: do you have the same issue with release binaries?
woodser[m]1not that I've seen, but I see this issue on a local testnet so wouldn't be able to recreate with release binaries
woodser[m]1now I'm trying to install monero-project on windows msys2, but getting these errors like a basic dependency isn't installed. maybe someone has an idea?... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…909a64504500234270e7a9ada6413fdf5a2>)
selstawoodser[m]1: 8682
woodser[m]1thanks, that works