selstait was my mistake, I added it without checking
selsta(I usually do check CI before adding to the merge queue)
jeffro256[m]selsta what would be nice is to have a little IRC bot like xmr-pr except that it keeps track of which PRs each dev wants to be reviewed the most
jeffro256[m]What do each of y'all want to be reviewed the most?
selstagithub labels?
jeffro256[m]> .jeffros-wishlist
jeffro256[m]"Better than Amazon wishlists!"
jeffro256[m]> github labels?
jeffro256[m]Is there a way to limit the number of labels created by one person?
chesterfield[m]Dot voting is a good way of dealing with large lists of options
chesterfield[m]You could give certain people dot privs, x number of dots, and you just .dot #6969 #1234 #9696
chesterfield[m]And it adds labels in GitHub
moneromoooJust remove that patch. It is not needed, it was just a "warn caller on obvious mistake". I'd forgot one call was weird...
selsta.merge+ 8736