m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> I am trying to figure out which transactions on the blockchain use nonstandard fees. Standard fee levels change when there is congestion on the blockchain. On stagenet, which had recent congestion, I tried to: 1) start with a synced chain, 2) remove one block with pop_blocks, 3) request get_fee_estimate of the 4 fee levels through RPC. Then loop through popping blocks one by one, <clipped message>
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> back to the earliest block height I am interested in.
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> It seems to work. I get higher fees on blocks near the congestion. Is there anything wrong with this procedure that I'm not seeing?
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Oh, and monerod is set to --offline mode whhile popping blocks of course