m-relay<xfedex:matrix.org> Hello. Does the Monero RPC return double_spend_seen as true if the transaction is included in the current best blockchain, but was a double spend? Or it's true only if the transaction is not included in the current blockchain?
sech1double_spend_seen is set for transactions in mempool. Monero node rejects double spend transaction and marks "double_spend_seen" for the transaction that was added there first
m-relay<xfedex:matrix.org> Thank you very much.
m-relay<xfedex:matrix.org> So it's relatively safe to accept Monero with zero confirmations, as long as double_spend_seen is false! Very nice feature.
sech1Double spend transactions don't propagate to all nodes, so you're not guaranteed to see it
m-relay<xfedex:matrix.org> Is it guaranteed that, if a coinbase transaction is not in the current best blockchain, and so it's an "orphaned", when querying the daemon about that transaction, it provides no result with the get_transactions RPC call?
sech1Coinbase tx? It shouldn't exist anymore if it was orphaned
sech1Regular orphaned transactions are returned to the mempool
m-relay<xfedex:matrix.org> all right, thank you very much