m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> there are many sprinkled all over the monero community
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> monero-cpp provides a c++ wrapper
moneromoooIs there a wrapper for monero-cpp ? I wonder how did it goes.
moneromooohow deep.
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> its turtles all the way up
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> yeah there are two wrappers, one in java and one in typescript :)
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> can you link one
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> looking for a C wrapper to use with dart ffigen
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> it doesnt support c++ directly
hycall of libwallet needs to be rewritten in C. C++ can't be easily used from many languages
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> sure I could. but I am too lazy. just read the source code of the open source wallets out there. like cake wallet for example. I could link you too the exact file as I read ... but I am not google / the github search bar
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> sure I could. but I am too lazy. just read the source code of the open source wallets out there. like cake wallet for example. I could link you to the exact file as I read it ... but I am not google / the github search bar
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> jesus youre unsufferable
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> anyway we got a wallet2_api.h C wrapper working - will make it available once its ready
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> be more grateful. I served you the food. I am not going to fill the spoon and move it into your mouth.
m-relay<rottenwheel:kernal.eu> Get a room you two. Take it to offtopic or PM.
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> you are invited too. lets have a threesome. I think there was also a CCS funded project that created one as part of the molly integration
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> surely the people of afghanistan need your help more than i do
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> pls never answer me again, i wouldnt want to take your previous resource and time away from those who truly need it
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> pls never answer me again, i wouldnt want to take your precious resource and time away from those who truly need it
m-relay<spirobel:monero.social> okay enough with the positivity. This is the monero dev channel and not a san francisco bath house. get back to work
m-relay<unkn8wn69:matrix.org> Some Molly and a threesome sounds like a good night to me