m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> I have thought about it way before you said and it is really needed, we are fighting with the hell of wallet2. I am trying to implement a "real" Monero library for Rust: github.com/monumexyz/libmonero
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> Almost every "library" is just a wrapper of wallet2. It is hilarious.
rbrunnerI think if you are serious and go for it it could do no harm to coordinate with the Cuprate and Serai people, to join forces and to not implement things twice.
hychow accessible is rust from other programming languages? IMO it's still not as portble and usable as C, for libraries.
hycif you're going to go thru the trouble reimplementing wallet2, do it in a language that everyone can utilize...
rbrunner... and we all know more or less the only language that need apply, right? :)
hycif there was a better candidate, we would use it, yeah?
hycjust like - it was idiotic to write a network router in java ...
rbrunnerWell, I guess nobody will stop those Rust fans implementing things in Rust. Might well do it with the least damage, and the highest chance for success. Which means cooperate.
rbrunnerI wonder anyway whether they already had a good look at Seraphis and Jamtis and what it would mean to have that in Rust as well ...
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> I am not as professional as them, but will definitely help Cuprate and Serai to fasten them.
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> does monero have a spec
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> separate from the implementation and white paper
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> like how tor has tor-spec.txt
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> eg for the format of blocks
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> or is that inherited from cryptonote or something
m-relay<rasdf:w33b.cloud> idk