m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> does -dev have any opinions/feedback for the cuprate proposals in the CCS ideas section? repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/422 repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/431
m-relay<tbcode:matrix.org> Not sure if this is the right place but does anybody know where I can get the sc_reduce32 function for Java/Kotlin?
m-relay<tbcode:matrix.org> Despite generating 256 bit EdDSA keys for the hexadecimal seed, llcoins.net generates a different private spend key. Any guidance will be appreciated
m-relay<tbcode:matrix.org> For context I'm using Bouncy castle to generate EdDSA ed25519 keys and I'm wondering if the keys that are being generated are not compatible thus needing the sc_32 function to work.
rbrunnerAs far as I remember Monero wallets will reduce themselves if you enter a seed for such a private key that is "too large". It will be confusing however because the resulting seed is different, but nothing really bad happens.
rbrunnerI think if you find an arbitrary-precision number Java library you can calculate modulo with that ed25519 number. Won't be fast, but ok for single keys.
rbrunnerBut well, maybe somebody who knows more about that stuff will chime in :)
rbrunnerwoodser, who builds Haveno in Java, may know where to find that function
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> if you're not able to find a function in a library and it's critical, it can probably be bridged from crypto-ops.c to java through jni without much trouble, which the monero-java library can provide a framework for
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> jeffro256: one issue with your zmq proposal is that the blocks will be reported over zmq before the txes. The current order is intentional too. From the docs: "The Monero daemon also ensures that txpool_add events are sent before chain_* events"
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> If you know a little about Rust, take a look at github.com/monumexyz/libmonero/blob/main/src%2Fcrypt%2Fed25519.rs#L12
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> You can also use LLMs for converting this to Java/Kotlin, it would be much easier
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> The lib I sent also has full implementations and descriptions for all type of key derivation amd convertion, you can also take a look at them.
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> The lib I sent also has full implementations and descriptions for all type of key derivation and convertion, you can also take a look at them.
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> I am planning to make libmonero available to other languages via FFI but don't have time yet.
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> I am planning to make libmonero available to other languages like Kotlin via FFI but don't have time yet.
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> Using an LLM to generate cryptographic code sounds like you WANT to screw up those private keys...
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> This not private key operation, just byte reducing. Not a big deal.
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> This is not private key operation, just byte reducing. Not a big deal.